/** * This declaration file requires TypeScript 2.1 or above. */ import * as http from "http"; declare namespace Github { type json = any; type date = string; export interface Response { /** This is the data you would see in https://developer.github.com/v3/ */ data: T; /** Response status number */ status: number; /** Response headers */ headers: { "x-ratelimit-limit": string; "x-ratelimit-remaining": string; "x-ratelimit-reset": string; "x-github-request-id": string; "x-github-media-type": string; link: string; "last-modified": string; etag: string; status: string; }; [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator; } export type AnyResponse = Response; export interface EmptyParams {} export interface Options { baseUrl?: string; timeout?: number; headers?: { [header: string]: any }; agent?: http.Agent; /** * @deprecated in version 15.0.0 */ proxy?: string; /** * @deprecated in version 15.0.0 */ ca?: string; /** * @deprecated in version 15.0.0 */ rejectUnauthorized?: boolean; /** * @deprecated in version 15.0.0 */ family?: number; /** * @deprecated in version 15.2.0 */ host?: string; /** * @deprecated in version 15.2.0 */ pathPrefix?: string; /** * @deprecated in version 15.2.0 */ protocol?: string; /** * @deprecated in version 15.2.0 */ port?: number; } export interface AuthBasic { type: "basic"; username: string; password: string; } export interface AuthOAuthToken { type: "oauth"; token: string; } export interface AuthOAuthSecret { type: "oauth"; key: string; secret: string; } export interface AuthUserToken { type: "token"; token: string; } /* @deprecated Use "app" instead of "integration" */ export interface DeprecatedAuthJWT { type: "integration"; token: string; } export interface AuthJWT { type: "app"; token: string; } export type Auth = | AuthBasic | AuthOAuthToken | AuthOAuthSecret | AuthUserToken | AuthJWT | DeprecatedAuthJWT; export type Link = { link: string } | { headers: { link: string } } | string; export interface Callback { (error: Error | null, result: T): any; } type UsersUpdateResponsePlan = { name: string; space: number; private_repos: number; collaborators: number; }; type UsersUpdateResponse = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; name: string; company: string; blog: string; location: string; email: string; hireable: boolean; bio: string; public_repos: number; public_gists: number; followers: number; following: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; total_private_repos: number; owned_private_repos: number; private_gists: number; disk_usage: number; collaborators: number; two_factor_authentication: boolean; plan: UsersUpdateResponsePlan; }; type UsersUnfollowUserResponse = {}; type UsersUnblockUserResponse = {}; type UsersTogglePrimaryEmailVisibilityResponseItem = { email: string; primary: boolean; verified: boolean; visibility: string; }; type UsersRemoveRepoFromInstallationResponse = {}; type UsersGetTeamsResponseItemOrganization = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; name: string; company: string; blog: string; location: string; email: string; is_verified: boolean; has_organization_projects: boolean; has_repository_projects: boolean; public_repos: number; public_gists: number; followers: number; following: number; html_url: string; created_at: string; type: string; }; type UsersGetTeamsResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; slug: string; description: string; privacy: string; permission: string; members_url: string; repositories_url: string; parent: null; members_count: number; repos_count: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; organization: UsersGetTeamsResponseItemOrganization; }; type UsersGetRepoInvitesResponseItemInviter = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type UsersGetRepoInvitesResponseItemInvitee = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type UsersGetRepoInvitesResponseItemRepositoryOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type UsersGetRepoInvitesResponseItemRepository = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: UsersGetRepoInvitesResponseItemRepositoryOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; }; type UsersGetRepoInvitesResponseItem = { id: number; repository: UsersGetRepoInvitesResponseItemRepository; invitee: UsersGetRepoInvitesResponseItemInvitee; inviter: UsersGetRepoInvitesResponseItemInviter; permissions: string; created_at: string; url: string; html_url: string; }; type UsersGetPublicEmailsResponseItem = { email: string; verified: boolean; primary: boolean; visibility: string; }; type UsersGetOrgsResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; }; type UsersGetOrgMembershipsResponseItemUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type UsersGetOrgMembershipsResponseItemOrganization = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; }; type UsersGetOrgMembershipsResponseItem = { url: string; state: string; role: string; organization_url: string; organization: UsersGetOrgMembershipsResponseItemOrganization; user: UsersGetOrgMembershipsResponseItemUser; }; type UsersGetOrgMembershipResponseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type UsersGetOrgMembershipResponseOrganization = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; }; type UsersGetOrgMembershipResponse = { url: string; state: string; role: string; organization_url: string; organization: UsersGetOrgMembershipResponseOrganization; user: UsersGetOrgMembershipResponseUser; }; type UsersGetMarketplaceStubbedPurchasesResponseItemPlan = { url: string; accounts_url: string; id: number; name: string; description: string; monthly_price_in_cents: number; yearly_price_in_cents: number; price_model: string; has_free_trial: boolean; unit_name: null; bullets: Array; }; type UsersGetMarketplaceStubbedPurchasesResponseItemAccount = { login: string; id: number; url: string; email: null; organization_billing_email: string; type: string; }; type UsersGetMarketplaceStubbedPurchasesResponseItem = { billing_cycle: string; next_billing_date: string; unit_count: null; on_free_trial: boolean; free_trial_ends_on: string; updated_at: string; account: UsersGetMarketplaceStubbedPurchasesResponseItemAccount; plan: UsersGetMarketplaceStubbedPurchasesResponseItemPlan; }; type UsersGetMarketplacePurchasesResponseItemPlan = { url: string; accounts_url: string; id: number; name: string; description: string; monthly_price_in_cents: number; yearly_price_in_cents: number; price_model: string; has_free_trial: boolean; unit_name: null; bullets: Array; }; type UsersGetMarketplacePurchasesResponseItemAccount = { login: string; id: number; url: string; email: null; organization_billing_email: string; type: string; }; type UsersGetMarketplacePurchasesResponseItem = { billing_cycle: string; next_billing_date: string; unit_count: null; on_free_trial: boolean; free_trial_ends_on: string; updated_at: string; account: UsersGetMarketplacePurchasesResponseItemAccount; plan: UsersGetMarketplacePurchasesResponseItemPlan; }; type UsersGetKeysForUserResponseItem = { id: number; key: string; }; type UsersGetKeysResponseItem = { id: number; key: string; url: string; title: string; verified: boolean; created_at: string; read_only: boolean; }; type UsersGetKeyResponse = { id: number; key: string; url: string; title: string; verified: boolean; created_at: string; read_only: boolean; }; type UsersGetInstallationsResponseInstallationsItemPermissions = { metadata: string; contents: string; issues: string; single_file: string; }; type UsersGetInstallationsResponseInstallationsItemAccount = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url?: string; issues_url?: string; members_url?: string; public_members_url?: string; avatar_url: string; description?: string; gravatar_id?: string; html_url?: string; followers_url?: string; following_url?: string; gists_url?: string; starred_url?: string; subscriptions_url?: string; organizations_url?: string; received_events_url?: string; type?: string; site_admin?: boolean; }; type UsersGetInstallationsResponseInstallationsItem = { id: number; account: UsersGetInstallationsResponseInstallationsItemAccount; access_tokens_url: string; repositories_url: string; html_url: string; app_id: number; target_id: number; target_type: string; permissions: UsersGetInstallationsResponseInstallationsItemPermissions; events: Array; single_file_name: string; }; type UsersGetInstallationsResponse = { total_count: number; installations: Array; }; type UsersGetInstallationReposResponseRepositoriesItemPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type UsersGetInstallationReposResponseRepositoriesItemOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type UsersGetInstallationReposResponseRepositoriesItem = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: UsersGetInstallationReposResponseRepositoriesItemOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: UsersGetInstallationReposResponseRepositoriesItemPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type UsersGetInstallationReposResponse = { total_count: number; repositories: Array; }; type UsersGetGpgKeysForUserResponseItemSubkeysItem = { id: number; primary_key_id: number; key_id: string; public_key: string; emails: Array; subkeys: Array; can_sign: boolean; can_encrypt_comms: boolean; can_encrypt_storage: boolean; can_certify: boolean; created_at: string; expires_at: null; }; type UsersGetGpgKeysForUserResponseItemEmailsItem = { email: string; verified: boolean; }; type UsersGetGpgKeysForUserResponseItem = { id: number; primary_key_id: null; key_id: string; public_key: string; emails: Array; subkeys: Array; can_sign: boolean; can_encrypt_comms: boolean; can_encrypt_storage: boolean; can_certify: boolean; created_at: string; expires_at: null; }; type UsersGetGpgKeysResponseItemSubkeysItem = { id: number; primary_key_id: number; key_id: string; public_key: string; emails: Array; subkeys: Array; can_sign: boolean; can_encrypt_comms: boolean; can_encrypt_storage: boolean; can_certify: boolean; created_at: string; expires_at: null; }; type UsersGetGpgKeysResponseItemEmailsItem = { email: string; verified: boolean; }; type UsersGetGpgKeysResponseItem = { id: number; primary_key_id: null; key_id: string; public_key: string; emails: Array; subkeys: Array; can_sign: boolean; can_encrypt_comms: boolean; can_encrypt_storage: boolean; can_certify: boolean; created_at: string; expires_at: null; }; type UsersGetGpgKeyResponseSubkeysItem = { id: number; primary_key_id: number; key_id: string; public_key: string; emails: Array; subkeys: Array; can_sign: boolean; can_encrypt_comms: boolean; can_encrypt_storage: boolean; can_certify: boolean; created_at: string; expires_at: null; }; type UsersGetGpgKeyResponseEmailsItem = { email: string; verified: boolean; }; type UsersGetGpgKeyResponse = { id: number; primary_key_id: null; key_id: string; public_key: string; emails: Array; subkeys: Array; can_sign: boolean; can_encrypt_comms: boolean; can_encrypt_storage: boolean; can_certify: boolean; created_at: string; expires_at: null; }; type UsersGetForUserResponse = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; name: string; company: string; blog: string; location: string; email: string; hireable: boolean; bio: string; public_repos: number; public_gists: number; followers: number; following: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type UsersGetFollowingForUserResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type UsersGetFollowingResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type UsersGetFollowersForUserResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type UsersGetFollowersResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type UsersGetEmailsResponseItem = { email: string; verified: boolean; primary: boolean; visibility: string; }; type UsersGetBlockedUsersResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type UsersGetAllResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type UsersFollowUserResponse = {}; type UsersEditOrgMembershipResponseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type UsersEditOrgMembershipResponseOrganization = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; }; type UsersEditOrgMembershipResponse = { url: string; state: string; role: string; organization_url: string; organization: UsersEditOrgMembershipResponseOrganization; user: UsersEditOrgMembershipResponseUser; }; type UsersDeleteKeyResponse = {}; type UsersDeleteGpgKeyResponse = {}; type UsersDeleteEmailsResponse = {}; type UsersDeclineRepoInviteResponse = {}; type UsersCreateKeyResponse = { id: number; key: string; url: string; title: string; verified: boolean; created_at: string; read_only: boolean; }; type UsersCreateGpgKeyResponseSubkeysItem = { id: number; primary_key_id: number; key_id: string; public_key: string; emails: Array; subkeys: Array; can_sign: boolean; can_encrypt_comms: boolean; can_encrypt_storage: boolean; can_certify: boolean; created_at: string; expires_at: null; }; type UsersCreateGpgKeyResponseEmailsItem = { email: string; verified: boolean; }; type UsersCreateGpgKeyResponse = { id: number; primary_key_id: null; key_id: string; public_key: string; emails: Array; subkeys: Array; can_sign: boolean; can_encrypt_comms: boolean; can_encrypt_storage: boolean; can_certify: boolean; created_at: string; expires_at: null; }; type UsersCheckBlockedUserResponse = {}; type UsersBlockUserResponse = {}; type UsersAddRepoToInstallationResponse = {}; type UsersAddEmailsResponseItem = { email: string; primary: boolean; verified: boolean; }; type UsersAcceptRepoInviteResponse = {}; type ReposUpdateProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksResponse = { url: string; strict: boolean; contexts: Array; contexts_url: string; }; type ReposUpdateProtectedBranchPullRequestReviewEnforcementResponseDismissalRestrictionsTeamsItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; slug: string; description: string; privacy: string; permission: string; members_url: string; repositories_url: string; parent: null; }; type ReposUpdateProtectedBranchPullRequestReviewEnforcementResponseDismissalRestrictionsUsersItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposUpdateProtectedBranchPullRequestReviewEnforcementResponseDismissalRestrictions = { url: string; users_url: string; teams_url: string; users: Array< ReposUpdateProtectedBranchPullRequestReviewEnforcementResponseDismissalRestrictionsUsersItem >; teams: Array< ReposUpdateProtectedBranchPullRequestReviewEnforcementResponseDismissalRestrictionsTeamsItem >; }; type ReposUpdateProtectedBranchPullRequestReviewEnforcementResponse = { url: string; dismissal_restrictions: ReposUpdateProtectedBranchPullRequestReviewEnforcementResponseDismissalRestrictions; dismiss_stale_reviews: boolean; require_code_owner_reviews: boolean; required_approving_review_count: number; }; type ReposUpdateInviteResponseInviter = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposUpdateInviteResponseInvitee = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposUpdateInviteResponseRepositoryOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposUpdateInviteResponseRepository = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: ReposUpdateInviteResponseRepositoryOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; }; type ReposUpdateInviteResponse = { id: number; repository: ReposUpdateInviteResponseRepository; invitee: ReposUpdateInviteResponseInvitee; inviter: ReposUpdateInviteResponseInviter; permissions: string; created_at: string; url: string; html_url: string; }; type ReposUpdateFileResponseCommitVerification = { verified: boolean; reason: string; signature: null; payload: null; }; type ReposUpdateFileResponseCommitParentsItem = { url: string; html_url: string; sha: string; }; type ReposUpdateFileResponseCommitTree = { url: string; sha: string; }; type ReposUpdateFileResponseCommitCommitter = { date: string; name: string; email: string; }; type ReposUpdateFileResponseCommitAuthor = { date: string; name: string; email: string; }; type ReposUpdateFileResponseCommit = { sha: string; node_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; author: ReposUpdateFileResponseCommitAuthor; committer: ReposUpdateFileResponseCommitCommitter; message: string; tree: ReposUpdateFileResponseCommitTree; parents: Array; verification: ReposUpdateFileResponseCommitVerification; }; type ReposUpdateFileResponseContentLinks = { self: string; git: string; html: string; }; type ReposUpdateFileResponseContent = { name: string; path: string; sha: string; size: number; url: string; html_url: string; git_url: string; download_url: string; type: string; _links: ReposUpdateFileResponseContentLinks; }; type ReposUpdateFileResponse = { content: ReposUpdateFileResponseContent; commit: ReposUpdateFileResponseCommit; }; type ReposUpdateCommitCommentResponseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposUpdateCommitCommentResponse = { html_url: string; url: string; id: number; node_id: string; body: string; path: string; position: number; line: number; commit_id: string; user: ReposUpdateCommitCommentResponseUser; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type ReposUpdateBranchProtectionResponseRestrictionsTeamsItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; slug: string; description: string; privacy: string; permission: string; members_url: string; repositories_url: string; parent: null; }; type ReposUpdateBranchProtectionResponseRestrictionsUsersItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposUpdateBranchProtectionResponseRestrictions = { url: string; users_url: string; teams_url: string; users: Array; teams: Array; }; type ReposUpdateBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviewsDismissalRestrictionsTeamsItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; slug: string; description: string; privacy: string; permission: string; members_url: string; repositories_url: string; parent: null; }; type ReposUpdateBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviewsDismissalRestrictionsUsersItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposUpdateBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviewsDismissalRestrictions = { url: string; users_url: string; teams_url: string; users: Array< ReposUpdateBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviewsDismissalRestrictionsUsersItem >; teams: Array< ReposUpdateBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviewsDismissalRestrictionsTeamsItem >; }; type ReposUpdateBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviews = { url: string; dismissal_restrictions: ReposUpdateBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviewsDismissalRestrictions; dismiss_stale_reviews: boolean; require_code_owner_reviews: boolean; required_approving_review_count: number; }; type ReposUpdateBranchProtectionResponseEnforceAdmins = { url: string; enabled: boolean; }; type ReposUpdateBranchProtectionResponseRequiredStatusChecks = { url: string; strict: boolean; contexts: Array; contexts_url: string; }; type ReposUpdateBranchProtectionResponse = { url: string; required_status_checks: ReposUpdateBranchProtectionResponseRequiredStatusChecks; enforce_admins: ReposUpdateBranchProtectionResponseEnforceAdmins; required_pull_request_reviews: ReposUpdateBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviews; restrictions: ReposUpdateBranchProtectionResponseRestrictions; }; type ReposTransferResponsePermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type ReposTransferResponseOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposTransferResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: ReposTransferResponseOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: ReposTransferResponsePermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type ReposTestHookResponse = {}; type ReposRequestPageBuildResponse = { url: string; status: string; }; type ReposReplaceTopicsResponse = { names: Array }; type ReposReplaceProtectedBranchUserRestrictionsResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposReplaceProtectedBranchTeamRestrictionsResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; slug: string; description: string; privacy: string; permission: string; members_url: string; repositories_url: string; parent: null; }; type ReposRemoveProtectedBranchUserRestrictionsResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposRemoveProtectedBranchTeamRestrictionsResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; slug: string; description: string; privacy: string; permission: string; members_url: string; repositories_url: string; parent: null; }; type ReposRemoveCollaboratorResponse = {}; type ReposRemoveBranchProtectionResponse = {}; type ReposPingHookResponse = {}; type ReposGetViewsResponseViewsItem = { timestamp: string; count: number; uniques: number; }; type ReposGetViewsResponse = { count: number; uniques: number; views: Array; }; type ReposGetTopicsResponse = { names: Array }; type ReposGetTeamsResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; slug: string; description: string; privacy: string; permission: string; members_url: string; repositories_url: string; parent: null; }; type ReposGetTagsResponseItemCommit = { sha: string; url: string; }; type ReposGetTagsResponseItem = { name: string; commit: ReposGetTagsResponseItemCommit; zipball_url: string; tarball_url: string; }; type ReposGetStatusesResponseItemCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetStatusesResponseItem = { url: string; avatar_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; state: string; description: string; target_url: string; context: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; creator: ReposGetStatusesResponseItemCreator; }; type ReposGetStatsParticipationResponse = { all: Array; owner: Array; }; type ReposGetStatsContributorsResponseItemWeeksItem = { w: string; a: number; d: number; c: number; }; type ReposGetStatsContributorsResponseItemAuthor = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetStatsContributorsResponseItem = { author: ReposGetStatsContributorsResponseItemAuthor; total: number; weeks: Array; }; type ReposGetStatsCommitActivityResponseItem = { days: Array; total: number; week: number; }; type ReposGetShaOfCommitRefResponse = {}; type ReposGetReleasesResponseItemAssetsItemUploader = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetReleasesResponseItemAssetsItem = { url: string; browser_download_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; name: string; label: string; state: string; content_type: string; size: number; download_count: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; uploader: ReposGetReleasesResponseItemAssetsItemUploader; }; type ReposGetReleasesResponseItemAuthor = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetReleasesResponseItem = { url: string; html_url: string; assets_url: string; upload_url: string; tarball_url: string; zipball_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; tag_name: string; target_commitish: string; name: string; body: string; draft: boolean; prerelease: boolean; created_at: string; published_at: string; author: ReposGetReleasesResponseItemAuthor; assets: Array; }; type ReposGetReleaseByTagResponseAssetsItemUploader = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetReleaseByTagResponseAssetsItem = { url: string; browser_download_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; name: string; label: string; state: string; content_type: string; size: number; download_count: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; uploader: ReposGetReleaseByTagResponseAssetsItemUploader; }; type ReposGetReleaseByTagResponseAuthor = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetReleaseByTagResponse = { url: string; html_url: string; assets_url: string; upload_url: string; tarball_url: string; zipball_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; tag_name: string; target_commitish: string; name: string; body: string; draft: boolean; prerelease: boolean; created_at: string; published_at: string; author: ReposGetReleaseByTagResponseAuthor; assets: Array; }; type ReposGetReleaseResponseAssetsItemUploader = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetReleaseResponseAssetsItem = { url: string; browser_download_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; name: string; label: string; state: string; content_type: string; size: number; download_count: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; uploader: ReposGetReleaseResponseAssetsItemUploader; }; type ReposGetReleaseResponseAuthor = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetReleaseResponse = { url: string; html_url: string; assets_url: string; upload_url: string; tarball_url: string; zipball_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; tag_name: string; target_commitish: string; name: string; body: string; draft: boolean; prerelease: boolean; created_at: string; published_at: string; author: ReposGetReleaseResponseAuthor; assets: Array; }; type ReposGetReferrersResponseItem = { referrer: string; count: number; uniques: number; }; type ReposGetReadmeResponseLinks = { git: string; self: string; html: string; }; type ReposGetReadmeResponse = { type: string; encoding: string; size: number; name: string; path: string; content: string; sha: string; url: string; git_url: string; html_url: string; download_url: string; _links: ReposGetReadmeResponseLinks; }; type ReposGetPublicResponseItemOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetPublicResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: ReposGetPublicResponseItemOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; }; type ReposGetProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksResponse = { url: string; strict: boolean; contexts: