import { Command, flags } from '@oclif/command'; import * as Config from '@oclif/config'; export default class Readme extends Command { static description: string; static flags: { dir: flags.IOptionFlag; multi: import("@oclif/parser/lib/flags").IBooleanFlag; }; run(): Promise; replaceTag(readme: string, tag: string, body: string): string; toc(__: Config.IConfig, readme: string): string; usage(config: Config.IConfig): string; multiCommands(config: Config.IConfig, commands: Config.Command[], dir: string): string; createTopicFile(file: string, config: Config.IConfig, topic: Config.Topic, commands: Config.Command[]): void; commands(config: Config.IConfig, commands: Config.Command[]): string; renderCommand(config: Config.IConfig, c: Config.Command): string; commandCode(config: Config.IConfig, c: Config.Command): string | undefined; private repo; /** * fetches the path to a command */ private commandPath; private commandUsage; }