/// import FileRef from './file-ref'; import FileFsRef from './file-fs-ref'; export interface Env { [name: string]: string | undefined; } export interface File { type: string; mode: number; contentType?: string; toStream: () => NodeJS.ReadableStream; /** * The absolute path to the file in the filesystem */ fsPath?: string; } export interface Files { [filePath: string]: File; } export interface Config { [key: string]: string | string[] | boolean | number | { [key: string]: string; } | BuilderFunctions | undefined; maxLambdaSize?: string; includeFiles?: string | string[]; excludeFiles?: string | string[]; bundle?: boolean; ldsflags?: string; helpers?: boolean; rust?: string; debug?: boolean; zeroConfig?: boolean; import?: { [key: string]: string; }; functions?: BuilderFunctions; outputDirectory?: string; buildCommand?: string; devCommand?: string; framework?: string; nodeVersion?: string; } export interface Meta { isDev?: boolean; devCacheDir?: string; skipDownload?: boolean; requestPath?: string | null; filesChanged?: string[]; filesRemoved?: string[]; env?: Env; buildEnv?: Env; } export interface AnalyzeOptions { /** * All source files of the project */ files: { [filePath: string]: FileRef; }; /** * Name of entrypoint file for this particular build job. Value * `files[entrypoint]` is guaranteed to exist and be a valid File reference. * `entrypoint` is always a discrete file and never a glob, since globs are * expanded into separate builds at deployment time. */ entrypoint: string; /** * A writable temporary directory where you are encouraged to perform your * build process. This directory will be populated with the restored cache. */ workPath: string; /** * An arbitrary object passed by the user in the build definition defined * in `vercel.json`. */ config: Config; } export interface BuildOptions { /** * All source files of the project */ files: Files; /** * Name of entrypoint file for this particular build job. Value * `files[entrypoint]` is guaranteed to exist and be a valid File reference. * `entrypoint` is always a discrete file and never a glob, since globs are * expanded into separate builds at deployment time. */ entrypoint: string; /** * A writable temporary directory where you are encouraged to perform your * build process. This directory will be populated with the restored cache. */ workPath: string; /** * An arbitrary object passed by the user in the build definition defined * in `vercel.json`. */ config: Config; /** * Metadata related to the invoker of the builder, used by `vercel dev`. * Builders may use the properties on this object to change behavior based * on the build environment. */ meta?: Meta; } export interface PrepareCacheOptions { /** * All source files of the project */ files: Files; /** * Name of entrypoint file for this particular build job. Value * `files[entrypoint]` is guaranteed to exist and be a valid File reference. * `entrypoint` is always a discrete file and never a glob, since globs are * expanded into separate builds at deployment time. */ entrypoint: string; /** * A writable temporary directory where you are encouraged to perform your * build process. */ workPath: string; /** * A writable temporary directory where you can build a cache to use for * the next run. */ cachePath: string; /** * An arbitrary object passed by the user in the build definition defined * in `vercel.json`. */ config: Config; } export interface ShouldServeOptions { /** * A path string from a request. */ requestPath: string; /** * Name of entrypoint file for this particular build job. Value * `files[entrypoint]` is guaranteed to exist and be a valid File reference. * `entrypoint` is always a discrete file and never a glob, since globs are * expanded into separate builds at deployment time. */ entrypoint: string; /** * All source files of the project */ files: { [path: string]: FileFsRef; }; /** * A writable temporary directory where you are encouraged to perform your * build process. This directory will be populated with the restored cache. */ workPath: string; /** * An arbitrary object passed by the user in the build definition defined * in `vercel.json`. */ config: Config; } /** * `startDevServer()` is given the same parameters as `build()`. */ export declare type StartDevServerOptions = BuildOptions; export interface StartDevServerSuccess { /** * Port number where the dev server can be connected to, assumed to be running * on `localhost`. */ port: number; /** * Process ID number of the dev server. Useful for the `vercel dev` server to * shut down the dev server once an HTTP request has been fulfilled. */ pid: number; } /** * `startDevServer()` may return `null` to opt-out of spawning a dev server for * a given `entrypoint`. */ export declare type StartDevServerResult = StartDevServerSuccess | null; /** * Credit to Iain Reid, MIT license. * Source: https://gist.github.com/iainreid820/5c1cc527fe6b5b7dba41fec7fe54bf6e */ export declare namespace PackageJson { /** * An author or contributor */ interface Author { name: string; email?: string; homepage?: string; } /** * A map of exposed bin commands */ interface BinMap { [commandName: string]: string; } /** * A bugs link */ interface Bugs { email: string; url: string; } interface Config { name?: string; config?: unknown; } /** * A map of dependencies */ interface DependencyMap { [dependencyName: string]: string; } /** * CommonJS package structure */ interface Directories { lib?: string; bin?: string; man?: string; doc?: string; example?: string; } interface Engines { node?: string; npm?: string; } interface PublishConfig { registry?: string; } /** * A project repository */ interface Repository { type: string; url: string; } interface ScriptsMap { [scriptName: string]: string; } } export interface PackageJson { readonly name?: string; readonly version?: string; readonly description?: string; readonly keywords?: string[]; readonly homepage?: string; readonly bugs?: string | PackageJson.Bugs; readonly license?: string; readonly author?: string | PackageJson.Author; readonly contributors?: string[] | PackageJson.Author[]; readonly files?: string[]; readonly main?: string; readonly bin?: string | PackageJson.BinMap; readonly man?: string | string[]; readonly directories?: PackageJson.Directories; readonly repository?: string | PackageJson.Repository; readonly scripts?: PackageJson.ScriptsMap; readonly config?: PackageJson.Config; readonly dependencies?: PackageJson.DependencyMap; readonly devDependencies?: PackageJson.DependencyMap; readonly peerDependencies?: PackageJson.DependencyMap; readonly optionalDependencies?: PackageJson.DependencyMap; readonly bundledDependencies?: string[]; readonly engines?: PackageJson.Engines; readonly os?: string[]; readonly cpu?: string[]; readonly preferGlobal?: boolean; readonly private?: boolean; readonly publishConfig?: PackageJson.PublishConfig; } export interface NodeVersion { major: number; range: string; runtime: string; discontinueDate?: Date; } export interface Builder { use: string; src: string; config?: Config; } export interface BuilderFunctions { [key: string]: { memory?: number; maxDuration?: number; runtime?: string; includeFiles?: string; excludeFiles?: string; }; }