import * as Config from '@oclif/config'; export { getHelpClass } from './util'; export interface HelpOptions { all?: boolean; maxWidth: number; stripAnsi?: boolean; } export declare abstract class HelpBase { constructor(config: Config.IConfig, opts?: Partial); protected config: Config.IConfig; protected opts: HelpOptions; /** * Show help, used in multi-command CLIs * @param args passed into your command, useful for determining which type of help to display */ abstract showHelp(argv: string[]): void; /** * Show help for an individual command * @param command * @param topics */ abstract showCommandHelp(command: Config.Command, topics: Config.Topic[]): void; } export default class Help extends HelpBase { render: (input: string) => string; private get _topics(); protected get sortedCommands(): Config.Command.Plugin[]; protected get sortedTopics(): Config.Topic[]; constructor(config: Config.IConfig, opts?: Partial); showHelp(argv: string[]): void; showCommandHelp(command: Config.Command): void; protected showRootHelp(): void; protected showTopicHelp(topic: Config.Topic): void; protected formatRoot(): string; protected formatCommand(command: Config.Command): string; protected formatCommands(commands: Config.Command[]): string; protected formatTopic(topic: Config.Topic): string; protected formatTopics(topics: Config.Topic[]): string; /** * @deprecated used for readme generation * @param {object} command The command to generate readme help for * @return {string} the readme help string for the given command */ protected command(command: Config.Command): string; }