import type { ethers } from "ethers"; import type { SignerWithAddress } from "../signers"; import type { FactoryOptions, Libraries } from "../types"; import { NomicLabsHardhatPluginError } from "hardhat/plugins"; import { Artifact, HardhatRuntimeEnvironment, NetworkConfig, } from "hardhat/types"; interface Link { sourceName: string; libraryName: string; address: string; } const pluginName = "hardhat-ethers"; function isArtifact(artifact: any): artifact is Artifact { const { contractName, sourceName, abi, bytecode, deployedBytecode, linkReferences, deployedLinkReferences, } = artifact; return ( typeof contractName === "string" && typeof sourceName === "string" && Array.isArray(abi) && typeof bytecode === "string" && typeof deployedBytecode === "string" && linkReferences !== undefined && deployedLinkReferences !== undefined ); } export async function getSigners( hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment ): Promise { const accounts = await hre.ethers.provider.listAccounts(); const signersWithAddress = await Promise.all( => getSigner(hre, account)) ); return signersWithAddress; } export async function getSigner( hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment, address: string ): Promise { const { SignerWithAddress: SignerWithAddressImpl } = await import( "../signers" ); const signer = hre.ethers.provider.getSigner(address); const signerWithAddress = await SignerWithAddressImpl.create(signer); return signerWithAddress; } export function getContractFactory( hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment, name: string, signerOrOptions?: ethers.Signer | FactoryOptions ): Promise; export function getContractFactory( hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment, abi: any[], bytecode: ethers.utils.BytesLike, signer?: ethers.Signer ): Promise; export async function getContractFactory( hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment, nameOrAbi: string | any[], bytecodeOrFactoryOptions?: | (ethers.Signer | FactoryOptions) | ethers.utils.BytesLike, signer?: ethers.Signer ) { if (typeof nameOrAbi === "string") { const artifact = await hre.artifacts.readArtifact(nameOrAbi); return getContractFactoryFromArtifact( hre, artifact, bytecodeOrFactoryOptions as ethers.Signer | FactoryOptions | undefined ); } return getContractFactoryByAbiAndBytecode( hre, nameOrAbi, bytecodeOrFactoryOptions as ethers.utils.BytesLike, signer ); } function isFactoryOptions( signerOrOptions?: ethers.Signer | FactoryOptions ): signerOrOptions is FactoryOptions { const { Signer } = require("ethers") as typeof ethers; if (signerOrOptions === undefined || signerOrOptions instanceof Signer) { return false; } return true; } export async function getContractFactoryFromArtifact( hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment, artifact: Artifact, signerOrOptions?: ethers.Signer | FactoryOptions ) { let libraries: Libraries = {}; let signer: ethers.Signer | undefined; if (!isArtifact(artifact)) { throw new NomicLabsHardhatPluginError( pluginName, `You are trying to create a contract factory from an artifact, but you have not passed a valid artifact parameter.` ); } if (isFactoryOptions(signerOrOptions)) { signer = signerOrOptions.signer; libraries = signerOrOptions.libraries ?? {}; } else { signer = signerOrOptions; } if (artifact.bytecode === "0x") { throw new NomicLabsHardhatPluginError( pluginName, `You are trying to create a contract factory for the contract ${artifact.contractName}, which is abstract and can't be deployed. If you want to call a contract using ${artifact.contractName} as its interface use the "getContractAt" function instead.` ); } const linkedBytecode = await collectLibrariesAndLink(artifact, libraries); return getContractFactoryByAbiAndBytecode( hre, artifact.abi, linkedBytecode, signer ); } async function collectLibrariesAndLink( artifact: Artifact, libraries: Libraries ) { const { utils } = require("ethers") as typeof ethers; const neededLibraries: Array<{ sourceName: string; libName: string; }> = []; for (const [sourceName, sourceLibraries] of Object.entries( artifact.linkReferences )) { for (const libName of Object.keys(sourceLibraries)) { neededLibraries.push({ sourceName, libName }); } } const linksToApply: Map = new Map(); for (const [linkedLibraryName, linkedLibraryAddress] of Object.entries( libraries )) { if (!utils.isAddress(linkedLibraryAddress)) { throw new NomicLabsHardhatPluginError( pluginName, `You tried to link the contract ${artifact.contractName} with the library ${linkedLibraryName}, but provided this invalid address: ${linkedLibraryAddress}` ); } const matchingNeededLibraries = neededLibraries.filter((lib) => { return ( lib.libName === linkedLibraryName || `${lib.sourceName}:${lib.libName}` === linkedLibraryName ); }); if (matchingNeededLibraries.length === 0) { let detailedMessage: string; if (neededLibraries.length > 0) { const libraryFQNames = neededLibraries .map((lib) => `${lib.sourceName}:${lib.libName}`) .map((x) => `* ${x}`) .join("\n"); detailedMessage = `The libraries needed are: ${libraryFQNames}`; } else { detailedMessage = "This contract doesn't need linking any libraries."; } throw new NomicLabsHardhatPluginError( pluginName, `You tried to link the contract ${artifact.contractName} with ${linkedLibraryName}, which is not one of its libraries. ${detailedMessage}` ); } if (matchingNeededLibraries.length > 1) { const matchingNeededLibrariesFQNs = matchingNeededLibraries .map(({ sourceName, libName }) => `${sourceName}:${libName}`) .map((x) => `* ${x}`) .join("\n"); throw new NomicLabsHardhatPluginError( pluginName, `The library name ${linkedLibraryName} is ambiguous for the contract ${artifact.contractName}. It may resolve to one of the following libraries: ${matchingNeededLibrariesFQNs} To fix this, choose one of these fully qualified library names and replace where appropriate.