Array; contexts_url: string; }; type ReposGetProtectedBranchRequiredSignaturesResponse = { url: string; enabled: boolean; }; type ReposGetPathsResponseItem = { path: string; title: string; count: number; uniques: number; }; type ReposGetPagesResponseSource = { branch: string; directory: string; }; type ReposGetPagesResponse = { url: string; status: string; cname: string; custom_404: boolean; html_url: string; source: ReposGetPagesResponseSource; }; type ReposGetLatestReleaseResponseAssetsItemUploader = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetLatestReleaseResponseAssetsItem = { url: string; browser_download_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; name: string; label: string; state: string; content_type: string; size: number; download_count: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; uploader: ReposGetLatestReleaseResponseAssetsItemUploader; }; type ReposGetLatestReleaseResponseAuthor = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetLatestReleaseResponse = { url: string; html_url: string; assets_url: string; upload_url: string; tarball_url: string; zipball_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; tag_name: string; target_commitish: string; name: string; body: string; draft: boolean; prerelease: boolean; created_at: string; published_at: string; author: ReposGetLatestReleaseResponseAuthor; assets: Array; }; type ReposGetLanguagesResponse = { C: number; Python: number; }; type ReposGetInvitesResponseItemInviter = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetInvitesResponseItemInvitee = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetInvitesResponseItemRepositoryOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetInvitesResponseItemRepository = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: ReposGetInvitesResponseItemRepositoryOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; }; type ReposGetInvitesResponseItem = { id: number; repository: ReposGetInvitesResponseItemRepository; invitee: ReposGetInvitesResponseItemInvitee; inviter: ReposGetInvitesResponseItemInviter; permissions: string; created_at: string; url: string; html_url: string; }; type ReposGetHooksResponseItemConfig = { url: string; content_type: string; }; type ReposGetHooksResponseItem = { id: number; url: string; test_url: string; ping_url: string; name: string; events: Array; active: boolean; config: ReposGetHooksResponseItemConfig; updated_at: string; created_at: string; }; type ReposGetHookResponseConfig = { url: string; content_type: string; }; type ReposGetHookResponse = { id: number; url: string; test_url: string; ping_url: string; name: string; events: Array; active: boolean; config: ReposGetHookResponseConfig; updated_at: string; created_at: string; }; type ReposGetForksResponseItemLicense = { key: string; name: string; spdx_id: string; url: string; node_id: string; }; type ReposGetForksResponseItemPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type ReposGetForksResponseItemOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetForksResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: ReposGetForksResponseItemOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: ReposGetForksResponseItemPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; license: ReposGetForksResponseItemLicense; }; type ReposGetForOrgResponseItemLicense = { key: string; name: string; spdx_id: string; url: string; node_id: string; }; type ReposGetForOrgResponseItemPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type ReposGetForOrgResponseItemOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetForOrgResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: ReposGetForOrgResponseItemOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: ReposGetForOrgResponseItemPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; license: ReposGetForOrgResponseItemLicense; }; type ReposGetDownloadsResponseItem = { url: string; html_url: string; id: number; name: string; description: string; size: number; download_count: number; content_type: string; }; type ReposGetDownloadResponse = { url: string; html_url: string; id: number; name: string; description: string; size: number; download_count: number; content_type: string; }; type ReposGetDeploymentsResponseItemCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetDeploymentsResponseItemPayload = { task: string }; type ReposGetDeploymentsResponseItem = { url: string; id: number; node_id: string; sha: string; ref: string; task: string; payload: ReposGetDeploymentsResponseItemPayload; environment: string; description: string; creator: ReposGetDeploymentsResponseItemCreator; created_at: string; updated_at: string; statuses_url: string; repository_url: string; }; type ReposGetDeploymentStatusesResponseItemCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetDeploymentStatusesResponseItem = { url: string; id: number; node_id: string; state: string; creator: ReposGetDeploymentStatusesResponseItemCreator; description: string; target_url: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; deployment_url: string; repository_url: string; 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events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetDeploymentResponsePayload = { task: string }; type ReposGetDeploymentResponse = { url: string; id: number; node_id: string; sha: string; ref: string; task: string; payload: ReposGetDeploymentResponsePayload; environment: string; description: string; creator: ReposGetDeploymentResponseCreator; created_at: string; updated_at: string; statuses_url: string; repository_url: string; }; type ReposGetDeployKeysResponseItem = { id: number; key: string; url: string; title: string; verified: boolean; created_at: string; read_only: boolean; }; type ReposGetDeployKeyResponse = { id: number; key: string; url: string; title: string; verified: boolean; created_at: string; read_only: boolean; }; type ReposGetCommunityProfileMetricsResponseFilesReadme = { url: string; html_url: string; }; type ReposGetCommunityProfileMetricsResponseFilesLicense = { name: string; key: string; spdx_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; }; type ReposGetCommunityProfileMetricsResponseFilesPullRequestTemplate = { url: string; html_url: string; }; type ReposGetCommunityProfileMetricsResponseFilesIssueTemplate = { url: string; html_url: string; }; type ReposGetCommunityProfileMetricsResponseFilesContributing = { url: string; html_url: string; }; type ReposGetCommunityProfileMetricsResponseFilesCodeOfConduct = { name: string; key: string; url: string; html_url: string; }; type ReposGetCommunityProfileMetricsResponseFiles = { code_of_conduct: ReposGetCommunityProfileMetricsResponseFilesCodeOfConduct; contributing: ReposGetCommunityProfileMetricsResponseFilesContributing; issue_template: ReposGetCommunityProfileMetricsResponseFilesIssueTemplate; pull_request_template: ReposGetCommunityProfileMetricsResponseFilesPullRequestTemplate; license: ReposGetCommunityProfileMetricsResponseFilesLicense; readme: ReposGetCommunityProfileMetricsResponseFilesReadme; }; type ReposGetCommunityProfileMetricsResponse = { health_percentage: number; description: string; documentation: boolean; files: ReposGetCommunityProfileMetricsResponseFiles; updated_at: string; }; type ReposGetCommitsResponseItemParentsItem = { url: string; sha: string; }; type ReposGetCommitsResponseItemCommitter = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetCommitsResponseItemAuthor = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetCommitsResponseItemCommitVerification = { verified: boolean; reason: string; signature: null; payload: null; }; type ReposGetCommitsResponseItemCommitTree = { url: string; sha: string; }; type ReposGetCommitsResponseItemCommitCommitter = { name: string; email: string; date: string; }; type ReposGetCommitsResponseItemCommitAuthor = { name: string; email: string; date: string; }; type ReposGetCommitsResponseItemCommit = { url: string; author: ReposGetCommitsResponseItemCommitAuthor; committer: ReposGetCommitsResponseItemCommitCommitter; message: string; tree: ReposGetCommitsResponseItemCommitTree; comment_count: number; verification: ReposGetCommitsResponseItemCommitVerification; }; type ReposGetCommitsResponseItem = { url: string; sha: string; node_id: string; html_url: string; comments_url: string; commit: ReposGetCommitsResponseItemCommit; author: ReposGetCommitsResponseItemAuthor; committer: ReposGetCommitsResponseItemCommitter; parents: Array; }; type ReposGetCommitCommentsResponseItemUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetCommitCommentsResponseItem = { html_url: string; url: string; id: number; node_id: string; body: string; path: string; position: number; line: number; commit_id: string; user: ReposGetCommitCommentsResponseItemUser; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type ReposGetCommitCommentResponseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetCommitCommentResponse = { html_url: string; url: string; id: number; node_id: string; body: string; path: string; position: number; line: number; commit_id: string; user: ReposGetCommitCommentResponseUser; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type ReposGetCommitResponseFilesItem = { filename: string; additions: number; deletions: number; changes: number; status: string; raw_url: string; blob_url: string; patch: string; }; type ReposGetCommitResponseStats = { additions: number; deletions: number; total: number; }; type ReposGetCommitResponseParentsItem = { url: string; sha: string; }; type ReposGetCommitResponseCommitter = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetCommitResponseAuthor = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetCommitResponseCommitVerification = { verified: boolean; reason: string; signature: null; payload: null; }; type ReposGetCommitResponseCommitTree = { url: string; sha: string; }; type ReposGetCommitResponseCommitCommitter = { name: string; email: string; date: string; }; type ReposGetCommitResponseCommitAuthor = { name: string; email: string; date: string; }; type ReposGetCommitResponseCommit = { url: string; author: ReposGetCommitResponseCommitAuthor; committer: ReposGetCommitResponseCommitCommitter; message: string; tree: ReposGetCommitResponseCommitTree; comment_count: number; verification: ReposGetCommitResponseCommitVerification; }; type ReposGetCommitResponse = { url: string; sha: string; node_id: string; html_url: string; comments_url: string; commit: ReposGetCommitResponseCommit; author: ReposGetCommitResponseAuthor; committer: ReposGetCommitResponseCommitter; parents: Array; stats: ReposGetCommitResponseStats; files: Array; }; type ReposGetCombinedStatusForRefResponseRepositoryOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetCombinedStatusForRefResponseRepository = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: ReposGetCombinedStatusForRefResponseRepositoryOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; }; type ReposGetCombinedStatusForRefResponseStatusesItem = { url: string; avatar_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; state: string; description: string; target_url: string; context: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type ReposGetCombinedStatusForRefResponse = { state: string; statuses: Array; sha: string; total_count: number; repository: ReposGetCombinedStatusForRefResponseRepository; commit_url: string; url: string; }; type ReposGetCollaboratorsResponseItemPermissions = { pull: boolean; push: boolean; admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetCollaboratorsResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; permissions: ReposGetCollaboratorsResponseItemPermissions; }; type ReposGetClonesResponseClonesItem = { timestamp: string; count: number; uniques: number; }; type ReposGetClonesResponse = { count: number; uniques: number; clones: Array; }; type ReposGetBranchesResponseItemCommit = { sha: string; url: string; }; type ReposGetBranchesResponseItem = { name: string; commit: ReposGetBranchesResponseItemCommit; protected: boolean; protection_url: string; }; type ReposGetBranchProtectionResponseRestrictionsTeamsItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; slug: string; description: string; privacy: string; permission: string; members_url: string; repositories_url: string; parent: null; }; type ReposGetBranchProtectionResponseRestrictionsUsersItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetBranchProtectionResponseRestrictions = { url: string; users_url: string; teams_url: string; users: Array; teams: Array; }; type ReposGetBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviewsDismissalRestrictionsTeamsItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; slug: string; description: string; privacy: string; permission: string; members_url: string; repositories_url: string; parent: null; }; type ReposGetBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviewsDismissalRestrictionsUsersItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviewsDismissalRestrictions = { url: string; users_url: string; teams_url: string; users: Array< ReposGetBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviewsDismissalRestrictionsUsersItem >; teams: Array< ReposGetBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviewsDismissalRestrictionsTeamsItem >; }; type ReposGetBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviews = { url: string; dismissal_restrictions: ReposGetBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviewsDismissalRestrictions; dismiss_stale_reviews: boolean; require_code_owner_reviews: boolean; required_approving_review_count: number; }; type ReposGetBranchProtectionResponseEnforceAdmins = { url: string; enabled: boolean; }; type ReposGetBranchProtectionResponseRequiredStatusChecks = { url: string; strict: boolean; contexts: Array; contexts_url: string; }; type ReposGetBranchProtectionResponse = { url: string; required_status_checks: ReposGetBranchProtectionResponseRequiredStatusChecks; enforce_admins: ReposGetBranchProtectionResponseEnforceAdmins; required_pull_request_reviews: ReposGetBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviews; restrictions: ReposGetBranchProtectionResponseRestrictions; }; type ReposGetBranchResponseLinks = { html: string; self: string; }; type ReposGetBranchResponseCommitCommitter = { gravatar_id: string; avatar_url: string; url: string; id: number; login: string; }; type ReposGetBranchResponseCommitParentsItem = { sha: string; url: string; }; type ReposGetBranchResponseCommitAuthor = { gravatar_id: string; avatar_url: string; url: string; id: number; login: string; }; type ReposGetBranchResponseCommitCommitVerification = { verified: boolean; reason: string; signature: null; payload: null; }; type ReposGetBranchResponseCommitCommitCommitter = { name: string; date: string; email: string; }; type ReposGetBranchResponseCommitCommitTree = { sha: string; url: string; }; type ReposGetBranchResponseCommitCommitAuthor = { name: string; date: string; email: string; }; type ReposGetBranchResponseCommitCommit = { author: ReposGetBranchResponseCommitCommitAuthor; url: string; message: string; tree: ReposGetBranchResponseCommitCommitTree; committer: ReposGetBranchResponseCommitCommitCommitter; verification: ReposGetBranchResponseCommitCommitVerification; }; type ReposGetBranchResponseCommit = { sha: string; node_id: string; commit: ReposGetBranchResponseCommitCommit; author: ReposGetBranchResponseCommitAuthor; parents: Array; url: string; committer: ReposGetBranchResponseCommitCommitter; }; type ReposGetBranchResponse = { name: string; commit: ReposGetBranchResponseCommit; _links: ReposGetBranchResponseLinks; protected: boolean; protection_url: string; }; type ReposGetAssetsResponseItemUploader = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetAssetsResponseItem = { url: string; browser_download_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; name: string; label: string; state: string; content_type: string; size: number; download_count: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; uploader: ReposGetAssetsResponseItemUploader; }; type ReposGetAssetResponseUploader = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetAssetResponse = { url: string; browser_download_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; name: string; label: string; state: string; content_type: string; size: number; download_count: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; uploader: ReposGetAssetResponseUploader; }; type ReposGetArchiveLinkResponse = {}; type ReposGetAllCommitCommentsResponseItemUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetAllCommitCommentsResponseItem = { html_url: string; url: string; id: number; node_id: string; body: string; path: string; position: number; line: number; commit_id: string; user: ReposGetAllCommitCommentsResponseItemUser; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type ReposGetResponseSourcePermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type ReposGetResponseSourceOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetResponseSource = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: ReposGetResponseSourceOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: ReposGetResponseSourcePermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type ReposGetResponseParentPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type ReposGetResponseParentOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetResponseParent = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: ReposGetResponseParentOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: ReposGetResponseParentPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type ReposGetResponseOrganization = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetResponseLicense = { key: string; name: string; spdx_id: string; url: string; node_id: string; }; type ReposGetResponsePermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type ReposGetResponseOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposGetResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: ReposGetResponseOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: ReposGetResponsePermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; license: ReposGetResponseLicense; organization: ReposGetResponseOrganization; parent: ReposGetResponseParent; source: ReposGetResponseSource; }; type ReposForkResponsePermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type ReposForkResponseOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; 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draft: boolean; prerelease: boolean; created_at: string; published_at: string; author: ReposEditReleaseResponseAuthor; assets: Array; }; type ReposEditHookResponseConfig = { url: string; content_type: string; }; type ReposEditHookResponse = { id: number; url: string; test_url: string; ping_url: string; name: string; events: Array; active: boolean; config: ReposEditHookResponseConfig; updated_at: string; created_at: string; }; type ReposEditAssetResponseUploader = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposEditAssetResponse = { url: string; browser_download_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; name: string; label: string; state: string; content_type: string; 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topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: ReposEditResponseParentPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type ReposEditResponseOrganization = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposEditResponsePermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type ReposEditResponseOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposEditResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: ReposEditResponseOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; 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}; type ReposDeleteReleaseResponse = {}; type ReposDeleteInviteResponse = {}; type ReposDeleteHookResponse = {}; type ReposDeleteFileResponseCommitVerification = { verified: boolean; reason: string; signature: null; payload: null; }; type ReposDeleteFileResponseCommitParentsItem = { url: string; html_url: string; sha: string; }; type ReposDeleteFileResponseCommitTree = { url: string; sha: string; }; type ReposDeleteFileResponseCommitCommitter = { date: string; name: string; email: string; }; type ReposDeleteFileResponseCommitAuthor = { date: string; name: string; email: string; }; type ReposDeleteFileResponseCommit = { sha: string; node_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; author: ReposDeleteFileResponseCommitAuthor; committer: ReposDeleteFileResponseCommitCommitter; message: string; tree: ReposDeleteFileResponseCommitTree; parents: Array; verification: ReposDeleteFileResponseCommitVerification; }; type ReposDeleteFileResponse = { content: null; commit: ReposDeleteFileResponseCommit; }; type ReposDeleteDownloadResponse = {}; type ReposDeleteDeployKeyResponse = {}; type ReposDeleteCommitCommentResponse = {}; type ReposDeleteAssetResponse = {}; type ReposDeleteResponse = { message?: string; documentation_url?: string; }; type ReposCreateStatusResponseCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposCreateStatusResponse = { url: string; avatar_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; state: string; description: string; target_url: string; context: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; creator: ReposCreateStatusResponseCreator; }; type ReposCreateReleaseResponseAuthor = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposCreateReleaseResponse = { url: string; html_url: string; assets_url: string; upload_url: string; tarball_url: string; zipball_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; tag_name: string; target_commitish: string; name: string; body: string; draft: boolean; prerelease: boolean; created_at: string; published_at: string; author: ReposCreateReleaseResponseAuthor; assets: Array; }; type ReposCreateHookResponseConfig = { url: string; content_type: string; }; type ReposCreateHookResponse = { id: number; url: string; test_url: string; ping_url: string; name: string; events: Array; active: boolean; config: ReposCreateHookResponseConfig; updated_at: string; created_at: string; }; type ReposCreateForOrgResponsePermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type ReposCreateForOrgResponseOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposCreateForOrgResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: ReposCreateForOrgResponseOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: ReposCreateForOrgResponsePermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type ReposCreateFileResponseCommitVerification = { verified: boolean; reason: string; signature: null; payload: null; }; type ReposCreateFileResponseCommitParentsItem = { url: string; html_url: string; sha: string; }; type ReposCreateFileResponseCommitTree = { url: string; sha: string; }; type ReposCreateFileResponseCommitCommitter = { date: string; name: string; email: string; }; type ReposCreateFileResponseCommitAuthor = { date: string; name: string; email: string; }; type ReposCreateFileResponseCommit = { sha: string; node_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; author: ReposCreateFileResponseCommitAuthor; committer: ReposCreateFileResponseCommitCommitter; message: string; tree: ReposCreateFileResponseCommitTree; parents: Array; verification: ReposCreateFileResponseCommitVerification; }; type ReposCreateFileResponseContentLinks = { self: string; git: string; html: string; }; type ReposCreateFileResponseContent = { name: string; path: string; sha: string; size: number; url: string; html_url: string; git_url: string; download_url: string; type: string; _links: ReposCreateFileResponseContentLinks; }; type ReposCreateFileResponse = { content: ReposCreateFileResponseContent; commit: ReposCreateFileResponseCommit; }; type ReposCreateDeploymentStatusResponseCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposCreateDeploymentStatusResponse = { url: string; id: number; node_id: string; state: string; creator: ReposCreateDeploymentStatusResponseCreator; description: string; target_url: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; deployment_url: string; repository_url: string; }; type ReposCreateCommitCommentResponseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposCreateCommitCommentResponse = { html_url: string; url: string; id: number; node_id: string; body: string; path: string; position: number; line: number; commit_id: string; user: ReposCreateCommitCommentResponseUser; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type ReposCreateResponsePermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type ReposCreateResponseOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposCreateResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: ReposCreateResponseOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: ReposCreateResponsePermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type ReposAddProtectedBranchUserRestrictionsResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReposAddProtectedBranchTeamRestrictionsResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; slug: string; description: string; privacy: string; permission: string; members_url: string; repositories_url: string; parent: null; }; type ReposAddProtectedBranchRequiredSignaturesResponse = { url: string; enabled: boolean; }; type ReposAddProtectedBranchAdminEnforcementResponse = { url: string; enabled: boolean; }; type ReposAddDeployKeyResponse = { id: number; key: string; url: string; title: string; verified: boolean; created_at: string; read_only: boolean; }; type