import { TextMapPropagator, Sampler } from '@opentelemetry/api'; import { IdGenerator } from '@opentelemetry/core'; import { ContextManager } from '@opentelemetry/api'; import { Resource } from '@opentelemetry/resources'; /** * TracerConfig provides an interface for configuring a Basic Tracer. */ export interface TracerConfig { /** * Sampler determines if a span should be recorded or should be a NoopSpan. */ sampler?: Sampler; /** Span Limits */ spanLimits?: SpanLimits; /** Resource associated with trace telemetry */ resource?: Resource; /** * Generator of trace and span IDs * The default idGenerator generates random ids */ idGenerator?: IdGenerator; /** * How long the forceFlush can run before it is cancelled. * The default value is 30000ms */ forceFlushTimeoutMillis?: number; } /** * Configuration options for registering the API with the SDK. * Undefined values may be substituted for defaults, and null * values will not be registered. */ export interface SDKRegistrationConfig { /** Propagator to register as the global propagator */ propagator?: TextMapPropagator | null; /** Context manager to register as the global context manager */ contextManager?: ContextManager | null; } /** Global configuration of trace service */ export interface SpanLimits { /** attributeCountLimit is number of attributes per span */ attributeCountLimit?: number; /** linkCountLimit is number of links per span */ linkCountLimit?: number; /** eventCountLimit is number of message events per span */ eventCountLimit?: number; } /** Interface configuration for a buffer. */ export interface BufferConfig { /** The maximum batch size of every export. It must be smaller or equal to * maxQueueSize. The default value is 512. */ maxExportBatchSize?: number; /** The delay interval in milliseconds between two consecutive exports. * The default value is 5000ms. */ scheduledDelayMillis?: number; /** How long the export can run before it is cancelled. * The default value is 30000ms */ exportTimeoutMillis?: number; /** The maximum queue size. After the size is reached spans are dropped. * The default value is 2048. */ maxQueueSize?: number; } /** Interface configuration for BatchSpanProcessor on browser */ export interface BatchSpanProcessorBrowserConfig extends BufferConfig { /** Disable flush when a user navigates to a new page, closes the tab or the browser, or, * on mobile, switches to a different app. Auto flush is enabled by default. */ disableAutoFlushOnDocumentHide?: boolean; } //#