import chalk from "chalk"; import fsExtra from "fs-extra"; import os from "os"; import path from "path"; import { BUIDLER_NAME } from "../constants"; import { ExecutionMode, getExecutionMode } from "../core/execution-mode"; import { getRecommendedGitIgnore } from "../core/project-structure"; import { getPackageJson, getPackageRoot } from "../util/packageInfo"; import { emoji } from "./emoji"; const CREATE_SAMPLE_PROJECT_ACTION = "Create a sample project"; const CREATE_EMPTY_BUIDLER_CONFIG_ACTION = "Create an empty buidler.config.js"; const QUIT_ACTION = "Quit"; const SAMPLE_PROJECT_DEPENDENCIES = { "@nomiclabs/buidler-waffle": "^2.0.0", "ethereum-waffle": "^3.0.0", chai: "^4.2.0", "@nomiclabs/buidler-ethers": "^2.0.0", ethers: "^5.0.0", }; async function removeProjectDirIfPresent(projectRoot: string, dirName: string) { const dirPath = path.join(projectRoot, dirName); if (await fsExtra.pathExists(dirPath)) { await fsExtra.remove(dirPath); } } async function removeTempFilesIfPresent(projectRoot: string) { await removeProjectDirIfPresent(projectRoot, "cache"); await removeProjectDirIfPresent(projectRoot, "artifacts"); } function printAsciiLogo() { console.log(`888 d8b 888 888`)); console.log(`888 Y8P 888 888`)); console.log("888 888 888")); console.log("88888b. 888 888 888 .d88888 888 .d88b. 888d888") ); console.log('888 "88b 888 888 888 d88" 888 888 d8P Y8b 888P"')); console.log("888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 88888888 888")); console.log("888 d88P Y88b 888 888 Y88b 888 888 Y8b. 888")); console.log(`88888P" "Y88888 888 "Y88888 888 "Y8888 888`)); console.log(""); } async function printWelcomeMessage() { const packageJson = await getPackageJson(); console.log( chalk.cyan( `${emoji("👷 ")}Welcome to ${BUIDLER_NAME} v${packageJson.version}${emoji( " 👷‍" )}‍\n` ) ); } async function copySampleProject(projectRoot: string) { const packageRoot = await getPackageRoot(); await fsExtra.ensureDir(projectRoot); await fsExtra.copy(path.join(packageRoot, "sample-project"), projectRoot); // This is just in case we have been using the sample project for dev/testing await removeTempFilesIfPresent(projectRoot); await fsExtra.remove(path.join(projectRoot, "")); } async function addGitIgnore(projectRoot: string) { const gitIgnorePath = path.join(projectRoot, ".gitignore"); let content = await getRecommendedGitIgnore(); if (await fsExtra.pathExists(gitIgnorePath)) { const existingContent = await fsExtra.readFile(gitIgnorePath, "utf-8"); content = `${existingContent} ${content}`; } await fsExtra.writeFile(gitIgnorePath, content); } async function addGitAttributes(projectRoot: string) { const gitAttributesPath = path.join(projectRoot, ".gitattributes"); let content = "*.sol linguist-language=Solidity"; if (await fsExtra.pathExists(gitAttributesPath)) { const existingContent = await fsExtra.readFile(gitAttributesPath, "utf-8"); if (existingContent.includes(content)) { return; } content = `${existingContent} ${content}`; } await fsExtra.writeFile(gitAttributesPath, content); } function printSuggestedCommands() { const npx = getExecutionMode() === ExecutionMode.EXECUTION_MODE_GLOBAL_INSTALLATION ? "" : "npx "; console.log(`Try running some of the following tasks:`); console.log(` ${npx}buidler accounts`); console.log(` ${npx}buidler compile`); console.log(` ${npx}buidler test`); console.log(` ${npx}buidler node`); console.log(` node scripts/sample-script.js`); console.log(` ${npx}buidler help`); } async function printRecommendedDepsInstallationInstructions() { console.log( `You need to install these dependencies to run the sample project:` ); const cmd = await getRecommendedDependenciesInstallationCommand(); console.log(` ${cmd.join(" ")}`); } async function writeEmptyBuidlerConfig() { return fsExtra.writeFile( "buidler.config.js", "module.exports = {};\n", "utf-8" ); } async function getAction() { const { default: enquirer } = await import("enquirer"); try { const actionResponse = await enquirer.prompt<{ action: string }>([ { name: "action", type: "select", message: "What do you want to do?", initial: 0, choices: [ { name: CREATE_SAMPLE_PROJECT_ACTION, message: CREATE_SAMPLE_PROJECT_ACTION, value: CREATE_SAMPLE_PROJECT_ACTION, }, { name: CREATE_EMPTY_BUIDLER_CONFIG_ACTION, message: CREATE_EMPTY_BUIDLER_CONFIG_ACTION, value: CREATE_EMPTY_BUIDLER_CONFIG_ACTION, }, { name: QUIT_ACTION, message: QUIT_ACTION, value: QUIT_ACTION }, ], }, ]); return actionResponse.action; } catch (e) { if (e === "") { return QUIT_ACTION; } // tslint:disable-next-line only-buidler-error throw e; } } export async function createProject() { const { default: enquirer } = await import("enquirer"); printAsciiLogo(); await printWelcomeMessage(); const action = await getAction(); if (action === QUIT_ACTION) { return; } if (action === CREATE_EMPTY_BUIDLER_CONFIG_ACTION) { await writeEmptyBuidlerConfig(); console.log( `${emoji("✨ ")}${chalk.cyan(`Config file created`)}${emoji(" ✨")}` ); return; } let