ReactionsGetForTeamDiscussionCommentResponseItemUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReactionsGetForTeamDiscussionCommentResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; user: ReactionsGetForTeamDiscussionCommentResponseItemUser; content: string; created_at: string; }; type ReactionsGetForTeamDiscussionResponseItemUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReactionsGetForTeamDiscussionResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; user: ReactionsGetForTeamDiscussionResponseItemUser; content: string; created_at: string; }; type ReactionsGetForPullRequestReviewCommentResponseItemUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReactionsGetForPullRequestReviewCommentResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; user: ReactionsGetForPullRequestReviewCommentResponseItemUser; content: string; created_at: string; }; type ReactionsGetForIssueCommentResponseItemUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReactionsGetForIssueCommentResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; user: ReactionsGetForIssueCommentResponseItemUser; content: string; created_at: string; }; type ReactionsGetForIssueResponseItemUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ReactionsGetForIssueResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; user: ReactionsGetForIssueResponseItemUser; content: string; created_at: string; }; type ReactionsGetForCommitCommentResponseItemUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; 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events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsDeletePendingReviewResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; user: PullRequestsDeletePendingReviewResponseUser; body: string; commit_id: string; state: string; html_url: string; pull_request_url: string; _links: PullRequestsDeletePendingReviewResponseLinks; }; type PullRequestsDeleteCommentResponse = {}; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseRequestedTeamsItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; slug: string; description: string; privacy: string; permission: string; members_url: string; repositories_url: string; parent: null; }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseRequestedReviewersItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseLinksStatuses = { href: string }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseLinksCommits = { href: string }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseLinksReviewComment = { href: string; }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseLinksReviewComments = { href: string; }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseLinksComments = { href: string }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseLinksIssue = { href: string }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseLinksHtml = { href: string }; 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starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseBaseRepo = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseBaseRepoOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseBaseRepoPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseBaseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseBase = { label: string; ref: string; sha: string; user: PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseBaseUser; repo: PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseBaseRepo; }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseHeadRepoPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseHeadRepoOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseHeadRepo = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseHeadRepoOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseHeadRepoPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseHeadUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseHead = { label: string; ref: string; sha: string; user: PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseHeadUser; repo: PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseHeadRepo; }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseMilestoneCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseMilestone = { url: string; html_url: string; labels_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; description: string; creator: PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseMilestoneCreator; open_issues: number; closed_issues: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_at: string; due_on: string; }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseLabelsItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; description: string; color: string; default: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseAssignee = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; diff_url: string; patch_url: string; issue_url: string; commits_url: string; review_comments_url: string; review_comment_url: string; comments_url: string; statuses_url: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; body: string; assignee: PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseAssignee; labels: Array; milestone: PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseMilestone; locked: boolean; active_lock_reason: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_at: string; merged_at: string; head: PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseHead; base: PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseBase; _links: PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseLinks; user: PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseUser; requested_reviewers: Array< PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseRequestedReviewersItem >; requested_teams: Array< PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestResponseRequestedTeamsItem >; }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewResponseLinksPullRequest = { href: string }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewResponseLinksHtml = { href: string }; type PullRequestsCreateReviewResponseLinks = { html: PullRequestsCreateReviewResponseLinksHtml; pull_request: PullRequestsCreateReviewResponseLinksPullRequest; 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review_comment: PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseLinksReviewComment; commits: PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseLinksCommits; statuses: PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseLinksStatuses; }; type PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseBaseRepoPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseBaseRepoOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseBaseRepo = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseBaseRepoOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; 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open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseBaseRepoPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseBaseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseBase = { label: string; ref: string; sha: string; user: PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseBaseUser; repo: PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseBaseRepo; }; type PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseHeadRepoPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseHeadRepoOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseHeadRepo = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseHeadRepoOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; 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updated_at: string; permissions: PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseHeadRepoPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseHeadUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseHead = { label: string; ref: string; sha: string; user: PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseHeadUser; repo: PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseHeadRepo; }; type PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseMilestoneCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; 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gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; diff_url: string; patch_url: string; issue_url: string; commits_url: string; review_comments_url: string; review_comment_url: string; comments_url: string; statuses_url: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; body: string; assignee: PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseAssignee; labels: Array; milestone: PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseMilestone; locked: boolean; active_lock_reason: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_at: string; merged_at: string; head: PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseHead; base: PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseBase; _links: PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseLinks; user: PullRequestsCreateFromIssueResponseUser; }; type PullRequestsCreateCommentReplyResponseLinksPullRequest = { href: string; }; type PullRequestsCreateCommentReplyResponseLinksHtml = { href: string }; type PullRequestsCreateCommentReplyResponseLinksSelf = { href: string }; type PullRequestsCreateCommentReplyResponseLinks = { self: PullRequestsCreateCommentReplyResponseLinksSelf; html: PullRequestsCreateCommentReplyResponseLinksHtml; pull_request: PullRequestsCreateCommentReplyResponseLinksPullRequest; }; type PullRequestsCreateCommentReplyResponseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateCommentReplyResponse = { url: string; id: number; node_id: string; pull_request_review_id: number; diff_hunk: string; path: string; position: number; original_position: number; commit_id: string; original_commit_id: string; in_reply_to_id: number; user: PullRequestsCreateCommentReplyResponseUser; body: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; html_url: string; pull_request_url: string; _links: PullRequestsCreateCommentReplyResponseLinks; }; type PullRequestsCreateCommentResponseLinksPullRequest = { href: string }; type PullRequestsCreateCommentResponseLinksHtml = { href: string }; type PullRequestsCreateCommentResponseLinksSelf = { href: string }; type PullRequestsCreateCommentResponseLinks = { self: PullRequestsCreateCommentResponseLinksSelf; html: PullRequestsCreateCommentResponseLinksHtml; pull_request: PullRequestsCreateCommentResponseLinksPullRequest; }; type PullRequestsCreateCommentResponseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateCommentResponse = { url: string; id: number; node_id: string; pull_request_review_id: number; diff_hunk: string; path: string; position: number; original_position: number; commit_id: string; original_commit_id: string; in_reply_to_id: number; user: PullRequestsCreateCommentResponseUser; body: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; html_url: string; pull_request_url: string; _links: PullRequestsCreateCommentResponseLinks; }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseLinksStatuses = { href: string }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseLinksCommits = { href: string }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseLinksReviewComment = { href: string }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseLinksReviewComments = { href: string }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseLinksComments = { href: string }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseLinksIssue = { href: string }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseLinksHtml = { href: string }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseLinksSelf = { href: string }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseLinks = { self: PullRequestsCreateResponseLinksSelf; html: PullRequestsCreateResponseLinksHtml; issue: PullRequestsCreateResponseLinksIssue; comments: PullRequestsCreateResponseLinksComments; review_comments: PullRequestsCreateResponseLinksReviewComments; review_comment: PullRequestsCreateResponseLinksReviewComment; commits: PullRequestsCreateResponseLinksCommits; statuses: PullRequestsCreateResponseLinksStatuses; }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseBaseRepoPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseBaseRepoOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseBaseRepo = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: PullRequestsCreateResponseBaseRepoOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: PullRequestsCreateResponseBaseRepoPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseBaseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseBase = { label: string; ref: string; sha: string; user: PullRequestsCreateResponseBaseUser; repo: PullRequestsCreateResponseBaseRepo; }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseHeadRepoPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseHeadRepoOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseHeadRepo = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: PullRequestsCreateResponseHeadRepoOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: PullRequestsCreateResponseHeadRepoPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseHeadUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseHead = { label: string; ref: string; sha: string; user: PullRequestsCreateResponseHeadUser; repo: PullRequestsCreateResponseHeadRepo; }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseMilestoneCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseMilestone = { url: string; html_url: string; labels_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; description: string; creator: PullRequestsCreateResponseMilestoneCreator; open_issues: number; closed_issues: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_at: string; due_on: string; }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseLabelsItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; description: string; color: string; default: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateResponseAssignee = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type PullRequestsCreateResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; diff_url: string; patch_url: string; issue_url: string; commits_url: string; review_comments_url: string; review_comment_url: string; comments_url: string; statuses_url: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; body: string; assignee: PullRequestsCreateResponseAssignee; labels: Array; milestone: PullRequestsCreateResponseMilestone; locked: boolean; active_lock_reason: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_at: string; merged_at: string; head: PullRequestsCreateResponseHead; base: PullRequestsCreateResponseBase; _links: PullRequestsCreateResponseLinks; user: PullRequestsCreateResponseUser; }; type ProjectsUpdateProjectResponseCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ProjectsUpdateProjectResponse = { owner_url: string; url: string; html_url: string; columns_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; name: string; body: string; number: number; state: string; creator: ProjectsUpdateProjectResponseCreator; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type ProjectsRemoveCollaboratorResponse = {}; type ProjectsMoveProjectColumnResponse = {}; type ProjectsMoveProjectCardResponse = {}; type ProjectsGetUserPermissionLevelResponseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ProjectsGetUserPermissionLevelResponse = { permission: string; user: ProjectsGetUserPermissionLevelResponseUser; }; type ProjectsGetRepoProjectsResponseItemCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ProjectsGetRepoProjectsResponseItem = { owner_url: string; url: string; html_url: string; columns_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; name: string; body: string; number: number; state: string; creator: ProjectsGetRepoProjectsResponseItemCreator; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type ProjectsGetProjectColumnsResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; url: string; project_url: string; cards_url: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type ProjectsGetProjectCardsResponseItemCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ProjectsGetProjectCardsResponseItem = { url: string; column_url: string; content_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; note: string; creator: ProjectsGetProjectCardsResponseItemCreator; created_at: string; updated_at: string; archived: boolean; }; type ProjectsGetProjectResponseCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ProjectsGetProjectResponse = { owner_url: string; url: string; html_url: string; columns_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; name: string; body: string; number: number; state: string; creator: ProjectsGetProjectResponseCreator; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type ProjectsGetOrgProjectsResponseItemCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ProjectsGetOrgProjectsResponseItem = { owner_url: string; url: string; html_url: string; columns_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; name: string; body: string; number: number; state: string; creator: ProjectsGetOrgProjectsResponseItemCreator; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type ProjectsGetCollaboratorsResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ProjectsDeleteProjectColumnResponse = {}; type ProjectsDeleteProjectCardResponse = {}; type ProjectsCreateRepoProjectResponseCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ProjectsCreateRepoProjectResponse = { owner_url: string; url: string; html_url: string; columns_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; name: string; body: string; number: number; state: string; creator: ProjectsCreateRepoProjectResponseCreator; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type ProjectsCreateProjectCardResponseCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ProjectsCreateProjectCardResponse = { url: string; column_url: string; content_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; note: string; creator: ProjectsCreateProjectCardResponseCreator; created_at: string; updated_at: string; archived: boolean; }; type ProjectsCreateOrgProjectResponseCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ProjectsCreateOrgProjectResponse = { owner_url: string; url: string; html_url: string; columns_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; name: string; body: string; number: number; state: string; creator: ProjectsCreateOrgProjectResponseCreator; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type ProjectsAddCollaboratorResponse = {}; type OrgsUpdateResponsePlan = { name: string; space: number; private_repos: number; }; type OrgsUpdateResponse = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; name: string; company: string; blog: string; location: string; email: string; is_verified: boolean; has_organization_projects: boolean; has_repository_projects: boolean; public_repos: number; public_gists: number; followers: number; following: number; html_url: string; created_at: string; type: string; total_private_repos: number; owned_private_repos: number; private_gists: number; disk_usage: number; collaborators: number; billing_email: string; plan: OrgsUpdateResponsePlan; default_repository_settings: string; members_can_create_repositories: boolean; two_factor_requirement_enabled: boolean; }; type OrgsUnblockUserResponse = {}; type OrgsRemoveTeamMembershipResponse = {}; type OrgsRemoveOutsideCollaboratorResponse = {}; type OrgsRemoveOrgMembershipResponse = {}; type OrgsRemoveMemberResponse = {}; type OrgsPublicizeMembershipResponse = {}; type OrgsPingHookResponse = {}; type OrgsGetTeamsResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; slug: string; description: string; privacy: string; permission: string; members_url: string; repositories_url: string; parent: null; }; type OrgsGetTeamReposResponseItemLicense = { key: string; name: string; spdx_id: string; url: string; node_id: string; }; type OrgsGetTeamReposResponseItemPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type OrgsGetTeamReposResponseItemOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type OrgsGetTeamReposResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: OrgsGetTeamReposResponseItemOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: OrgsGetTeamReposResponseItemPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; license: OrgsGetTeamReposResponseItemLicense; }; type OrgsGetTeamMembersResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type OrgsGetTeamResponseOrganization = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; name: string; company: string; blog: string; location: string; email: string; is_verified: boolean; has_organization_projects: boolean; has_repository_projects: boolean; public_repos: number; public_gists: number; followers: number; following: number; html_url: string; created_at: string; type: string; }; type OrgsGetTeamResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; slug: string; description: string; privacy: string; permission: string; members_url: string; repositories_url: string; parent: null; members_count: number; repos_count: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; organization: OrgsGetTeamResponseOrganization; }; type OrgsGetPublicMembersResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type OrgsGetPendingTeamInvitesResponseItemInviter = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type OrgsGetPendingTeamInvitesResponseItem = { id: number; login: string; email: string; role: string; created_at: string; inviter: OrgsGetPendingTeamInvitesResponseItemInviter; team_count: number; invitation_team_url: string; }; type OrgsGetPendingOrgInvitesResponseItemInviter = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type OrgsGetPendingOrgInvitesResponseItem = { id: number; login: string; email: string; role: string; created_at: string; inviter: OrgsGetPendingOrgInvitesResponseItemInviter; team_count: number; invitation_team_url: string; }; type OrgsGetOutsideCollaboratorsResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type OrgsGetMembersResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type OrgsGetInvitationTeamsResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; slug: string; description: string; privacy: string; permission: string; members_url: string; repositories_url: string; parent: null; }; type OrgsGetHooksResponseItemConfig = { url: string; content_type: string; }; type OrgsGetHooksResponseItem = { id: number; url: string; ping_url: string; name: string; events: Array; active: boolean; config: OrgsGetHooksResponseItemConfig; updated_at: string; created_at: string; }; type OrgsGetHookResponseConfig = { url: string; content_type: string; }; type OrgsGetHookResponse = { id: number; url: string; ping_url: string; name: string; events: Array; active: boolean; config: OrgsGetHookResponseConfig; updated_at: string; created_at: string; }; type OrgsGetForUserResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; }; type OrgsGetBlockedUsersResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type OrgsGetAllResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; }; type OrgsGetResponsePlan = { name: string; space: number; private_repos: number; }; type OrgsGetResponse = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; name: string; company: string; blog: string; location: string; email: string; is_verified: boolean; has_organization_projects: boolean; has_repository_projects: boolean; public_repos: number; public_gists: number; followers: number; following: number; html_url: string; created_at: string; type: string; total_private_repos: number; owned_private_repos: number; private_gists: number; disk_usage: number; collaborators: number; billing_email: string; plan: OrgsGetResponsePlan; default_repository_settings: string; members_can_create_repositories: boolean; two_factor_requirement_enabled: boolean; }; type OrgsEditTeamResponseOrganization = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; name: string; company: string; blog: string; location: string; email: string; is_verified: boolean; has_organization_projects: boolean; has_repository_projects: boolean; public_repos: number; public_gists: number; followers: number; following: number; html_url: string; created_at: string; type: string; }; type OrgsEditTeamResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; slug: string; description: string; privacy: string; permission: string; members_url: string; repositories_url: string; parent: null; members_count: number; repos_count: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; organization: OrgsEditTeamResponseOrganization; }; type OrgsEditHookResponseConfig = { url: string; content_type: string; }; type OrgsEditHookResponse = { id: number; url: string; ping_url: string; name: string; events: Array; active: boolean; config: OrgsEditHookResponseConfig; updated_at: string; created_at: string; }; type OrgsDeleteTeamRepoResponse = {}; type OrgsDeleteTeamResponse = {}; type OrgsDeleteHookResponse = {}; type OrgsCreateTeamResponseOrganization = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; name: string; company: string; blog: string; location: string; email: string; is_verified: boolean; has_organization_projects: boolean; has_repository_projects: boolean; public_repos: number; public_gists: number; followers: number; following: number; html_url: string; created_at: string; type: string; }; type OrgsCreateTeamResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; slug: string; description: string; privacy: string; permission: string; members_url: string; repositories_url: string; parent: null; members_count: number; repos_count: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; organization: OrgsCreateTeamResponseOrganization; }; type OrgsCreateInvitationResponseInviter = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type OrgsCreateInvitationResponse = { id: number; login: string; email: string; role: string; created_at: string; inviter: OrgsCreateInvitationResponseInviter; team_count: number; invitation_team_url: string; }; type OrgsCreateHookResponseConfig = { url: string; content_type: string; }; type OrgsCreateHookResponse = { id: number; url: string; ping_url: string; name: string; events: Array; active: boolean; config: OrgsCreateHookResponseConfig; updated_at: string; created_at: string; }; type OrgsConvertMemberToOutsideCollaboratorResponse = {}; type OrgsConcealMembershipResponse = {}; type OrgsCheckBlockedUserResponse = {}; type OrgsBlockUserResponse = {}; type OrgsAddTeamRepoResponse = {}; type MiscRenderMarkdownRawResponse = {}; type MiscRenderMarkdownResponse = {}; type MiscGetRepoLicenseResponseLicense = { key: string; name: string; spdx_id: string; url: string; node_id: string; }; type MiscGetRepoLicenseResponseLinks = { self: string; git: string; html: string; }; type MiscGetRepoLicenseResponse = { name: string; path: string; sha: string; size: number; url: string; html_url: string; git_url: string; download_url: string; type: string; content: string; encoding: string; _links: MiscGetRepoLicenseResponseLinks; license: MiscGetRepoLicenseResponseLicense; }; type MiscGetRepoCodeOfConductResponse = { key: string; name: string; url: string; body: string; }; type MiscGetRateLimitResponseRate = { limit: number; remaining: number; reset: number; }; type MiscGetRateLimitResponseResourcesSearch = { limit: number; remaining: number; reset: number; }; type MiscGetRateLimitResponseResourcesCore = { limit: number; remaining: number; reset: number; }; type MiscGetRateLimitResponseResources = { core: MiscGetRateLimitResponseResourcesCore; search: MiscGetRateLimitResponseResourcesSearch; }; type MiscGetRateLimitResponse = { resources: MiscGetRateLimitResponseResources; rate: MiscGetRateLimitResponseRate; }; type MiscGetLicensesResponseItem = { key: string; name: string; spdx_id: string; url: string; node_id?: string; }; type MiscGetLicenseResponse = { key: string; name: string; spdx_id: string; url: string; node_id: string; html_url: string; description: string; implementation: string; permissions: Array; conditions: Array; limitations: Array; body: string; featured: boolean; }; type MiscGetGitignoreTemplateResponse = { name?: string; source?: string; }; type MiscGetCodesOfConductResponseItem = { key: string; name: string; url: string; }; type MiscGetCodeOfConductResponse = { key: string; name: string; url: string; body: string; }; type MigrationsUpdateImportResponse = { vcs: string; use_lfs: string; vcs_url: string; status: string; url: string; html_url: string; authors_url: string; repository_url: string; }; type MigrationsUnlockRepoLockedForMigrationResponse = {}; type MigrationsUnlockRepoForAuthenticatedUserResponse = {}; type MigrationsStartMigrationResponseRepositoriesItemPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type MigrationsStartMigrationResponseRepositoriesItemOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type MigrationsStartMigrationResponseRepositoriesItem = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: MigrationsStartMigrationResponseRepositoriesItemOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: MigrationsStartMigrationResponseRepositoriesItemPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type MigrationsStartMigrationResponseOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; }; type MigrationsStartMigrationResponse = { id: number; owner: MigrationsStartMigrationResponseOwner; guid: string; state: string; lock_repositories: boolean; exclude_attachments: boolean; repositories: Array; url: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type MigrationsStartImportResponse = { vcs: string; use_lfs: string; vcs_url: string; status: string; status_text: string; has_large_files: boolean; large_files_size: number; large_files_count: number; authors_count: number; percent: number; commit_count: number; url: string; html_url: string; authors_url: string; repository_url: string; }; type MigrationsStartForAuthenticatedUserResponseRepositoriesItemPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type MigrationsStartForAuthenticatedUserResponseRepositoriesItemOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type MigrationsStartForAuthenticatedUserResponseRepositoriesItem = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: MigrationsStartForAuthenticatedUserResponseRepositoriesItemOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: MigrationsStartForAuthenticatedUserResponseRepositoriesItemPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type MigrationsStartForAuthenticatedUserResponseOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type MigrationsStartForAuthenticatedUserResponse = { id: number; owner: MigrationsStartForAuthenticatedUserResponseOwner; guid: string; state: string; lock_repositories: boolean; exclude_attachments: boolean; repositories: Array< MigrationsStartForAuthenticatedUserResponseRepositoriesItem >; url: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type MigrationsSetImportLfsPreferenceResponse = { vcs: string; use_lfs: string; vcs_url: string; status: string; status_text: string; has_large_files: boolean; large_files_size: number; large_files_count: number; authors_count: number; url: string; html_url: string; authors_url: string; repository_url: string; }; type MigrationsMapImportCommitAuthorResponse = { id: number; remote_id: string; remote_name: string; email: string; name: string; url: string; import_url: string; }; type MigrationsListForAuthenticatedUserResponseItemRepositoriesItemPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type MigrationsListForAuthenticatedUserResponseItemRepositoriesItemOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type MigrationsListForAuthenticatedUserResponseItemRepositoriesItem = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: MigrationsListForAuthenticatedUserResponseItemRepositoriesItemOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: MigrationsListForAuthenticatedUserResponseItemRepositoriesItemPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type MigrationsListForAuthenticatedUserResponseItemOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type MigrationsListForAuthenticatedUserResponseItem = { id: number; owner: MigrationsListForAuthenticatedUserResponseItemOwner; guid: string; state: string; lock_repositories: boolean; exclude_attachments: boolean; repositories: Array< MigrationsListForAuthenticatedUserResponseItemRepositoriesItem >; url: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type MigrationsGetStatusForAuthenticatedUserResponseRepositoriesItemPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type MigrationsGetStatusForAuthenticatedUserResponseRepositoriesItemOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type MigrationsGetStatusForAuthenticatedUserResponseRepositoriesItem = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: MigrationsGetStatusForAuthenticatedUserResponseRepositoriesItemOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: MigrationsGetStatusForAuthenticatedUserResponseRepositoriesItemPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type MigrationsGetStatusForAuthenticatedUserResponseOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type MigrationsGetStatusForAuthenticatedUserResponse = { id: number; owner: MigrationsGetStatusForAuthenticatedUserResponseOwner; guid: string; state: string; lock_repositories: boolean; exclude_attachments: boolean; repositories: Array< MigrationsGetStatusForAuthenticatedUserResponseRepositoriesItem >; url: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type MigrationsGetMigrationsResponseItemRepositoriesItemPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type MigrationsGetMigrationsResponseItemRepositoriesItemOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type MigrationsGetMigrationsResponseItemRepositoriesItem = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: MigrationsGetMigrationsResponseItemRepositoriesItemOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: MigrationsGetMigrationsResponseItemRepositoriesItemPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type MigrationsGetMigrationsResponseItemOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; }; type MigrationsGetMigrationsResponseItem = { id: number; owner: MigrationsGetMigrationsResponseItemOwner; guid: string; state: string; lock_repositories: boolean; exclude_attachments: boolean; repositories: Array; url: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type MigrationsGetMigrationStatusResponseRepositoriesItemPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type MigrationsGetMigrationStatusResponseRepositoriesItemOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type MigrationsGetMigrationStatusResponseRepositoriesItem = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: MigrationsGetMigrationStatusResponseRepositoriesItemOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: MigrationsGetMigrationStatusResponseRepositoriesItemPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type MigrationsGetMigrationStatusResponseOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; }; type MigrationsGetMigrationStatusResponse = { id: number; owner: MigrationsGetMigrationStatusResponseOwner; guid: string; state: string; lock_repositories: boolean; exclude_attachments: boolean; repositories: Array; url: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type MigrationsGetMigrationArchiveLinkResponse = {}; type MigrationsGetLargeImportFilesResponseItem = { ref_name: string; path: string; oid: string; size: number; }; type MigrationsGetImportProgressResponse = { vcs: string; use_lfs: string; vcs_url: string; status: string; status_text: string; has_large_files: boolean; large_files_size: number; large_files_count: number; authors_count: number; url: string; html_url: string; authors_url: string; repository_url: string; }; type MigrationsGetImportCommitAuthorsResponseItem = { id: number; remote_id: string; remote_name: string; email: string; name: string; url: string; import_url: string; }; type MigrationsGetArchiveForAuthenticatedUserResponse = {}; type MigrationsDeleteMigrationArchiveResponse = {}; type MigrationsDeleteArchiveForAuthenticatedUserResponse = {}; type MigrationsCancelImportResponse = {}; type IssuesUpdateMilestoneResponseCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesUpdateMilestoneResponse = { url: string; html_url: string; labels_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; description: string; creator: IssuesUpdateMilestoneResponseCreator; open_issues: number; closed_issues: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_at: string; due_on: string; }; type IssuesUpdateLabelResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; description: string; color: string; default: boolean; }; type IssuesUnlockResponse = {}; type IssuesReplaceAllLabelsResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; description: string; color: string; default: boolean; }; type IssuesRemoveAssigneesFromIssueResponsePullRequest = { url: string; html_url: string; diff_url: string; patch_url: string; }; type IssuesRemoveAssigneesFromIssueResponseMilestoneCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesRemoveAssigneesFromIssueResponseMilestone = { url: string; html_url: string; labels_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; description: string; creator: IssuesRemoveAssigneesFromIssueResponseMilestoneCreator; open_issues: number; closed_issues: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_at: string; due_on: string; }; type IssuesRemoveAssigneesFromIssueResponseAssigneesItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesRemoveAssigneesFromIssueResponseAssignee = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesRemoveAssigneesFromIssueResponseLabelsItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; description: string; color: string; default: boolean; }; type IssuesRemoveAssigneesFromIssueResponseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesRemoveAssigneesFromIssueResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repository_url: string; labels_url: string; comments_url: string; events_url: string; html_url: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; body: string; user: IssuesRemoveAssigneesFromIssueResponseUser; labels: Array; assignee: IssuesRemoveAssigneesFromIssueResponseAssignee; assignees: Array; milestone: IssuesRemoveAssigneesFromIssueResponseMilestone; locked: boolean; active_lock_reason: string; comments: number; pull_request: IssuesRemoveAssigneesFromIssueResponsePullRequest; closed_at: null; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type IssuesRemoveAllLabelsResponse = {}; type IssuesLockResponse = {}; type IssuesGetMilestonesResponseItemCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetMilestonesResponseItem = { url: string; html_url: string; labels_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; description: string; creator: IssuesGetMilestonesResponseItemCreator; open_issues: number; closed_issues: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_at: string; due_on: string; }; type IssuesGetMilestoneLabelsResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; description: string; color: string; default: boolean; }; type IssuesGetMilestoneResponseCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetMilestoneResponse = { url: string; html_url: string; labels_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; description: string; creator: IssuesGetMilestoneResponseCreator; open_issues: number; closed_issues: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_at: string; due_on: string; }; type IssuesGetLabelsResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; description: string; color: string; default: boolean; }; type IssuesGetLabelResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; description: string; color: string; default: boolean; }; type IssuesGetIssueLabelsResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; description: string; color: string; default: boolean; }; type IssuesGetForUserResponseItemRepositoryPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type IssuesGetForUserResponseItemRepositoryOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetForUserResponseItemRepository = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: IssuesGetForUserResponseItemRepositoryOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: IssuesGetForUserResponseItemRepositoryPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type IssuesGetForUserResponseItemPullRequest = { url: string; html_url: string; diff_url: string; patch_url: string; }; type IssuesGetForUserResponseItemMilestoneCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetForUserResponseItemMilestone = { url: string; html_url: string; labels_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; description: string; creator: IssuesGetForUserResponseItemMilestoneCreator; open_issues: number; closed_issues: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_at: string; due_on: string; }; type IssuesGetForUserResponseItemAssigneesItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetForUserResponseItemAssignee = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetForUserResponseItemLabelsItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; description: string; color: string; default: boolean; }; type IssuesGetForUserResponseItemUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetForUserResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repository_url: string; labels_url: string; comments_url: string; events_url: string; html_url: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; body: string; user: IssuesGetForUserResponseItemUser; labels: Array; assignee: IssuesGetForUserResponseItemAssignee; assignees: Array; milestone: IssuesGetForUserResponseItemMilestone; locked: boolean; active_lock_reason: string; comments: number; pull_request: IssuesGetForUserResponseItemPullRequest; closed_at: null; created_at: string; updated_at: string; repository: IssuesGetForUserResponseItemRepository; }; type IssuesGetForRepoResponseItemPullRequest = { url: string; html_url: string; diff_url: string; patch_url: string; }; type IssuesGetForRepoResponseItemMilestoneCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetForRepoResponseItemMilestone = { url: string; html_url: string; labels_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; description: string; creator: IssuesGetForRepoResponseItemMilestoneCreator; open_issues: number; closed_issues: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_at: string; due_on: string; }; type IssuesGetForRepoResponseItemAssigneesItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetForRepoResponseItemAssignee = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetForRepoResponseItemLabelsItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; description: string; color: string; default: boolean; }; type IssuesGetForRepoResponseItemUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetForRepoResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repository_url: string; labels_url: string; comments_url: string; events_url: string; html_url: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; body: string; user: IssuesGetForRepoResponseItemUser; labels: Array; assignee: IssuesGetForRepoResponseItemAssignee; assignees: Array; milestone: IssuesGetForRepoResponseItemMilestone; locked: boolean; active_lock_reason: string; comments: number; pull_request: IssuesGetForRepoResponseItemPullRequest; closed_at: null; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type IssuesGetForOrgResponseItemRepositoryPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type IssuesGetForOrgResponseItemRepositoryOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetForOrgResponseItemRepository = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: IssuesGetForOrgResponseItemRepositoryOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: IssuesGetForOrgResponseItemRepositoryPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type IssuesGetForOrgResponseItemPullRequest = { url: string; html_url: string; diff_url: string; patch_url: string; }; type IssuesGetForOrgResponseItemMilestoneCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetForOrgResponseItemMilestone = { url: string; html_url: string; labels_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; description: string; creator: IssuesGetForOrgResponseItemMilestoneCreator; open_issues: number; closed_issues: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_at: string; due_on: string; }; type IssuesGetForOrgResponseItemAssigneesItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetForOrgResponseItemAssignee = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetForOrgResponseItemLabelsItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; description: string; color: string; default: boolean; }; type IssuesGetForOrgResponseItemUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetForOrgResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repository_url: string; labels_url: string; comments_url: string; events_url: string; html_url: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; body: string; user: IssuesGetForOrgResponseItemUser; labels: Array; assignee: IssuesGetForOrgResponseItemAssignee; assignees: Array; milestone: IssuesGetForOrgResponseItemMilestone; locked: boolean; active_lock_reason: string; comments: number; pull_request: IssuesGetForOrgResponseItemPullRequest; closed_at: null; created_at: string; updated_at: string; repository: IssuesGetForOrgResponseItemRepository; }; type IssuesGetEventsTimelineResponseItemActor = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetEventsTimelineResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; actor: IssuesGetEventsTimelineResponseItemActor; event: string; commit_id: string; commit_url: string; created_at: string; }; type IssuesGetEventsForRepoResponseItemIssuePullRequest = { url: string; html_url: string; diff_url: string; 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html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetEventsForRepoResponseItemIssueAssignee = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetEventsForRepoResponseItemIssueLabelsItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; description: string; color: string; default: boolean; }; type IssuesGetEventsForRepoResponseItemIssueUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetEventsForRepoResponseItemIssue = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repository_url: string; labels_url: string; comments_url: string; events_url: string; html_url: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; body: string; user: IssuesGetEventsForRepoResponseItemIssueUser; labels: Array; assignee: IssuesGetEventsForRepoResponseItemIssueAssignee; assignees: Array; milestone: IssuesGetEventsForRepoResponseItemIssueMilestone; locked: boolean; active_lock_reason: string; comments: number; pull_request: IssuesGetEventsForRepoResponseItemIssuePullRequest; closed_at: null; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type IssuesGetEventsForRepoResponseItemActor = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetEventsForRepoResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; actor: IssuesGetEventsForRepoResponseItemActor; event: string; commit_id: string; commit_url: string; created_at: string; issue: IssuesGetEventsForRepoResponseItemIssue; }; type IssuesGetEventsResponseItemActor = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetEventsResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; actor: IssuesGetEventsResponseItemActor; event: string; commit_id: string; commit_url: string; created_at: string; }; type IssuesGetEventResponseIssuePullRequest = { url: string; html_url: string; diff_url: string; patch_url: string; }; type IssuesGetEventResponseIssueMilestoneCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetEventResponseIssueMilestone = { url: string; html_url: string; labels_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; description: string; creator: IssuesGetEventResponseIssueMilestoneCreator; open_issues: number; closed_issues: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_at: string; due_on: string; }; type IssuesGetEventResponseIssueAssigneesItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetEventResponseIssueAssignee = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetEventResponseIssueLabelsItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; description: string; color: string; default: boolean; }; type IssuesGetEventResponseIssueUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetEventResponseIssue = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repository_url: string; labels_url: string; comments_url: string; events_url: string; html_url: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; body: string; user: IssuesGetEventResponseIssueUser; labels: Array; assignee: IssuesGetEventResponseIssueAssignee; assignees: Array; milestone: IssuesGetEventResponseIssueMilestone; locked: boolean; active_lock_reason: string; comments: number; pull_request: IssuesGetEventResponseIssuePullRequest; closed_at: null; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type IssuesGetEventResponseActor = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetEventResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; actor: IssuesGetEventResponseActor; event: string; commit_id: string; commit_url: string; created_at: string; issue: IssuesGetEventResponseIssue; }; type IssuesGetCommentsForRepoResponseItemUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetCommentsForRepoResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; body: string; user: IssuesGetCommentsForRepoResponseItemUser; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type IssuesGetCommentsResponseItemUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetCommentsResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; body: string; user: IssuesGetCommentsResponseItemUser; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type IssuesGetCommentResponseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetCommentResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; body: string; user: IssuesGetCommentResponseUser; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type IssuesGetAssigneesResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetAllResponseItemRepositoryPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type IssuesGetAllResponseItemRepositoryOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetAllResponseItemRepository = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: IssuesGetAllResponseItemRepositoryOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: IssuesGetAllResponseItemRepositoryPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type IssuesGetAllResponseItemPullRequest = { url: string; html_url: string; diff_url: string; patch_url: string; }; type IssuesGetAllResponseItemMilestoneCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetAllResponseItemMilestone = { url: string; html_url: string; labels_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; description: string; creator: IssuesGetAllResponseItemMilestoneCreator; open_issues: number; closed_issues: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_at: string; due_on: string; }; type IssuesGetAllResponseItemAssigneesItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetAllResponseItemAssignee = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetAllResponseItemLabelsItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; description: string; color: string; default: boolean; }; type IssuesGetAllResponseItemUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetAllResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repository_url: string; labels_url: string; comments_url: string; events_url: string; html_url: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; body: string; user: IssuesGetAllResponseItemUser; labels: Array; assignee: IssuesGetAllResponseItemAssignee; assignees: Array; milestone: IssuesGetAllResponseItemMilestone; locked: boolean; active_lock_reason: string; comments: number; pull_request: IssuesGetAllResponseItemPullRequest; closed_at: null; created_at: string; updated_at: string; repository: IssuesGetAllResponseItemRepository; }; type IssuesGetResponseClosedBy = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetResponsePullRequest = { url: string; html_url: string; diff_url: string; patch_url: string; }; type IssuesGetResponseMilestoneCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetResponseMilestone = { url: string; html_url: string; labels_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; description: string; creator: IssuesGetResponseMilestoneCreator; open_issues: number; closed_issues: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_at: string; due_on: string; }; type IssuesGetResponseAssigneesItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetResponseAssignee = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetResponseLabelsItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; description: string; color: string; default: boolean; }; type IssuesGetResponseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesGetResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repository_url: string; labels_url: string; comments_url: string; events_url: string; html_url: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; body: string; user: IssuesGetResponseUser; labels: Array; assignee: IssuesGetResponseAssignee; assignees: Array; milestone: IssuesGetResponseMilestone; locked: boolean; active_lock_reason: string; comments: number; pull_request: IssuesGetResponsePullRequest; closed_at: null; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_by: IssuesGetResponseClosedBy; }; type IssuesEditCommentResponseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesEditCommentResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; body: string; user: IssuesEditCommentResponseUser; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type IssuesEditResponseClosedBy = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesEditResponsePullRequest = { url: string; html_url: string; diff_url: string; patch_url: string; }; type IssuesEditResponseMilestoneCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesEditResponseMilestone = { url: string; html_url: string; labels_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; description: string; creator: IssuesEditResponseMilestoneCreator; open_issues: number; closed_issues: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_at: string; due_on: string; }; type IssuesEditResponseAssigneesItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesEditResponseAssignee = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesEditResponseLabelsItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; description: string; color: string; default: boolean; }; type IssuesEditResponseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesEditResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repository_url: string; labels_url: string; comments_url: string; events_url: string; html_url: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; body: string; user: IssuesEditResponseUser; labels: Array; assignee: IssuesEditResponseAssignee; assignees: Array; milestone: IssuesEditResponseMilestone; locked: boolean; active_lock_reason: string; comments: number; pull_request: IssuesEditResponsePullRequest; closed_at: null; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_by: IssuesEditResponseClosedBy; }; type IssuesDeleteMilestoneResponse = {}; type IssuesDeleteLabelResponse = {}; type IssuesDeleteCommentResponse = {}; type IssuesCreateMilestoneResponseCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesCreateMilestoneResponse = { url: string; html_url: string; labels_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; description: string; creator: IssuesCreateMilestoneResponseCreator; open_issues: number; closed_issues: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_at: string; due_on: string; }; type IssuesCreateLabelResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; description: string; color: string; default: boolean; }; type IssuesCreateCommentResponseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesCreateCommentResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; body: string; user: IssuesCreateCommentResponseUser; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type IssuesCreateResponseClosedBy = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesCreateResponsePullRequest = { url: string; html_url: string; diff_url: string; patch_url: string; }; type IssuesCreateResponseMilestoneCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesCreateResponseMilestone = { url: string; html_url: string; labels_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; description: string; creator: IssuesCreateResponseMilestoneCreator; open_issues: number; closed_issues: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_at: string; due_on: string; }; type IssuesCreateResponseAssigneesItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesCreateResponseAssignee = { login: string; 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comments_url: string; events_url: string; html_url: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; body: string; user: IssuesCreateResponseUser; labels: Array; assignee: IssuesCreateResponseAssignee; assignees: Array; milestone: IssuesCreateResponseMilestone; locked: boolean; active_lock_reason: string; comments: number; pull_request: IssuesCreateResponsePullRequest; closed_at: null; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_by: IssuesCreateResponseClosedBy; }; type IssuesCheckAssigneeResponse = {}; type IssuesAddLabelsResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; name: string; description: string; color: string; default: boolean; }; type IssuesAddAssigneesToIssueResponsePullRequest = { url: string; html_url: string; diff_url: string; patch_url: string; }; type IssuesAddAssigneesToIssueResponseMilestoneCreator = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesAddAssigneesToIssueResponseMilestone = { url: string; html_url: string; labels_url: string; id: number; node_id: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; description: string; creator: IssuesAddAssigneesToIssueResponseMilestoneCreator; open_issues: number; closed_issues: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; closed_at: string; due_on: string; }; type IssuesAddAssigneesToIssueResponseAssigneesItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type IssuesAddAssigneesToIssueResponseAssignee = { login: string; 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repository_url: string; labels_url: string; comments_url: string; events_url: string; html_url: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; body: string; user: IssuesAddAssigneesToIssueResponseUser; labels: Array; assignee: IssuesAddAssigneesToIssueResponseAssignee; assignees: Array; milestone: IssuesAddAssigneesToIssueResponseMilestone; locked: boolean; active_lock_reason: string; comments: number; pull_request: IssuesAddAssigneesToIssueResponsePullRequest; closed_at: null; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type GitdataUpdateReferenceResponseObject = { type: string; sha: string; url: string; }; type GitdataUpdateReferenceResponse = { ref: string; node_id: string; url: string; object: GitdataUpdateReferenceResponseObject; }; type GitdataGetTagSignatureVerificationResponseVerification = { verified: boolean; reason: string; signature: null; payload: null; }; type GitdataGetTagSignatureVerificationResponseObject = { type: string; sha: string; url: string; }; type GitdataGetTagSignatureVerificationResponseTagger = { name: string; 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sha: string; }; type GitdataGetCommitSignatureVerificationResponseTree = { url: string; sha: string; }; type GitdataGetCommitSignatureVerificationResponseCommitter = { date: string; name: string; email: string; }; type GitdataGetCommitSignatureVerificationResponseAuthor = { date: string; name: string; email: string; }; type GitdataGetCommitSignatureVerificationResponse = { sha: string; url: string; author: GitdataGetCommitSignatureVerificationResponseAuthor; committer: GitdataGetCommitSignatureVerificationResponseCommitter; message: string; tree: GitdataGetCommitSignatureVerificationResponseTree; parents: Array; verification: GitdataGetCommitSignatureVerificationResponseVerification; }; type GitdataGetCommitResponseVerification = { verified: boolean; reason: string; signature: null; payload: null; }; type GitdataGetCommitResponseParentsItem = { url: string; sha: string; }; type GitdataGetCommitResponseTree = { url: string; sha: string; }; type GitdataGetCommitResponseCommitter = { date: string; 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date: string; }; type GitdataCreateTagResponse = { node_id: string; tag: string; sha: string; url: string; message: string; tagger: GitdataCreateTagResponseTagger; object: GitdataCreateTagResponseObject; verification: GitdataCreateTagResponseVerification; }; type GitdataCreateReferenceResponseObject = { type: string; sha: string; url: string; }; type GitdataCreateReferenceResponse = { ref: string; node_id: string; url: string; object: GitdataCreateReferenceResponseObject; }; type GitdataCreateCommitResponseVerification = { verified: boolean; reason: string; signature: null; payload: null; }; type GitdataCreateCommitResponseParentsItem = { url: string; sha: string; }; type GitdataCreateCommitResponseTree = { url: string; sha: string; }; type GitdataCreateCommitResponseCommitter = { date: string; name: string; email: string; }; type GitdataCreateCommitResponseAuthor = { date: string; name: string; email: string; }; type GitdataCreateCommitResponse = { sha: string; node_id: string; url: string; author: GitdataCreateCommitResponseAuthor; committer: GitdataCreateCommitResponseCommitter; message: string; tree: GitdataCreateCommitResponseTree; parents: Array; verification: GitdataCreateCommitResponseVerification; }; type GitdataCreateBlobResponse = { url: string; sha: string; }; type GistsUnstarResponse = {}; type GistsStarResponse = {}; type GistsGetStarredResponseItemOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type GistsGetStarredResponseItemFilesHelloWorldRb = { filename: string; type: string; language: string; raw_url: string; size: number; }; type GistsGetStarredResponseItemFiles = { "hello_world.rb": GistsGetStarredResponseItemFilesHelloWorldRb; }; type GistsGetStarredResponseItem = { url: string; 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type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type GistsGetRevisionResponseFilesHelloWorldPythonTxt = { filename: string; type: string; language: string; raw_url: string; size: number; truncated: boolean; content: string; }; type GistsGetRevisionResponseFilesHelloWorldRubyTxt = { filename: string; type: string; language: string; raw_url: string; size: number; truncated: boolean; content: string; }; type GistsGetRevisionResponseFilesHelloWorldPy = { filename: string; type: string; language: string; raw_url: string; size: number; truncated: boolean; content: string; }; type GistsGetRevisionResponseFilesHelloWorldRb = { filename: string; type: string; language: string; raw_url: string; size: number; truncated: boolean; content: string; }; type GistsGetRevisionResponseFiles = { "hello_world.rb": GistsGetRevisionResponseFilesHelloWorldRb; "hello_world.py": GistsGetRevisionResponseFilesHelloWorldPy; "hello_world_ruby.txt": GistsGetRevisionResponseFilesHelloWorldRubyTxt; "hello_world_python.txt": GistsGetRevisionResponseFilesHelloWorldPythonTxt; 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id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type GistsGetForUserResponseItemFilesHelloWorldRb = { filename: string; type: string; language: string; raw_url: string; size: number; }; type GistsGetForUserResponseItemFiles = { "hello_world.rb": GistsGetForUserResponseItemFilesHelloWorldRb; }; type GistsGetForUserResponseItem = { url: string; forks_url: string; commits_url: string; id: string; node_id: string; git_pull_url: string; git_push_url: string; html_url: string; files: GistsGetForUserResponseItemFiles; public: boolean; created_at: string; updated_at: string; description: string; comments: number; user: null; comments_url: string; owner: GistsGetForUserResponseItemOwner; truncated: boolean; 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events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type GistsGetCommentsResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; body: string; user: GistsGetCommentsResponseItemUser; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type GistsGetCommentResponseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type GistsGetCommentResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; body: string; user: GistsGetCommentResponseUser; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type GistsGetAllResponseItemOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type GistsGetAllResponseItemFilesHelloWorldRb = { filename: string; type: string; language: string; raw_url: string; size: number; }; type GistsGetAllResponseItemFiles = { "hello_world.rb": GistsGetAllResponseItemFilesHelloWorldRb; }; type GistsGetAllResponseItem = { url: string; forks_url: string; commits_url: string; id: string; node_id: string; git_pull_url: string; git_push_url: string; html_url: string; files: GistsGetAllResponseItemFiles; public: boolean; created_at: string; updated_at: string; description: string; comments: number; user: null; comments_url: string; owner: GistsGetAllResponseItemOwner; truncated: boolean; }; type GistsGetResponseHistoryItemChangeStatus = { deletions: number; additions: number; total: number; }; type GistsGetResponseHistoryItemUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type GistsGetResponseHistoryItem = { url: string; version: string; user: GistsGetResponseHistoryItemUser; change_status: GistsGetResponseHistoryItemChangeStatus; committed_at: string; }; type GistsGetResponseForksItemUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type GistsGetResponseForksItem = { user: GistsGetResponseForksItemUser; url: string; id: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type GistsGetResponseOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type GistsGetResponseFilesHelloWorldPythonTxt = { filename: string; type: string; language: string; raw_url: string; size: number; truncated: boolean; content: string; }; type GistsGetResponseFilesHelloWorldRubyTxt = { filename: string; type: string; language: string; raw_url: string; size: number; truncated: boolean; content: string; }; type GistsGetResponseFilesHelloWorldPy = { filename: string; type: string; language: string; raw_url: string; size: number; truncated: boolean; content: string; }; type GistsGetResponseFilesHelloWorldRb = { filename: string; type: string; language: string; raw_url: string; size: number; truncated: boolean; content: string; }; type GistsGetResponseFiles = { "hello_world.rb": GistsGetResponseFilesHelloWorldRb; "hello_world.py": GistsGetResponseFilesHelloWorldPy; "hello_world_ruby.txt": GistsGetResponseFilesHelloWorldRubyTxt; "hello_world_python.txt": GistsGetResponseFilesHelloWorldPythonTxt; }; type GistsGetResponse = { url: string; forks_url: string; commits_url: string; id: string; node_id: string; git_pull_url: string; git_push_url: string; html_url: string; files: GistsGetResponseFiles; public: boolean; created_at: string; updated_at: string; description: string; comments: number; user: null; comments_url: string; owner: GistsGetResponseOwner; truncated: boolean; forks: Array; history: Array; }; type GistsForkResponseOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type GistsForkResponseFilesHelloWorldRb = { filename: string; type: string; language: string; raw_url: string; size: number; }; type GistsForkResponseFiles = { "hello_world.rb": GistsForkResponseFilesHelloWorldRb; }; type GistsForkResponse = { url: string; forks_url: string; commits_url: string; id: string; node_id: string; git_pull_url: string; git_push_url: string; html_url: string; files: GistsForkResponseFiles; public: boolean; created_at: string; updated_at: string; description: string; comments: number; user: null; comments_url: string; owner: GistsForkResponseOwner; truncated: boolean; }; type GistsEditCommentResponseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type GistsEditCommentResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; url: string; body: string; user: GistsEditCommentResponseUser; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type GistsEditResponseHistoryItemChangeStatus = { deletions: number; additions: number; total: number; }; type GistsEditResponseHistoryItemUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type GistsEditResponseHistoryItem = { url: string; version: string; user: GistsEditResponseHistoryItemUser; change_status: GistsEditResponseHistoryItemChangeStatus; 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type: string; language: string; raw_url: string; size: number; truncated: boolean; content: string; }; type GistsCreateResponseFiles = { "hello_world.rb": GistsCreateResponseFilesHelloWorldRb; "hello_world.py": GistsCreateResponseFilesHelloWorldPy; "hello_world_ruby.txt": GistsCreateResponseFilesHelloWorldRubyTxt; "hello_world_python.txt": GistsCreateResponseFilesHelloWorldPythonTxt; }; type GistsCreateResponse = { url: string; forks_url: string; commits_url: string; id: string; node_id: string; git_pull_url: string; git_push_url: string; html_url: string; files: GistsCreateResponseFiles; public: boolean; created_at: string; updated_at: string; description: string; comments: number; user: null; comments_url: string; owner: GistsCreateResponseOwner; truncated: boolean; forks: Array; history: Array; }; type ChecksUpdateResponsePullRequestsItemBaseRepo = { id: number; url: string; name: string; }; type ChecksUpdateResponsePullRequestsItemBase = { ref: string; sha: string; repo: ChecksUpdateResponsePullRequestsItemBaseRepo; 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summary: string; text: string; annotations_count: number; annotations_url: string; }; type ChecksUpdateResponse = { id: number; head_sha: string; external_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; status: string; conclusion: string; started_at: string; completed_at: string; output: ChecksUpdateResponseOutput; name: string; check_suite: ChecksUpdateResponseCheckSuite; app: ChecksUpdateResponseApp; pull_requests: Array; }; type ChecksSetSuitesPreferencesResponseRepositoryPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type ChecksSetSuitesPreferencesResponseRepositoryOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ChecksSetSuitesPreferencesResponseRepository = { id: number; 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repository: ChecksSetSuitesPreferencesResponseRepository; }; type ChecksRerequestSuiteResponse = {}; type ChecksListSuitesForRefResponseCheckSuitesItemRepositoryPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type ChecksListSuitesForRefResponseCheckSuitesItemRepositoryOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ChecksListSuitesForRefResponseCheckSuitesItemRepository = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: ChecksListSuitesForRefResponseCheckSuitesItemRepositoryOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; 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has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: ChecksListSuitesForRefResponseCheckSuitesItemRepositoryPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type ChecksListSuitesForRefResponseCheckSuitesItemAppOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; }; type ChecksListSuitesForRefResponseCheckSuitesItemApp = { id: number; node_id: string; owner: ChecksListSuitesForRefResponseCheckSuitesItemAppOwner; name: string; description: string; external_url: string; html_url: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type ChecksListSuitesForRefResponseCheckSuitesItem = { id: number; head_branch: string; head_sha: string; status: string; conclusion: string; url: string; before: string; after: string; pull_requests: Array; app: ChecksListSuitesForRefResponseCheckSuitesItemApp; repository: ChecksListSuitesForRefResponseCheckSuitesItemRepository; }; type ChecksListSuitesForRefResponse = { total_count: number; check_suites: Array; }; type ChecksListForSuiteResponseCheckRunsItemPullRequestsItemBaseRepo = { id: number; url: string; name: string; }; type ChecksListForSuiteResponseCheckRunsItemPullRequestsItemBase = { ref: string; sha: string; repo: ChecksListForSuiteResponseCheckRunsItemPullRequestsItemBaseRepo; }; type ChecksListForSuiteResponseCheckRunsItemPullRequestsItemHeadRepo = { id: number; url: string; name: string; }; type ChecksListForSuiteResponseCheckRunsItemPullRequestsItemHead = { ref: string; sha: string; repo: ChecksListForSuiteResponseCheckRunsItemPullRequestsItemHeadRepo; }; type ChecksListForSuiteResponseCheckRunsItemPullRequestsItem = { url: string; id: number; number: number; head: ChecksListForSuiteResponseCheckRunsItemPullRequestsItemHead; base: ChecksListForSuiteResponseCheckRunsItemPullRequestsItemBase; }; type ChecksListForSuiteResponseCheckRunsItemAppOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; }; type ChecksListForSuiteResponseCheckRunsItemApp = { id: number; node_id: string; owner: ChecksListForSuiteResponseCheckRunsItemAppOwner; name: string; description: string; external_url: string; html_url: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type ChecksListForSuiteResponseCheckRunsItemCheckSuite = { id: number }; type ChecksListForSuiteResponseCheckRunsItemOutput = { title: string; summary: string; text: string; annotations_count: number; annotations_url: string; }; type ChecksListForSuiteResponseCheckRunsItem = { id: number; head_sha: string; external_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; status: string; conclusion: string; started_at: string; completed_at: string; output: ChecksListForSuiteResponseCheckRunsItemOutput; name: string; check_suite: ChecksListForSuiteResponseCheckRunsItemCheckSuite; app: ChecksListForSuiteResponseCheckRunsItemApp; pull_requests: Array< ChecksListForSuiteResponseCheckRunsItemPullRequestsItem >; }; type ChecksListForSuiteResponse = { total_count: number; check_runs: Array; }; type ChecksListForRefResponseCheckRunsItemPullRequestsItemBaseRepo = { id: number; url: string; name: string; }; type ChecksListForRefResponseCheckRunsItemPullRequestsItemBase = { ref: string; sha: string; repo: ChecksListForRefResponseCheckRunsItemPullRequestsItemBaseRepo; }; type ChecksListForRefResponseCheckRunsItemPullRequestsItemHeadRepo = { id: number; url: string; name: string; }; type ChecksListForRefResponseCheckRunsItemPullRequestsItemHead = { ref: string; sha: string; repo: ChecksListForRefResponseCheckRunsItemPullRequestsItemHeadRepo; 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head_sha: string; external_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; status: string; conclusion: string; started_at: string; completed_at: string; output: ChecksListForRefResponseCheckRunsItemOutput; name: string; check_suite: ChecksListForRefResponseCheckRunsItemCheckSuite; app: ChecksListForRefResponseCheckRunsItemApp; pull_requests: Array; }; type ChecksListForRefResponse = { total_count: number; check_runs: Array; }; type ChecksListAnnotationsResponseItem = { path: string; start_line: number; end_line: number; start_column: number; end_column: number; annotation_level: string; title: string; message: string; raw_details: string; }; type ChecksGetSuiteResponseRepositoryPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type ChecksGetSuiteResponseRepositoryOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ChecksGetSuiteResponseRepository = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: ChecksGetSuiteResponseRepositoryOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: ChecksGetSuiteResponseRepositoryPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type ChecksGetSuiteResponseAppOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; }; type ChecksGetSuiteResponseApp = { id: number; node_id: string; owner: ChecksGetSuiteResponseAppOwner; name: string; description: string; external_url: string; html_url: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type ChecksGetSuiteResponse = { id: number; head_branch: string; head_sha: string; status: string; conclusion: string; url: string; before: string; after: string; pull_requests: Array; app: ChecksGetSuiteResponseApp; repository: ChecksGetSuiteResponseRepository; }; type ChecksGetResponsePullRequestsItemBaseRepo = { id: number; url: string; name: string; }; type ChecksGetResponsePullRequestsItemBase = { ref: string; sha: