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"max-nested-callbacks": [ "warn", 5, ], "max-params": [ "warn", 8, ], "new-cap": "error", "new-parens": "error", "new-with-error/new-with-error": "error", "no-alert": "error", "no-array-constructor": "error", "no-bitwise": [ "error", { "allow": ["~"], "int32Hint": true, }, ], "no-caller": "error", "no-case-declarations": "error", "no-catch-shadow": "error", // Disallows the use of console.* (Prefer `@auex/logger`) "no-console": "error", "default-case": [ "error", {"commentPattern": "No default."}, ], "no-else-return": "error", "no-eq-null": "error", "no-empty": "error", "no-empty-function": "error", "no-eval": "error", "no-extend-native": "error", "no-extra-bind": "error", "no-extra-parens": [ "error", "functions", ], "no-fallthrough": [ "error", {"commentPattern": "Fallthrough."}, ], "no-global-assign": "error", "no-implied-eval": "error", "no-iterator": "error", "no-label-var": "error", "no-labels": "error", "no-lonely-if": "error", "no-loop-func": "error", "no-mixed-operators": 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"error", "lodash/prefer-compact": "error", "lodash/prefer-filter": "error", "lodash/prefer-flat-map": "error", "lodash/prefer-get": "error", "lodash/prefer-includes": "error", "lodash/prefer-invoke-map": "error", "lodash/prefer-is-nil": "error", "lodash/prefer-map": "error", "lodash/prefer-matches": "error", "lodash/prefer-noop": "error", "lodash/prefer-over-quantifier": "error", "lodash/prefer-reject": "error", "lodash/prefer-startswith": "error", "lodash/prefer-thru": "error", "lodash/prefer-times": "error", "lodash/prefer-wrapper-method": "error", "lodash/preferred-alias": "error", "lodash/prop-shorthand": "error", "lodash/unwrap": "error", /* * Node. */ "node/no-deprecated-api": "error", "node/shebang": "error", /* * Security. */ "security/detect-buffer-noassert": "error", "security/detect-child-process": "error", "security/detect-disable-mustache-escape": "error", "security/detect-eval-with-expression": "error", // FIXME: Reactivate once // https://github.com/nodesecurity/eslint-plugin-security/pull/6 // is published. // "security/detect-no-csrf-before-method-override": "error", "security/detect-non-literal-fs-filename": "error", "security/detect-non-literal-regexp": "error", "security/detect-possible-timing-attacks": "error", "security/detect-pseudoRandomBytes": "error", "security/detect-unsafe-regex": "error", /* * Files. */ "header/header": [ "warn", "block", [ "*", " * Copyright 2013-present, Novivia, Inc.", " * All rights reserved.", " ", ], ], "filenames/match-exported": "error", "filenames/match-regex": [ "error", "^[A-Z]?([a-z0-9]+)([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)*(JSON)?$", ], /* * Spellchecking. */ // FIXME: Reactivate when there are less false positives and when speed is // improved. // "spellcheck/spell-checker": [ // "warn", // { // "comments": true, // "strings": false, // "identifiers": false, // "lang": "en_US", // "skipWords": [ // "FIXME:", // "TODO:", // "globals", // "ie", // "js", // "webpack", // ], // "skipIfMatch": [ // "https?://[^s]*", // // See https://github.com/aotaduy/eslint-plugin-spellcheck/issues/7 // "(\\s|^)\\w+'t(\\s|$)", // // See https://github.com/aotaduy/eslint-plugin-spellcheck/issues/8 // "(\\s|^)\\d+(st|nd|rd|th)(\\s|$)", // // See https://github.com/aotaduy/eslint-plugin-spellcheck/issues/9 // "^[-\\w]+\/[-\\w\\.]+$", // ], // }, // ], }, }