` ); } const [neededLibrary] = matchingNeededLibraries; const neededLibraryFQN = `${neededLibrary.sourceName}:${neededLibrary.libName}`; // The only way for this library to be already mapped is // for it to be given twice in the libraries user input: // once as a library name and another as a fully qualified library name. if (linksToApply.has(neededLibraryFQN)) { throw new NomicLabsHardhatPluginError( pluginName, `The library names ${neededLibrary.libName} and ${neededLibraryFQN} refer to the same library and were given as two separate library links. Remove one of them and review your library links before proceeding.` ); } linksToApply.set(neededLibraryFQN, { sourceName: neededLibrary.sourceName, libraryName: neededLibrary.libName, address: linkedLibraryAddress, }); } if (linksToApply.size < neededLibraries.length) { const missingLibraries = neededLibraries .map((lib) => `${lib.sourceName}:${lib.libName}`) .filter((libFQName) => !linksToApply.has(libFQName)) .map((x) => `* ${x}`) .join("\n"); throw new NomicLabsHardhatPluginError( pluginName, `The contract ${artifact.contractName} is missing links for the following libraries: ${missingLibraries} Learn more about linking contracts at ` ); } return linkBytecode(artifact, [...linksToApply.values()]); } async function getContractFactoryByAbiAndBytecode( hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment, abi: any[], bytecode: ethers.utils.BytesLike, signer?: ethers.Signer ) { const { ContractFactory } = require("ethers") as typeof ethers; if (signer === undefined) { const signers = await hre.ethers.getSigners(); signer = signers[0]; } const abiWithAddedGas = addGasToAbiMethodsIfNecessary(, abi ); return new ContractFactory(abiWithAddedGas, bytecode, signer); } export async function getContractAt( hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment, nameOrAbi: string | any[], address: string, signer?: ethers.Signer ) { if (typeof nameOrAbi === "string") { const artifact = await hre.artifacts.readArtifact(nameOrAbi); return getContractAtFromArtifact(hre, artifact, address, signer); } const { Contract } = require("ethers") as typeof ethers; if (signer === undefined) { const signers = await hre.ethers.getSigners(); signer = signers[0]; } // If there's no signer, we want to put the provider for the selected network here. // This allows read only operations on the contract interface. const signerOrProvider: ethers.Signer | ethers.providers.Provider = signer !== undefined ? signer : hre.ethers.provider; const abiWithAddedGas = addGasToAbiMethodsIfNecessary(, nameOrAbi ); return new Contract(address, abiWithAddedGas, signerOrProvider); } export async function getContractAtFromArtifact( hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment, artifact: Artifact, address: string, signer?: ethers.Signer ) { if (!isArtifact(artifact)) { throw new NomicLabsHardhatPluginError( pluginName, `You are trying to create a contract by artifact, but you have not passed a valid artifact parameter.` ); } const factory = await getContractFactoryByAbiAndBytecode( hre, artifact.abi, "0x", signer ); let contract = factory.attach(address); // If there's no signer, we connect the contract instance to the provider for the selected network. if (contract.provider === null) { contract = contract.connect(hre.ethers.provider); } return contract; } // This helper adds a `gas` field to the ABI function elements if the network // is set up to use a fixed amount of gas. // This is done so that ethers doesn't automatically estimate gas limits on // every call. function addGasToAbiMethodsIfNecessary( networkConfig: NetworkConfig, abi: any[] ): any[] { const { BigNumber } = require("ethers") as typeof ethers; if (networkConfig.gas === "auto" || networkConfig.gas === undefined) { return abi; } // ethers adds 21000 to whatever the abi `gas` field has. This may lead to // OOG errors, as people may set the default gas to the same value as the // block gas limit, especially on Hardhat Network. // To avoid this, we substract 21000. // HOTFIX: We substract 1M for now. See: const gasLimit = BigNumber.from(networkConfig.gas).sub(1000000).toHexString(); const modifiedAbi: any[] = []; for (const abiElement of abi) { if (abiElement.type !== "function") { modifiedAbi.push(abiElement); continue; } modifiedAbi.push({ ...abiElement, gas: gasLimit, }); } return modifiedAbi; } function linkBytecode(artifact: Artifact, libraries: Link[]): string { let bytecode = artifact.bytecode; // TODO: measure performance impact for (const { sourceName, libraryName, address } of libraries) { const linkReferences = artifact.linkReferences[sourceName][libraryName]; for (const { start, length } of linkReferences) { bytecode = bytecode.substr(0, 2 + start * 2) + address.substr(2) + bytecode.substr(2 + (start + length) * 2); } } return bytecode; }