responses: { projectRoot: string; shouldAddGitIgnore: boolean; shouldAddGitAttributes: boolean; }; try { responses = await enquirer.prompt([ { name: "projectRoot", type: "input", initial: process.cwd(), message: "Buidler project root:", }, createConfirmationPrompt( "shouldAddGitIgnore", "Do you want to add a .gitignore?" ), createConfirmationPrompt( "shouldAddGitAttributes", "Do you want to add a .gitattributes to enable Soldity highlighting on GitHub?" ), ]); } catch (e) { if (e === "") { return; } // tslint:disable-next-line only-buidler-error throw e; } const { projectRoot, shouldAddGitIgnore, shouldAddGitAttributes } = responses; await copySampleProject(projectRoot); if (shouldAddGitIgnore) { await addGitIgnore(projectRoot); } if (shouldAddGitAttributes) { await addGitAttributes(projectRoot); } let shouldShowInstallationInstructions = true; if (await canInstallRecommendedDeps()) { const recommendedDeps = Object.keys(SAMPLE_PROJECT_DEPENDENCIES); const installedRecommendedDeps = recommendedDeps.filter(isInstalled); if (installedRecommendedDeps.length === recommendedDeps.length) { shouldShowInstallationInstructions = false; } else if (installedRecommendedDeps.length === 0) { const shouldInstall = await confirmRecommendedDepsInstallation(); if (shouldInstall) { const installed = await installRecommendedDependencies(); if (!installed) { console.warn("Failed to install the sample project's dependencies") ); } shouldShowInstallationInstructions = !installed; } } } if (shouldShowInstallationInstructions) { console.log(``); await printRecommendedDepsInstallationInstructions(); } console.log( `\n${emoji("✨ ")}${chalk.cyan("Project created")}${emoji(" ✨")}` ); console.log(``); printSuggestedCommands(); } function createConfirmationPrompt(name: string, message: string) { return { type: "confirm", name, message, initial: "y", default: "(Y/n)", isTrue(input: string | boolean) { if (typeof input === "string") { return input.toLowerCase() === "y"; } return input; }, isFalse(input: string | boolean) { if (typeof input === "string") { return input.toLowerCase() === "n"; } return input; }, format(): string { const that = this as any; const value = that.value === true ? "y" : "n"; if (that.state.submitted === true) { return that.styles.submitted(value); } return value; }, }; } async function canInstallRecommendedDeps() { return ( (await fsExtra.pathExists("package.json")) && (getExecutionMode() === ExecutionMode.EXECUTION_MODE_LOCAL_INSTALLATION || getExecutionMode() === ExecutionMode.EXECUTION_MODE_LINKED) && // TODO: Figure out why this doesn't work on Win os.type() !== "Windows_NT" ); } function isInstalled(dep: string) { const packageJson = fsExtra.readJSONSync("package.json"); const allDependencies = { ...packageJson.dependencies, ...packageJson.devDependencies, ...packageJson.optionalDependencies, }; return dep in allDependencies; } async function isYarnProject() { return fsExtra.pathExists("yarn.lock"); } async function installRecommendedDependencies() { console.log(""); const installCmd = await getRecommendedDependenciesInstallationCommand(); return installDependencies(installCmd[0], installCmd.slice(1)); } async function confirmRecommendedDepsInstallation(): Promise { const { default: enquirer } = await import("enquirer"); let responses: { shouldInstallPlugin: boolean; }; const packageManager = (await isYarnProject()) ? "yarn" : "npm"; try { responses = await enquirer.prompt([ createConfirmationPrompt( "shouldInstallPlugin", `Do you want to install the sample project's dependencies with ${packageManager} (${Object.keys( SAMPLE_PROJECT_DEPENDENCIES ).join(" ")})?` ), ]); } catch (e) { if (e === "") { return false; } // tslint:disable-next-line only-buidler-error throw e; } return responses.shouldInstallPlugin === true; } async function installDependencies( packageManager: string, args: string[] ): Promise { const { spawn } = await import("child_process"); console.log(`${packageManager} ${args.join(" ")}`); const childProcess = spawn(packageManager, args, { stdio: "inherit" as any, // There's an error in the TS definition of ForkOptions }); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { childProcess.once("close", (status) => { childProcess.removeAllListeners("error"); if (status === 0) { resolve(true); return; } reject(false); }); childProcess.once("error", (status) => { childProcess.removeAllListeners("close"); reject(false); }); }); } async function getRecommendedDependenciesInstallationCommand(): Promise< string[] > { const isGlobal = getExecutionMode() === ExecutionMode.EXECUTION_MODE_GLOBAL_INSTALLATION; const deps = Object.entries(SAMPLE_PROJECT_DEPENDENCIES).map( ([name, version]) => `${name}@${version}` ); if (!isGlobal && (await isYarnProject())) { return ["yarn", "add", "--dev", ...deps]; } const npmInstall = ["npm", "install"]; if (isGlobal) { npmInstall.push("--global"); } return [...npmInstall, "--save-dev", ...deps]; }