import { baggageEntryMetadataSymbol } from './internal/symbol'; export interface BaggageEntry { /** `String` value of the `BaggageEntry`. */ value: string; /** * Metadata is an optional string property defined by the W3C baggage specification. * It currently has no special meaning defined by the specification. */ metadata?: BaggageEntryMetadata; } /** * Serializable Metadata defined by the W3C baggage specification. * It currently has no special meaning defined by the OpenTelemetry or W3C. */ export declare type BaggageEntryMetadata = { toString(): string; } & { __TYPE__: typeof baggageEntryMetadataSymbol; }; /** * Baggage represents collection of key-value pairs with optional metadata. * Each key of Baggage is associated with exactly one value. * Baggage may be used to annotate and enrich telemetry data. */ export interface Baggage { /** * Get an entry from Baggage if it exists * * @param key The key which identifies the BaggageEntry */ getEntry(key: string): BaggageEntry | undefined; /** * Get a list of all entries in the Baggage */ getAllEntries(): [string, BaggageEntry][]; /** * Returns a new baggage with the entries from the current bag and the specified entry * * @param key string which identifies the baggage entry * @param entry BaggageEntry for the given key */ setEntry(key: string, entry: BaggageEntry): Baggage; /** * Returns a new baggage with the entries from the current bag except the removed entry * * @param key key identifying the entry to be removed */ removeEntry(key: string): Baggage; /** * Returns a new baggage with the entries from the current bag except the removed entries * * @param key keys identifying the entries to be removed */ removeEntries(...key: string[]): Baggage; /** * Returns a new baggage with no entries */ clear(): Baggage; } //#