string; repo: ChecksGetResponsePullRequestsItemBaseRepo; }; type ChecksGetResponsePullRequestsItemHeadRepo = { id: number; url: string; name: string; }; type ChecksGetResponsePullRequestsItemHead = { ref: string; sha: string; repo: ChecksGetResponsePullRequestsItemHeadRepo; }; type ChecksGetResponsePullRequestsItem = { url: string; id: number; number: number; head: ChecksGetResponsePullRequestsItemHead; base: ChecksGetResponsePullRequestsItemBase; }; type ChecksGetResponseAppOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; }; type ChecksGetResponseApp = { id: number; node_id: string; owner: ChecksGetResponseAppOwner; name: string; description: string; external_url: string; html_url: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type ChecksGetResponseCheckSuite = { id: number }; type ChecksGetResponseOutput = { title: string; summary: string; text: string; annotations_count: number; annotations_url: string; }; type ChecksGetResponse = { id: number; head_sha: string; external_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; status: string; conclusion: string; started_at: string; completed_at: string; output: ChecksGetResponseOutput; name: string; check_suite: ChecksGetResponseCheckSuite; app: ChecksGetResponseApp; pull_requests: Array; }; type ChecksCreateSuiteResponseRepositoryPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type ChecksCreateSuiteResponseRepositoryOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ChecksCreateSuiteResponseRepository = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: ChecksCreateSuiteResponseRepositoryOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: ChecksCreateSuiteResponseRepositoryPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type ChecksCreateSuiteResponseAppOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; }; type ChecksCreateSuiteResponseApp = { id: number; node_id: string; owner: ChecksCreateSuiteResponseAppOwner; name: string; description: string; external_url: string; html_url: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type ChecksCreateSuiteResponse = { id: number; head_branch: string; head_sha: string; status: string; conclusion: string; url: string; before: string; after: string; pull_requests: Array; app: ChecksCreateSuiteResponseApp; repository: ChecksCreateSuiteResponseRepository; }; type ChecksCreateResponsePullRequestsItemBaseRepo = { id: number; url: string; name: string; }; type ChecksCreateResponsePullRequestsItemBase = { ref: string; sha: string; repo: ChecksCreateResponsePullRequestsItemBaseRepo; }; type ChecksCreateResponsePullRequestsItemHeadRepo = { id: number; url: string; name: string; }; type ChecksCreateResponsePullRequestsItemHead = { ref: string; sha: string; repo: ChecksCreateResponsePullRequestsItemHeadRepo; }; type ChecksCreateResponsePullRequestsItem = { url: string; id: number; number: number; head: ChecksCreateResponsePullRequestsItemHead; base: ChecksCreateResponsePullRequestsItemBase; }; type ChecksCreateResponseAppOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; }; type ChecksCreateResponseApp = { id: number; node_id: string; owner: ChecksCreateResponseAppOwner; name: string; description: string; external_url: string; html_url: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type ChecksCreateResponseCheckSuite = { id: number }; type ChecksCreateResponseOutput = { title: string; summary: string; text: string; }; type ChecksCreateResponse = { id: number; head_sha: string; external_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; status: string; conclusion: null; started_at: string; completed_at: null; output: ChecksCreateResponseOutput; name: string; check_suite: ChecksCreateResponseCheckSuite; app: ChecksCreateResponseApp; pull_requests: Array; }; type AuthorizationUpdateResponseApp = { url: string; name: string; client_id: string; }; type AuthorizationUpdateResponse = { id: number; url: string; scopes: Array; token: string; token_last_eight: string; hashed_token: string; app: AuthorizationUpdateResponseApp; note: string; note_url: string; updated_at: string; created_at: string; fingerprint: string; }; type AuthorizationRevokeGrantResponse = {}; type AuthorizationRevokeResponse = {}; type AuthorizationResetResponseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type AuthorizationResetResponseApp = { url: string; name: string; client_id: string; }; type AuthorizationResetResponse = { id: number; url: string; scopes: Array; token: string; token_last_eight: string; hashed_token: string; app: AuthorizationResetResponseApp; note: string; note_url: string; updated_at: string; created_at: string; fingerprint: string; user: AuthorizationResetResponseUser; }; type AuthorizationGetGrantsResponseItemApp = { url: string; name: string; client_id: string; }; type AuthorizationGetGrantsResponseItem = { id: number; url: string; app: AuthorizationGetGrantsResponseItemApp; created_at: string; updated_at: string; scopes: Array; }; type AuthorizationGetGrantResponseApp = { url: string; name: string; client_id: string; }; type AuthorizationGetGrantResponse = { id: number; url: string; app: AuthorizationGetGrantResponseApp; created_at: string; updated_at: string; scopes: Array; }; type AuthorizationGetAllResponseItemApp = { url: string; name: string; client_id: string; }; type AuthorizationGetAllResponseItem = { id: number; url: string; scopes: Array; token: string; token_last_eight: string; hashed_token: string; app: AuthorizationGetAllResponseItemApp; note: string; note_url: string; updated_at: string; created_at: string; fingerprint: string; }; type AuthorizationGetResponseApp = { url: string; name: string; client_id: string; }; type AuthorizationGetResponse = { id: number; url: string; scopes: Array; token: string; token_last_eight: string; hashed_token: string; app: AuthorizationGetResponseApp; note: string; note_url: string; updated_at: string; created_at: string; fingerprint: string; }; type AuthorizationDeleteGrantResponse = {}; type AuthorizationDeleteResponse = {}; type AuthorizationCreateResponseApp = { url: string; name: string; client_id: string; }; type AuthorizationCreateResponse = { id: number; url: string; scopes: Array; token: string; token_last_eight: string; hashed_token: string; app: AuthorizationCreateResponseApp; note: string; note_url: string; updated_at: string; created_at: string; fingerprint: string; }; type AuthorizationCheckResponseUser = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type AuthorizationCheckResponseApp = { url: string; name: string; client_id: string; }; type AuthorizationCheckResponse = { id: number; url: string; scopes: Array; token: string; token_last_eight: string; hashed_token: string; app: AuthorizationCheckResponseApp; note: string; note_url: string; updated_at: string; created_at: string; fingerprint: string; user: AuthorizationCheckResponseUser; }; type AppsRemoveRepoFromInstallationResponse = {}; type AppsGetMarketplaceListingStubbedPlansResponseItem = { url: string; accounts_url: string; id: number; name: string; description: string; monthly_price_in_cents: number; yearly_price_in_cents: number; price_model: string; has_free_trial: boolean; unit_name: null; bullets: Array; }; type AppsGetMarketplaceListingStubbedPlanAccountsResponseItemMarketplacePurchasePlan = { url: string; accounts_url: string; id: number; name: string; description: string; monthly_price_in_cents: number; yearly_price_in_cents: number; price_model: string; has_free_trial: boolean; unit_name: null; bullets: Array; }; type AppsGetMarketplaceListingStubbedPlanAccountsResponseItemMarketplacePurchase = { billing_cycle: string; next_billing_date: string; unit_count: null; on_free_trial: boolean; free_trial_ends_on: string; updated_at: string; plan: AppsGetMarketplaceListingStubbedPlanAccountsResponseItemMarketplacePurchasePlan; }; type AppsGetMarketplaceListingStubbedPlanAccountsResponseItem = { url: string; type: string; id: number; login: string; email: null; organization_billing_email: string; marketplace_purchase: AppsGetMarketplaceListingStubbedPlanAccountsResponseItemMarketplacePurchase; }; type AppsGetMarketplaceListingPlansResponseItem = { url: string; accounts_url: string; id: number; name: string; description: string; monthly_price_in_cents: number; yearly_price_in_cents: number; price_model: string; has_free_trial: boolean; unit_name: null; bullets: Array; }; type AppsGetMarketplaceListingPlanAccountsResponseItemMarketplacePurchasePlan = { url: string; accounts_url: string; id: number; name: string; description: string; monthly_price_in_cents: number; yearly_price_in_cents: number; price_model: string; has_free_trial: boolean; unit_name: null; bullets: Array; }; type AppsGetMarketplaceListingPlanAccountsResponseItemMarketplacePurchase = { billing_cycle: string; next_billing_date: string; unit_count: null; on_free_trial: boolean; free_trial_ends_on: string; updated_at: string; plan: AppsGetMarketplaceListingPlanAccountsResponseItemMarketplacePurchasePlan; }; type AppsGetMarketplaceListingPlanAccountsResponseItem = { url: string; type: string; id: number; login: string; email: null; organization_billing_email: string; marketplace_purchase: AppsGetMarketplaceListingPlanAccountsResponseItemMarketplacePurchase; }; type AppsGetInstallationsResponseItemPermissions = { metadata: string; contents: string; issues: string; single_file: string; }; type AppsGetInstallationsResponseItemAccount = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; }; type AppsGetInstallationsResponseItem = { id: number; account: AppsGetInstallationsResponseItemAccount; access_tokens_url: string; repositories_url: string; html_url: string; app_id: number; target_id: number; target_type: string; permissions: AppsGetInstallationsResponseItemPermissions; events: Array; single_file_name: string; repository_selection: string; }; type AppsGetInstallationRepositoriesResponseRepositoriesItemOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type AppsGetInstallationRepositoriesResponseRepositoriesItem = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: AppsGetInstallationRepositoriesResponseRepositoriesItemOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type AppsGetInstallationRepositoriesResponse = { total_count: number; repositories: Array< AppsGetInstallationRepositoriesResponseRepositoriesItem >; }; type AppsGetInstallationResponsePermissions = { metadata: string; contents: string; issues: string; single_file: string; }; type AppsGetInstallationResponseAccount = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; }; type AppsGetInstallationResponse = { id: number; account: AppsGetInstallationResponseAccount; access_tokens_url: string; repositories_url: string; html_url: string; app_id: number; target_id: number; target_type: string; permissions: AppsGetInstallationResponsePermissions; events: Array; single_file_name: string; repository_selection: string; }; type AppsGetForSlugResponseOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; }; type AppsGetForSlugResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; owner: AppsGetForSlugResponseOwner; name: string; description: string; external_url: string; html_url: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type AppsGetResponseOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; hooks_url: string; issues_url: string; members_url: string; public_members_url: string; avatar_url: string; description: string; }; type AppsGetResponse = { id: number; node_id: string; owner: AppsGetResponseOwner; name: string; description: string; external_url: string; html_url: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; }; type AppsFindUserInstallationResponsePermissions = { checks: string; metadata: string; contents: string; }; type AppsFindUserInstallationResponseAccount = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type AppsFindUserInstallationResponse = { id: number; account: AppsFindUserInstallationResponseAccount; repository_selection: string; access_tokens_url: string; repositories_url: string; html_url: string; app_id: number; target_id: number; target_type: string; permissions: AppsFindUserInstallationResponsePermissions; events: Array; created_at: string; updated_at: string; single_file_name: null; }; type AppsFindRepoInstallationResponsePermissions = { checks: string; metadata: string; contents: string; }; type AppsFindRepoInstallationResponseAccount = { login: string; id: number; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type AppsFindRepoInstallationResponse = { id: number; account: AppsFindRepoInstallationResponseAccount; repository_selection: string; access_tokens_url: string; repositories_url: string; html_url: string; app_id: number; target_id: number; target_type: string; permissions: AppsFindRepoInstallationResponsePermissions; events: Array; created_at: string; updated_at: string; single_file_name: null; }; type AppsFindOrgInstallationResponsePermissions = { checks: string; metadata: string; contents: string; }; type AppsFindOrgInstallationResponseAccount = { login: string; id: number; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type AppsFindOrgInstallationResponse = { id: number; account: AppsFindOrgInstallationResponseAccount; repository_selection: string; access_tokens_url: string; repositories_url: string; html_url: string; app_id: number; target_id: number; target_type: string; permissions: AppsFindOrgInstallationResponsePermissions; events: Array; created_at: string; updated_at: string; single_file_name: null; }; type AppsCreateInstallationTokenResponse = { token: string; expires_at: string; }; type AppsCheckMarketplaceListingStubbedAccountResponseMarketplacePurchasePlan = { url: string; accounts_url: string; id: number; name: string; description: string; monthly_price_in_cents: number; yearly_price_in_cents: number; price_model: string; has_free_trial: boolean; unit_name: null; bullets: Array; }; type AppsCheckMarketplaceListingStubbedAccountResponseMarketplacePurchase = { billing_cycle: string; next_billing_date: string; unit_count: null; on_free_trial: boolean; free_trial_ends_on: string; updated_at: string; plan: AppsCheckMarketplaceListingStubbedAccountResponseMarketplacePurchasePlan; }; type AppsCheckMarketplaceListingStubbedAccountResponse = { url: string; type: string; id: number; login: string; email: null; organization_billing_email: string; marketplace_purchase: AppsCheckMarketplaceListingStubbedAccountResponseMarketplacePurchase; }; type AppsCheckMarketplaceListingAccountResponseMarketplacePurchasePlan = { url: string; accounts_url: string; id: number; name: string; description: string; monthly_price_in_cents: number; yearly_price_in_cents: number; price_model: string; has_free_trial: boolean; unit_name: null; bullets: Array; }; type AppsCheckMarketplaceListingAccountResponseMarketplacePurchase = { billing_cycle: string; next_billing_date: string; unit_count: null; on_free_trial: boolean; free_trial_ends_on: string; updated_at: string; plan: AppsCheckMarketplaceListingAccountResponseMarketplacePurchasePlan; }; type AppsCheckMarketplaceListingAccountResponse = { url: string; type: string; id: number; login: string; email: null; organization_billing_email: string; marketplace_purchase: AppsCheckMarketplaceListingAccountResponseMarketplacePurchase; }; type AppsAddRepoToInstallationResponse = {}; type ActivityUnwatchRepoResponse = {}; type ActivityUnstarRepoResponse = {}; type ActivityStarRepoResponse = {}; type ActivitySetRepoSubscriptionResponse = { subscribed: boolean; ignored: boolean; reason: null; created_at: string; url: string; repository_url: string; }; type ActivitySetNotificationThreadSubscriptionResponse = { subscribed: boolean; ignored: boolean; reason: null; created_at: string; url: string; thread_url: string; }; type ActivityMarkNotificationsAsReadForRepoResponse = {}; type ActivityMarkNotificationsAsReadResponse = {}; type ActivityMarkNotificationThreadAsReadResponse = {}; type ActivityGetWatchersForRepoResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ActivityGetWatchedReposForUserResponseItemLicense = { key: string; name: string; spdx_id: string; url: string; node_id: string; }; type ActivityGetWatchedReposForUserResponseItemPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type ActivityGetWatchedReposForUserResponseItemOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ActivityGetWatchedReposForUserResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: ActivityGetWatchedReposForUserResponseItemOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: ActivityGetWatchedReposForUserResponseItemPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; license: ActivityGetWatchedReposForUserResponseItemLicense; }; type ActivityGetWatchedReposResponseItemLicense = { key: string; name: string; spdx_id: string; url: string; node_id: string; }; type ActivityGetWatchedReposResponseItemPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type ActivityGetWatchedReposResponseItemOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ActivityGetWatchedReposResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: ActivityGetWatchedReposResponseItemOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: ActivityGetWatchedReposResponseItemPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; license: ActivityGetWatchedReposResponseItemLicense; }; type ActivityGetStarredReposForUserResponseItemPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type ActivityGetStarredReposForUserResponseItemOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ActivityGetStarredReposForUserResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: ActivityGetStarredReposForUserResponseItemOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: ActivityGetStarredReposForUserResponseItemPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type ActivityGetStarredReposResponseItemPermissions = { admin: boolean; push: boolean; pull: boolean; }; type ActivityGetStarredReposResponseItemOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ActivityGetStarredReposResponseItem = { id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: ActivityGetStarredReposResponseItemOwner; private: boolean; html_url: string; description: string; fork: boolean; url: string; archive_url: string; assignees_url: string; blobs_url: string; branches_url: string; collaborators_url: string; comments_url: string; commits_url: string; compare_url: string; contents_url: string; contributors_url: string; deployments_url: string; downloads_url: string; events_url: string; forks_url: string; git_commits_url: string; git_refs_url: string; git_tags_url: string; git_url: string; issue_comment_url: string; issue_events_url: string; issues_url: string; keys_url: string; labels_url: string; languages_url: string; merges_url: string; milestones_url: string; notifications_url: string; pulls_url: string; releases_url: string; ssh_url: string; stargazers_url: string; statuses_url: string; subscribers_url: string; subscription_url: string; tags_url: string; teams_url: string; trees_url: string; clone_url: string; mirror_url: string; hooks_url: string; svn_url: string; homepage: string; language: null; forks_count: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; size: number; default_branch: string; open_issues_count: number; topics: Array; has_issues: boolean; has_projects: boolean; has_wiki: boolean; has_pages: boolean; has_downloads: boolean; archived: boolean; pushed_at: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; permissions: ActivityGetStarredReposResponseItemPermissions; allow_rebase_merge: boolean; allow_squash_merge: boolean; allow_merge_commit: boolean; subscribers_count: number; network_count: number; }; type ActivityGetStargazersForRepoResponseItem = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; type ActivityGetNotificationsForUserResponseItemSubject = { title: string; url: string; latest_comment_url: string; type: string; }; type ActivityGetNotificationsForUserResponseItemRepositoryOwner = { login: string; id: number; node_id: string; avatar_url: string; gravatar_id: string; url: string; html_url: string; followers_url: string; following_url: string; gists_url: string; starred_url: string; subscriptions_url: string; organizations_url: string; repos_url: string; events_url: string; received_events_url: string; type: string; site_admin: boolean; }; 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type?: "blob" | "tree" | "commit"; sha?: string; content?: string; }; export type OrgsCreateHookParamsConfig = { url: string; content_type?: string; secret?: string; insecure_ssl?: string; }; export type OrgsEditHookParamsConfig = { url: string; content_type?: string; secret?: string; insecure_ssl?: string; }; export type PullRequestsCreateReviewParamsComments = { path?: string; position?: number; body?: string; }; export type ReposCreateFileParamsCommitter = {}; export type ReposCreateFileParamsAuthor = {}; export type ReposCreateHookParamsConfig = { url: string; content_type?: string; secret?: string; insecure_ssl?: string; }; export type ReposDeleteFileParamsCommitter = {}; export type ReposDeleteFileParamsAuthor = {}; export type ReposEditHookParamsConfig = { url: string; content_type?: string; secret?: string; insecure_ssl?: string; }; export type ReposUpdateBranchProtectionParamsRequiredStatusChecks = { strict: boolean; contexts: string[]; }; export type ReposUpdateBranchProtectionParamsRequiredPullRequestReviews = { dismissal_restrictions?: ReposUpdateBranchProtectionParamsRequiredPullRequestReviewsDismissalRestrictions; dismiss_stale_reviews?: boolean; require_code_owner_reviews?: boolean; required_approving_review_count?: number; }; export type ReposUpdateBranchProtectionParamsRequiredPullRequestReviewsDismissalRestrictions = { users?: string[]; teams?: string[]; }; export type ReposUpdateBranchProtectionParamsRestrictions = { users?: string[]; teams?: string[]; }; export type ReposUpdateFileParamsCommitter = {}; export type ReposUpdateFileParamsAuthor = {}; export type ReposUpdateProtectedBranchPullRequestReviewEnforcementParamsDismissalRestrictions = { users?: string[]; teams?: string[]; }; } declare class Github { constructor(options?: Github.Options); authenticate(auth: Github.Auth): void; hasNextPage(link: Github.Link): string | undefined; hasPreviousPage(link: Github.Link): string | undefined; hasLastPage(link: Github.Link): string | undefined; hasFirstPage(link: Github.Link): string | undefined; getNextPage( link: Github.Link, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getNextPage( link: Github.Link, headers?: { [header: string]: any }, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getPreviousPage( link: Github.Link, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getPreviousPage( link: Github.Link, headers?: { [header: string]: any }, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getLastPage( link: Github.Link, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getLastPage( link: Github.Link, headers?: { [header: string]: any }, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getFirstPage( link: Github.Link, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getFirstPage( link: Github.Link, headers?: { [header: string]: any }, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; activity: { checkNotificationThreadSubscription( params: Github.ActivityCheckNotificationThreadSubscriptionParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response< Github.ActivityCheckNotificationThreadSubscriptionResponse > > ): Promise< Github.Response< Github.ActivityCheckNotificationThreadSubscriptionResponse > >; checkStarringRepo( params: Github.ActivityCheckStarringRepoParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; deleteNotificationThreadSubscription( params: Github.ActivityDeleteNotificationThreadSubscriptionParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response< Github.ActivityDeleteNotificationThreadSubscriptionResponse > > ): Promise< Github.Response< Github.ActivityDeleteNotificationThreadSubscriptionResponse > >; getEvents( params: Github.ActivityGetEventsParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getEventsForOrg( params: Github.ActivityGetEventsForOrgParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getEventsForRepo( params: Github.ActivityGetEventsForRepoParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getEventsForRepoNetwork( params: Github.ActivityGetEventsForRepoNetworkParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getEventsForUser( params: Github.ActivityGetEventsForUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getEventsForUserOrg( params: Github.ActivityGetEventsForUserOrgParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getEventsForUserPublic( params: Github.ActivityGetEventsForUserPublicParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getEventsReceived( params: Github.ActivityGetEventsReceivedParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getEventsReceivedPublic( params: Github.ActivityGetEventsReceivedPublicParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getFeeds( params: Github.EmptyParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getNotificationThread( params: Github.ActivityGetNotificationThreadParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getNotifications( params: Github.ActivityGetNotificationsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getNotificationsForUser( params: Github.ActivityGetNotificationsForUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getRepoSubscription( params: Github.ActivityGetRepoSubscriptionParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getStargazersForRepo( params: Github.ActivityGetStargazersForRepoParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getStarredRepos( params: