import { SpawnOptions } from 'child_process';
import { Meta, PackageJson, NodeVersion, Config } from '../types';
interface SpawnOptionsExtended extends SpawnOptions {
prettyCommand?: string;
export declare function spawnAsync(command: string, args: string[], opts?: SpawnOptionsExtended): Promise;
export declare function execAsync(command: string, args: string[], opts?: SpawnOptionsExtended): Promise<{
stdout: string;
stderr: string;
code: number;
export declare function spawnCommand(command: string, options?: SpawnOptions): import("child_process").ChildProcess;
export declare function execCommand(command: string, options?: SpawnOptions): Promise;
export declare function getNodeBinPath({ cwd }: {
cwd: string;
}): Promise;
export declare function runShellScript(fsPath: string, args?: string[], spawnOpts?: SpawnOptions): Promise;
export declare function getSpawnOptions(meta: Meta, nodeVersion: NodeVersion): SpawnOptions;
export declare function getNodeVersion(destPath: string, _nodeVersion?: string, _config?: Config, meta?: Meta): Promise;
interface WalkParentDirsProps {
* The highest directory, typically the workPath root of the project.
* If this directory is reached and it doesn't contain the file, null is returned.
base: string;
* The directory to start searching, typically the same directory of the entrypoint.
* If this directory doesn't contain the file, the parent is checked, etc.
start: string;
* The name of the file to search for, typically `package.json` or `Gemfile`.
filename: string;
export declare function walkParentDirs({ base, start, filename, }: WalkParentDirsProps): Promise;
export declare function runNpmInstall(destPath: string, args?: string[], spawnOpts?: SpawnOptions, meta?: Meta): Promise;
export declare function runBundleInstall(destPath: string, args?: string[], spawnOpts?: SpawnOptions, meta?: Meta): Promise;
export declare function runPipInstall(destPath: string, args?: string[], spawnOpts?: SpawnOptions, meta?: Meta): Promise;
export declare function getScriptName(pkg: Pick | null | undefined, possibleNames: Iterable): string | null;
export declare function runPackageJsonScript(destPath: string, scriptNames: string | Iterable, spawnOpts?: SpawnOptions): Promise;
* @deprecate installDependencies() is deprecated.
* Please use runNpmInstall() instead.
export declare const installDependencies: typeof runNpmInstall;
export {};