import { PrettyPrintableError } from './pretty-print'; /** * properties specific to internal oclif error handling */ export interface OclifError { oclif: { exit?: number | false; }; } export declare function addOclifExitCode(error: Record, options?: { exit?: number | false; }): OclifError; export declare class CLIError extends Error implements OclifError { oclif: OclifError['oclif']; code?: string; constructor(error: string | Error, options?: { exit?: number | false; } & PrettyPrintableError); get stack(): string; /** * @deprecated `render` Errors display should be handled by display function, like pretty-print * @return {string} returns a string representing the dispay of the error */ render(): string; get bang(): string; } export declare namespace CLIError { class Warn extends CLIError { constructor(err: string | Error); get bang(): string; } }