Github.ActivityGetStarredReposParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getStarredReposForUser( params: Github.ActivityGetStarredReposForUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getWatchedRepos( params: Github.ActivityGetWatchedReposParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getWatchedReposForUser( params: Github.ActivityGetWatchedReposForUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getWatchersForRepo( params: Github.ActivityGetWatchersForRepoParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; markNotificationThreadAsRead( params: Github.ActivityMarkNotificationThreadAsReadParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; markNotificationsAsRead( params: Github.ActivityMarkNotificationsAsReadParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; markNotificationsAsReadForRepo( params: Github.ActivityMarkNotificationsAsReadForRepoParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; setNotificationThreadSubscription( params: Github.ActivitySetNotificationThreadSubscriptionParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response< Github.ActivitySetNotificationThreadSubscriptionResponse > > ): Promise< Github.Response >; setRepoSubscription( params: Github.ActivitySetRepoSubscriptionParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; starRepo( params: Github.ActivityStarRepoParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; unstarRepo( params: Github.ActivityUnstarRepoParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; unwatchRepo( params: Github.ActivityUnwatchRepoParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; }; apps: { addRepoToInstallation( params: Github.AppsAddRepoToInstallationParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; checkMarketplaceListingAccount( params: Github.AppsCheckMarketplaceListingAccountParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; checkMarketplaceListingStubbedAccount( params: Github.AppsCheckMarketplaceListingStubbedAccountParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response< Github.AppsCheckMarketplaceListingStubbedAccountResponse > > ): Promise< Github.Response >; createInstallationToken( params: Github.AppsCreateInstallationTokenParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; findOrgInstallation( params: Github.AppsFindOrgInstallationParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; findRepoInstallation( params: Github.AppsFindRepoInstallationParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; findUserInstallation( params: Github.AppsFindUserInstallationParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; get( params: Github.EmptyParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getForSlug( params: Github.AppsGetForSlugParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getInstallation( params: Github.AppsGetInstallationParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getInstallationRepositories( params: Github.AppsGetInstallationRepositoriesParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getInstallations( params: Github.AppsGetInstallationsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getMarketplaceListingPlanAccounts( params: Github.AppsGetMarketplaceListingPlanAccountsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; getMarketplaceListingPlans( params: Github.AppsGetMarketplaceListingPlansParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getMarketplaceListingStubbedPlanAccounts( params: Github.AppsGetMarketplaceListingStubbedPlanAccountsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response< Github.AppsGetMarketplaceListingStubbedPlanAccountsResponse > > ): Promise< Github.Response< Github.AppsGetMarketplaceListingStubbedPlanAccountsResponse > >; getMarketplaceListingStubbedPlans( params: Github.AppsGetMarketplaceListingStubbedPlansParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; removeRepoFromInstallation( params: Github.AppsRemoveRepoFromInstallationParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; }; authorization: { check( params: Github.AuthorizationCheckParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; create( params: Github.AuthorizationCreateParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; delete( params: Github.AuthorizationDeleteParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deleteGrant( params: Github.AuthorizationDeleteGrantParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; get( params: Github.AuthorizationGetParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getAll( params: Github.AuthorizationGetAllParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getGrant( params: Github.AuthorizationGetGrantParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getGrants( params: Github.AuthorizationGetGrantsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getOrCreateAuthorizationForApp( params: Github.AuthorizationGetOrCreateAuthorizationForAppParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getOrCreateAuthorizationForAppAndFingerprint( params: Github.AuthorizationGetOrCreateAuthorizationForAppAndFingerprintParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; reset( params: Github.AuthorizationResetParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; revoke( params: Github.AuthorizationRevokeParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; revokeGrant( params: Github.AuthorizationRevokeGrantParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; update( params: Github.AuthorizationUpdateParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; }; checks: { create( params: Github.ChecksCreateParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; createSuite( params: Github.ChecksCreateSuiteParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; get( params: Github.ChecksGetParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getSuite( params: Github.ChecksGetSuiteParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; listAnnotations( params: Github.ChecksListAnnotationsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; listForRef( params: Github.ChecksListForRefParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; listForSuite( params: Github.ChecksListForSuiteParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; listSuitesForRef( params: Github.ChecksListSuitesForRefParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; rerequestSuite( params: Github.ChecksRerequestSuiteParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; setSuitesPreferences( params: Github.ChecksSetSuitesPreferencesParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; update( params: Github.ChecksUpdateParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; }; gists: { checkStar( params: Github.GistsCheckStarParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; create( params: Github.GistsCreateParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; createComment( params: Github.GistsCreateCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; delete( params: Github.GistsDeleteParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; deleteComment( params: Github.GistsDeleteCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; edit( params: Github.GistsEditParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; editComment( params: Github.GistsEditCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; fork( params: Github.GistsForkParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; get( params: Github.GistsGetParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getAll( params: Github.GistsGetAllParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getComment( params: Github.GistsGetCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getComments( params: Github.GistsGetCommentsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getCommits( params: Github.GistsGetCommitsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getForUser( params: Github.GistsGetForUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getForks( params: Github.GistsGetForksParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getPublic( params: Github.GistsGetPublicParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getRevision( params: Github.GistsGetRevisionParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getStarred( params: Github.GistsGetStarredParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; star( params: Github.GistsStarParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; unstar( params: Github.GistsUnstarParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; }; gitdata: { createBlob( params: Github.GitdataCreateBlobParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createCommit( params: Github.GitdataCreateCommitParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createReference( params: Github.GitdataCreateReferenceParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createTag( params: Github.GitdataCreateTagParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createTree( params: Github.GitdataCreateTreeParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deleteReference( params: Github.GitdataDeleteReferenceParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getBlob( params: Github.GitdataGetBlobParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getCommit( params: Github.GitdataGetCommitParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getCommitSignatureVerification( params: Github.GitdataGetCommitSignatureVerificationParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; getReference( params: Github.GitdataGetReferenceParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getTag( params: Github.GitdataGetTagParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getTagSignatureVerification( params: Github.GitdataGetTagSignatureVerificationParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; getTree( params: Github.GitdataGetTreeParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; updateReference( params: Github.GitdataUpdateReferenceParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; }; issues: { addAssigneesToIssue( params: Github.IssuesAddAssigneesToIssueParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; addLabels( params: Github.IssuesAddLabelsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; checkAssignee( params: Github.IssuesCheckAssigneeParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; create( params: Github.IssuesCreateParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; createComment( params: Github.IssuesCreateCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createLabel( params: Github.IssuesCreateLabelParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createMilestone( params: Github.IssuesCreateMilestoneParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deleteComment( params: Github.IssuesDeleteCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deleteLabel( params: Github.IssuesDeleteLabelParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deleteMilestone( params: Github.IssuesDeleteMilestoneParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; edit( params: Github.IssuesEditParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; editComment( params: Github.IssuesEditCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; get( params: Github.IssuesGetParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getAll( params: Github.IssuesGetAllParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getAssignees( params: Github.IssuesGetAssigneesParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getComment( params: Github.IssuesGetCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getComments( params: Github.IssuesGetCommentsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getCommentsForRepo( params: Github.IssuesGetCommentsForRepoParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getEvent( params: Github.IssuesGetEventParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getEvents( params: Github.IssuesGetEventsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getEventsForRepo( params: Github.IssuesGetEventsForRepoParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getEventsTimeline( params: Github.IssuesGetEventsTimelineParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getForOrg( params: Github.IssuesGetForOrgParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getForRepo( params: Github.IssuesGetForRepoParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getForUser( params: Github.IssuesGetForUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getIssueLabels( params: Github.IssuesGetIssueLabelsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getLabel( params: Github.IssuesGetLabelParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getLabels( params: Github.IssuesGetLabelsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getMilestone( params: Github.IssuesGetMilestoneParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getMilestoneLabels( params: Github.IssuesGetMilestoneLabelsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getMilestones( params: Github.IssuesGetMilestonesParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; lock( params: Github.IssuesLockParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; removeAllLabels( params: Github.IssuesRemoveAllLabelsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; removeAssigneesFromIssue( params: Github.IssuesRemoveAssigneesFromIssueParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; removeLabel( params: Github.IssuesRemoveLabelParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; replaceAllLabels( params: Github.IssuesReplaceAllLabelsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; unlock( params: Github.IssuesUnlockParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; updateLabel( params: Github.IssuesUpdateLabelParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; updateMilestone( params: Github.IssuesUpdateMilestoneParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; }; migrations: { cancelImport( params: Github.MigrationsCancelImportParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deleteArchiveForAuthenticatedUser( params: Github.MigrationsDeleteArchiveForAuthenticatedUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response< Github.MigrationsDeleteArchiveForAuthenticatedUserResponse > > ): Promise< Github.Response< Github.MigrationsDeleteArchiveForAuthenticatedUserResponse > >; deleteMigrationArchive( params: Github.MigrationsDeleteMigrationArchiveParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; getArchiveForAuthenticatedUser( params: Github.MigrationsGetArchiveForAuthenticatedUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; getImportCommitAuthors( params: Github.MigrationsGetImportCommitAuthorsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; getImportProgress( params: Github.MigrationsGetImportProgressParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getLargeImportFiles( params: Github.MigrationsGetLargeImportFilesParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getMigrationArchiveLink( params: Github.MigrationsGetMigrationArchiveLinkParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; getMigrationStatus( params: Github.MigrationsGetMigrationStatusParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getMigrations( params: Github.MigrationsGetMigrationsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getStatusForAuthenticatedUser( params: Github.MigrationsGetStatusForAuthenticatedUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; listForAuthenticatedUser( params: Github.MigrationsListForAuthenticatedUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; mapImportCommitAuthor( params: Github.MigrationsMapImportCommitAuthorParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; setImportLfsPreference( params: Github.MigrationsSetImportLfsPreferenceParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; startForAuthenticatedUser( params: Github.MigrationsStartForAuthenticatedUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; startImport( params: Github.MigrationsStartImportParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; startMigration( params: Github.MigrationsStartMigrationParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; unlockRepoForAuthenticatedUser( params: Github.MigrationsUnlockRepoForAuthenticatedUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; unlockRepoLockedForMigration( params: Github.MigrationsUnlockRepoLockedForMigrationParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; updateImport( params: Github.MigrationsUpdateImportParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; }; misc: { getCodeOfConduct( params: Github.MiscGetCodeOfConductParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getCodesOfConduct( params: Github.EmptyParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getGitignoreTemplate( params: Github.MiscGetGitignoreTemplateParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getGitignoreTemplates( params: Github.EmptyParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getLicense( params: Github.MiscGetLicenseParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getLicenses( params: Github.EmptyParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getRateLimit( params: Github.EmptyParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getRepoCodeOfConduct( params: Github.MiscGetRepoCodeOfConductParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getRepoLicense( params: Github.MiscGetRepoLicenseParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; renderMarkdown( params: Github.MiscRenderMarkdownParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; renderMarkdownRaw( params: Github.MiscRenderMarkdownRawParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; }; orgs: { addOrgMembership( params: Github.OrgsAddOrgMembershipParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; addTeamMembership( params: Github.OrgsAddTeamMembershipParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; addTeamRepo( params: Github.OrgsAddTeamRepoParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; blockUser( params: Github.OrgsBlockUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; checkBlockedUser( params: Github.OrgsCheckBlockedUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; checkMembership( params: Github.OrgsCheckMembershipParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; checkPublicMembership( params: Github.OrgsCheckPublicMembershipParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; checkTeamRepo( params: Github.OrgsCheckTeamRepoParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; concealMembership( params: Github.OrgsConcealMembershipParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; convertMemberToOutsideCollaborator( params: Github.OrgsConvertMemberToOutsideCollaboratorParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; createHook( params: Github.OrgsCreateHookParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; createInvitation( params: Github.OrgsCreateInvitationParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createTeam( params: Github.OrgsCreateTeamParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; deleteHook( params: Github.OrgsDeleteHookParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; deleteTeam( params: Github.OrgsDeleteTeamParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; deleteTeamRepo( params: Github.OrgsDeleteTeamRepoParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; editHook( params: Github.OrgsEditHookParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; editTeam( params: Github.OrgsEditTeamParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; get( params: Github.OrgsGetParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getAll( params: Github.OrgsGetAllParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getBlockedUsers( params: Github.OrgsGetBlockedUsersParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getChildTeams( params: Github.OrgsGetChildTeamsParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getForUser( params: Github.OrgsGetForUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getHook( params: Github.OrgsGetHookParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getHooks( params: Github.OrgsGetHooksParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getInvitationTeams( params: Github.OrgsGetInvitationTeamsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getMembers( params: Github.OrgsGetMembersParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getOrgMembership( params: Github.OrgsGetOrgMembershipParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getOutsideCollaborators( params: Github.OrgsGetOutsideCollaboratorsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getPendingOrgInvites( params: Github.OrgsGetPendingOrgInvitesParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getPendingTeamInvites( params: Github.OrgsGetPendingTeamInvitesParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getPublicMembers( params: Github.OrgsGetPublicMembersParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getTeam( params: Github.OrgsGetTeamParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getTeamMembers( params: Github.OrgsGetTeamMembersParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getTeamMembership( params: Github.OrgsGetTeamMembershipParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getTeamRepos( params: Github.OrgsGetTeamReposParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getTeams( params: Github.OrgsGetTeamsParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; pingHook( params: Github.OrgsPingHookParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; publicizeMembership( params: Github.OrgsPublicizeMembershipParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; removeMember( params: Github.OrgsRemoveMemberParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; removeOrgMembership( params: Github.OrgsRemoveOrgMembershipParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; removeOutsideCollaborator( params: Github.OrgsRemoveOutsideCollaboratorParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; removeTeamMembership( params: Github.OrgsRemoveTeamMembershipParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; unblockUser( params: Github.OrgsUnblockUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; update( params: Github.OrgsUpdateParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; }; projects: { addCollaborator( params: Github.ProjectsAddCollaboratorParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createOrgProject( params: Github.ProjectsCreateOrgProjectParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createProjectCard( params: Github.ProjectsCreateProjectCardParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createProjectColumn( params: Github.ProjectsCreateProjectColumnParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; createRepoProject( params: Github.ProjectsCreateRepoProjectParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deleteProject( params: Github.ProjectsDeleteProjectParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; deleteProjectCard( params: Github.ProjectsDeleteProjectCardParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deleteProjectColumn( params: Github.ProjectsDeleteProjectColumnParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getCollaborators( params: Github.ProjectsGetCollaboratorsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getOrgProjects( params: Github.ProjectsGetOrgProjectsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getProject( params: Github.ProjectsGetProjectParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getProjectCard( params: Github.ProjectsGetProjectCardParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getProjectCards( params: Github.ProjectsGetProjectCardsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getProjectColumn( params: Github.ProjectsGetProjectColumnParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getProjectColumns( params: Github.ProjectsGetProjectColumnsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getRepoProjects( params: Github.ProjectsGetRepoProjectsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getUserPermissionLevel( params: Github.ProjectsGetUserPermissionLevelParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; moveProjectCard( params: Github.ProjectsMoveProjectCardParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; moveProjectColumn( params: Github.ProjectsMoveProjectColumnParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; removeCollaborator( params: Github.ProjectsRemoveCollaboratorParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; updateProject( params: Github.ProjectsUpdateProjectParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; updateProjectCard( params: Github.ProjectsUpdateProjectCardParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; updateProjectColumn( params: Github.ProjectsUpdateProjectColumnParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; }; pullRequests: { checkMerged( params: Github.PullRequestsCheckMergedParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; create( params: Github.PullRequestsCreateParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createComment( params: Github.PullRequestsCreateCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createCommentReply( params: Github.PullRequestsCreateCommentReplyParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createFromIssue( params: Github.PullRequestsCreateFromIssueParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createReview( params: Github.PullRequestsCreateReviewParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createReviewRequest( params: Github.PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deleteComment( params: Github.PullRequestsDeleteCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deletePendingReview( params: Github.PullRequestsDeletePendingReviewParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deleteReviewRequest( params: Github.PullRequestsDeleteReviewRequestParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; dismissReview( params: Github.PullRequestsDismissReviewParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; editComment( params: Github.PullRequestsEditCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; get( params: Github.PullRequestsGetParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getAll( params: Github.PullRequestsGetAllParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getComment( params: Github.PullRequestsGetCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getComments( params: Github.PullRequestsGetCommentsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getCommentsForRepo( params: Github.PullRequestsGetCommentsForRepoParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getCommits( params: Github.PullRequestsGetCommitsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getFiles( params: Github.PullRequestsGetFilesParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getReview( params: Github.PullRequestsGetReviewParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getReviewComments( params: Github.PullRequestsGetReviewCommentsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getReviewRequests( params: Github.PullRequestsGetReviewRequestsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getReviews( params: Github.PullRequestsGetReviewsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; merge( params: Github.PullRequestsMergeParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; submitReview( params: Github.PullRequestsSubmitReviewParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; update( params: Github.PullRequestsUpdateParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; }; reactions: { createForCommitComment( params: Github.ReactionsCreateForCommitCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createForIssue( params: Github.ReactionsCreateForIssueParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createForIssueComment( params: Github.ReactionsCreateForIssueCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createForPullRequestReviewComment( params: Github.ReactionsCreateForPullRequestReviewCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response< Github.ReactionsCreateForPullRequestReviewCommentResponse > > ): Promise< Github.Response >; createForTeamDiscussion( params: Github.ReactionsCreateForTeamDiscussionParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; createForTeamDiscussionComment( params: Github.ReactionsCreateForTeamDiscussionCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; delete( params: Github.ReactionsDeleteParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getForCommitComment( params: Github.ReactionsGetForCommitCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getForIssue( params: Github.ReactionsGetForIssueParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getForIssueComment( params: Github.ReactionsGetForIssueCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getForPullRequestReviewComment( params: Github.ReactionsGetForPullRequestReviewCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; getForTeamDiscussion( params: Github.ReactionsGetForTeamDiscussionParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getForTeamDiscussionComment( params: Github.ReactionsGetForTeamDiscussionCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; }; repos: { addCollaborator( params: Github.ReposAddCollaboratorParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; addDeployKey( params: Github.ReposAddDeployKeyParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; addProtectedBranchAdminEnforcement( params: Github.ReposAddProtectedBranchAdminEnforcementParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; addProtectedBranchRequiredSignatures( params: Github.ReposAddProtectedBranchRequiredSignaturesParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response< Github.ReposAddProtectedBranchRequiredSignaturesResponse > > ): Promise< Github.Response >; addProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksContexts( params: Github.ReposAddProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksContextsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response< Github.ReposAddProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksContextsResponse > > ): Promise< Github.Response< Github.ReposAddProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksContextsResponse > >; addProtectedBranchTeamRestrictions( params: Github.ReposAddProtectedBranchTeamRestrictionsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; addProtectedBranchUserRestrictions( params: Github.ReposAddProtectedBranchUserRestrictionsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; checkCollaborator( params: Github.ReposCheckCollaboratorParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; compareCommits( params: Github.ReposCompareCommitsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; create( params: Github.ReposCreateParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; createCommitComment( params: Github.ReposCreateCommitCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createDeployment( params: Github.ReposCreateDeploymentParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; createDeploymentStatus( params: Github.ReposCreateDeploymentStatusParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createFile( params: Github.ReposCreateFileParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createForOrg( params: Github.ReposCreateForOrgParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createHook( params: Github.ReposCreateHookParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createRelease( params: Github.ReposCreateReleaseParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createStatus( params: Github.ReposCreateStatusParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; delete( params: Github.ReposDeleteParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; deleteAsset( params: Github.ReposDeleteAssetParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deleteCommitComment( params: Github.ReposDeleteCommitCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deleteDeployKey( params: Github.ReposDeleteDeployKeyParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deleteDownload( params: Github.ReposDeleteDownloadParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deleteFile( params: Github.ReposDeleteFileParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deleteHook( params: Github.ReposDeleteHookParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deleteInvite( params: Github.ReposDeleteInviteParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deleteRelease( params: Github.ReposDeleteReleaseParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; edit( params: Github.ReposEditParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; editAsset( params: Github.ReposEditAssetParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; editHook( params: Github.ReposEditHookParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; editRelease( params: Github.ReposEditReleaseParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; fork( params: Github.ReposForkParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; get( params: Github.ReposGetParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getAll( params: Github.ReposGetAllParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getAllCommitComments( params: Github.ReposGetAllCommitCommentsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getArchiveLink( params: Github.ReposGetArchiveLinkParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getAsset( params: Github.ReposGetAssetParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getAssets( params: Github.ReposGetAssetsParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getBranch( params: Github.ReposGetBranchParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getBranchProtection( params: Github.ReposGetBranchProtectionParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getBranches( params: Github.ReposGetBranchesParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getClones( params: Github.ReposGetClonesParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getCollaborators( params: Github.ReposGetCollaboratorsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getCombinedStatusForRef( params: Github.ReposGetCombinedStatusForRefParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getCommit( params: Github.ReposGetCommitParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getCommitComment( params: Github.ReposGetCommitCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getCommitComments( params: Github.ReposGetCommitCommentsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getCommits( params: Github.ReposGetCommitsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getCommunityProfileMetrics( params: Github.ReposGetCommunityProfileMetricsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getContent( params: Github.ReposGetContentParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getContributors( params: Github.ReposGetContributorsParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getDeployKey( params: Github.ReposGetDeployKeyParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getDeployKeys( params: Github.ReposGetDeployKeysParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getDeployment( params: Github.ReposGetDeploymentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getDeploymentStatus( params: Github.ReposGetDeploymentStatusParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getDeploymentStatuses( params: Github.ReposGetDeploymentStatusesParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getDeployments( params: Github.ReposGetDeploymentsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getDownload( params: Github.ReposGetDownloadParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getDownloads( params: Github.ReposGetDownloadsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getForOrg( params: Github.ReposGetForOrgParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getForUser( params: Github.ReposGetForUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getForks( params: Github.ReposGetForksParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getHook( params: Github.ReposGetHookParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getHooks( params: Github.ReposGetHooksParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getInvites( params: Github.ReposGetInvitesParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getLanguages( params: Github.ReposGetLanguagesParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getLatestPagesBuild( params: Github.ReposGetLatestPagesBuildParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getLatestRelease( params: Github.ReposGetLatestReleaseParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getPages( params: Github.ReposGetPagesParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getPagesBuild( params: Github.ReposGetPagesBuildParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getPagesBuilds( params: Github.ReposGetPagesBuildsParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getPaths( params: Github.ReposGetPathsParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getProtectedBranchAdminEnforcement( params: Github.ReposGetProtectedBranchAdminEnforcementParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getProtectedBranchPullRequestReviewEnforcement( params: Github.ReposGetProtectedBranchPullRequestReviewEnforcementParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getProtectedBranchRequiredSignatures( params: Github.ReposGetProtectedBranchRequiredSignaturesParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response< Github.ReposGetProtectedBranchRequiredSignaturesResponse > > ): Promise< Github.Response >; getProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecks( params: Github.ReposGetProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response< Github.ReposGetProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksResponse > > ): Promise< Github.Response< Github.ReposGetProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksResponse > >; getProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksContexts( params: Github.ReposGetProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksContextsParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getProtectedBranchRestrictions( params: Github.ReposGetProtectedBranchRestrictionsParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getProtectedBranchTeamRestrictions( params: Github.ReposGetProtectedBranchTeamRestrictionsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; getProtectedBranchUserRestrictions( params: Github.ReposGetProtectedBranchUserRestrictionsParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getPublic( params: Github.ReposGetPublicParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getReadme( params: Github.ReposGetReadmeParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getReferrers( params: Github.ReposGetReferrersParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getRelease( params: Github.ReposGetReleaseParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getReleaseByTag( params: Github.ReposGetReleaseByTagParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getReleases( params: Github.ReposGetReleasesParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getShaOfCommitRef( params: Github.ReposGetShaOfCommitRefParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getStatsCodeFrequency( params: Github.ReposGetStatsCodeFrequencyParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getStatsCommitActivity( params: Github.ReposGetStatsCommitActivityParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getStatsContributors( params: Github.ReposGetStatsContributorsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getStatsParticipation( params: Github.ReposGetStatsParticipationParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getStatsPunchCard( params: Github.ReposGetStatsPunchCardParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getStatuses( params: Github.ReposGetStatusesParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getTags( params: Github.ReposGetTagsParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getTeams( params: Github.ReposGetTeamsParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getTopics( params: Github.ReposGetTopicsParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getViews( params: Github.ReposGetViewsParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; merge( params: Github.ReposMergeParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; pingHook( params: Github.ReposPingHookParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; removeBranchProtection( params: Github.ReposRemoveBranchProtectionParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; removeCollaborator( params: Github.ReposRemoveCollaboratorParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; removeProtectedBranchAdminEnforcement( params: Github.ReposRemoveProtectedBranchAdminEnforcementParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; removeProtectedBranchPullRequestReviewEnforcement( params: Github.ReposRemoveProtectedBranchPullRequestReviewEnforcementParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; removeProtectedBranchRequiredSignatures( params: Github.ReposRemoveProtectedBranchRequiredSignaturesParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; removeProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecks( params: Github.ReposRemoveProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; removeProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksContexts( params: Github.ReposRemoveProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksContextsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response< Github.ReposRemoveProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksContextsResponse > > ): Promise< Github.Response< Github.ReposRemoveProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksContextsResponse > >; removeProtectedBranchRestrictions( params: Github.ReposRemoveProtectedBranchRestrictionsParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; removeProtectedBranchTeamRestrictions( params: Github.ReposRemoveProtectedBranchTeamRestrictionsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response< Github.ReposRemoveProtectedBranchTeamRestrictionsResponse > > ): Promise< Github.Response >; removeProtectedBranchUserRestrictions( params: Github.ReposRemoveProtectedBranchUserRestrictionsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response< Github.ReposRemoveProtectedBranchUserRestrictionsResponse > > ): Promise< Github.Response >; replaceProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksContexts( params: Github.ReposReplaceProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksContextsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response< Github.ReposReplaceProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksContextsResponse > > ): Promise< Github.Response< Github.ReposReplaceProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksContextsResponse > >; replaceProtectedBranchTeamRestrictions( params: Github.ReposReplaceProtectedBranchTeamRestrictionsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response< Github.ReposReplaceProtectedBranchTeamRestrictionsResponse > > ): Promise< Github.Response< Github.ReposReplaceProtectedBranchTeamRestrictionsResponse > >; replaceProtectedBranchUserRestrictions( params: Github.ReposReplaceProtectedBranchUserRestrictionsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response< Github.ReposReplaceProtectedBranchUserRestrictionsResponse > > ): Promise< Github.Response< Github.ReposReplaceProtectedBranchUserRestrictionsResponse > >; replaceTopics( params: Github.ReposReplaceTopicsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; requestPageBuild( params: Github.ReposRequestPageBuildParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; reviewUserPermissionLevel( params: Github.ReposReviewUserPermissionLevelParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; testHook( params: Github.ReposTestHookParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; transfer( params: Github.ReposTransferParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; updateBranchProtection( params: Github.ReposUpdateBranchProtectionParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; updateCommitComment( params: Github.ReposUpdateCommitCommentParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; updateFile( params: Github.ReposUpdateFileParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; updateInvite( params: Github.ReposUpdateInviteParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; updateProtectedBranchPullRequestReviewEnforcement( params: Github.ReposUpdateProtectedBranchPullRequestReviewEnforcementParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response< Github.ReposUpdateProtectedBranchPullRequestReviewEnforcementResponse > > ): Promise< Github.Response< Github.ReposUpdateProtectedBranchPullRequestReviewEnforcementResponse > >; updateProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecks( params: Github.ReposUpdateProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response< Github.ReposUpdateProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksResponse > > ): Promise< Github.Response< Github.ReposUpdateProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksResponse > >; uploadAsset( params: Github.ReposUploadAssetParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; }; search: { code( params: Github.SearchCodeParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; commits( params: Github.SearchCommitsParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; issues( params: Github.SearchIssuesParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; labels( params: Github.SearchLabelsParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; repos( params: Github.SearchReposParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; topics( params: Github.SearchTopicsParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; users( params: Github.SearchUsersParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; }; users: { acceptRepoInvite( params: Github.UsersAcceptRepoInviteParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; addEmails( params: Github.UsersAddEmailsParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; addRepoToInstallation( params: Github.UsersAddRepoToInstallationParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; blockUser( params: Github.UsersBlockUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; checkBlockedUser( params: Github.UsersCheckBlockedUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; checkFollowing( params: Github.UsersCheckFollowingParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; checkIfOneFollowersOther( params: Github.UsersCheckIfOneFollowersOtherParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; createGpgKey( params: Github.UsersCreateGpgKeyParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; createKey( params: Github.UsersCreateKeyParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; declineRepoInvite( params: Github.UsersDeclineRepoInviteParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deleteEmails( params: Github.UsersDeleteEmailsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deleteGpgKey( params: Github.UsersDeleteGpgKeyParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; deleteKey( params: Github.UsersDeleteKeyParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; editOrgMembership( params: Github.UsersEditOrgMembershipParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; followUser( params: Github.UsersFollowUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; get( params: Github.EmptyParams, callback?: Github.Callback ): Promise; getAll( params: Github.UsersGetAllParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getBlockedUsers( params: Github.EmptyParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getContextForUser( params: Github.UsersGetContextForUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getEmails( params: Github.UsersGetEmailsParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getFollowers( params: Github.UsersGetFollowersParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getFollowersForUser( params: Github.UsersGetFollowersForUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getFollowing( params: Github.UsersGetFollowingParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getFollowingForUser( params: Github.UsersGetFollowingForUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getForUser( params: Github.UsersGetForUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getGpgKey( params: Github.UsersGetGpgKeyParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getGpgKeys( params: Github.UsersGetGpgKeysParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getGpgKeysForUser( params: Github.UsersGetGpgKeysForUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getInstallationRepos( params: Github.UsersGetInstallationReposParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getInstallations( params: Github.UsersGetInstallationsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getKey( params: Github.UsersGetKeyParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getKeys( params: Github.UsersGetKeysParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getKeysForUser( params: Github.UsersGetKeysForUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getMarketplacePurchases( params: Github.UsersGetMarketplacePurchasesParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getMarketplaceStubbedPurchases( params: Github.UsersGetMarketplaceStubbedPurchasesParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; getOrgMembership( params: Github.UsersGetOrgMembershipParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getOrgMemberships( params: Github.UsersGetOrgMembershipsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getOrgs( params: Github.UsersGetOrgsParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; getPublicEmails( params: Github.UsersGetPublicEmailsParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getRepoInvites( params: Github.UsersGetRepoInvitesParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; getTeams( params: Github.UsersGetTeamsParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; removeRepoFromInstallation( params: Github.UsersRemoveRepoFromInstallationParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; togglePrimaryEmailVisibility( params: Github.UsersTogglePrimaryEmailVisibilityParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise< Github.Response >; unblockUser( params: Github.UsersUnblockUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; unfollowUser( params: Github.UsersUnfollowUserParams, callback?: Github.Callback< Github.Response > ): Promise>; update( params: Github.UsersUpdateParams, callback?: Github.Callback> ): Promise>; }; } export = Github;