var nesting = require('postcss-nesting'); function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { 'default': e }; } var nesting__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(nesting); const functionalSelectorMatch = /(^|[^\w-])(%[_a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9-]*)([^\w-]|$)/i; // plugin const postcssExtendRule = rawopts => { // options ( onFunctionalSelector, onRecursiveExtend, onUnusedExtend) const opts = Object(rawopts); const extendMatch = instanceof RegExp ? : 'name' in opts ? new RegExp(`^${}$`, 'i') : 'extend'; return { postcssPlugin: 'postcss-extend-rule', OnceExit(root, { postcss, result }) { const extendedAtRules = new WeakMap(); const parentsToProcess = new Set(); // for each extend at-rule root.walkAtRules(extendMatch, extendAtRule => { let parent = extendAtRule.parent; while (parent.parent && parent.parent !== root) { parent = parent.parent; } // do not revisit visited extend at-rules if (!extendedAtRules.has(extendAtRule)) { extendedAtRules.set(extendAtRule, true); // selector identifier const selectorIdMatch = getSelectorIdMatch(extendAtRule.params, postcss); // extending rules const extendingRules = getExtendingRules(selectorIdMatch, extendAtRule); // if there are extending rules if (extendingRules.length) { // replace the extend at-rule with the extending rules extendAtRule.replaceWith(extendingRules); // store parent to process with postcss-nesting later parentsToProcess.add(parent); } else { // manage unused extend at-rules const unusedExtendMessage = `Unused extend at-rule "${extendAtRule.params}"`; if (opts.onUnusedExtend === 'throw') { throw extendAtRule.error(unusedExtendMessage, { word: }); } else if (opts.onUnusedExtend === 'warn') { extendAtRule.warn(result, unusedExtendMessage); } else if (opts.onUnusedExtend !== 'ignore') { extendAtRule.remove(); } } } else { // manage revisited extend at-rules const revisitedExtendMessage = `Revisited extend at-rule "${extendAtRule.params}"`; if (opts.onRecursiveExtend === 'throw') { throw extendAtRule.error(revisitedExtendMessage, { word: }); } else if (opts.onRecursiveExtend === 'warn') { extendAtRule.warn(result, revisitedExtendMessage); } else if (opts.onRecursiveExtend !== 'ignore') { extendAtRule.remove(); } } }); parentsToProcess.forEach(parent => { // transform any nesting at-rules const cloneRoot = postcss.root().append(parent.clone()); // apply nesting (sync) postcss([nesting__default["default"]({ noIsPseudoSelector: true })]).process(cloneRoot).sync(); parent.replaceWith(cloneRoot); }); root.walkRules(functionalSelectorMatch, functionalRule => { // manage encountered functional selectors const functionalSelectorMessage = `Encountered functional selector "${functionalRule.selector}"`; if (opts.onFunctionalSelector === 'throw') { throw functionalRule.error(functionalSelectorMessage, { word: functionalRule.selector.match(functionalSelectorMatch)[1] }); } else if (opts.onFunctionalSelector === 'warn') { functionalRule.warn(result, functionalSelectorMessage); } else if (opts.onFunctionalSelector !== 'ignore') { const selectors = functionalRule.selectors.filter(selector => selector.charAt(0) !== '%'); if (selectors.length > 0) { functionalRule.selector = selectors.join(', '); } else { functionalRule.remove(); } } }); } }; }; function getExtendingRules(selectorIdMatch, extendAtRule) { // extending rules const extendingRules = []; // for each rule found from root of the extend at-rule with a matching selector identifier extendAtRule.root().walkRules(selectorIdMatch, matchingRule => { // nesting selectors for the selectors matching the selector identifier const nestingSelectors = matchingRule.selectors.filter(selector => selectorIdMatch.test(selector)).map(selector => selector.replace(selectorIdMatch, '$1&$3')).join(','); // matching rule’s cloned nodes const nestingNodes = matchingRule.clone().nodes; // clone the matching rule as a nested rule let clone = extendAtRule.clone({ name: 'nest', params: nestingSelectors, nodes: nestingNodes, // empty the extending rules, as they are likely non-conforming raws: {} }); // preserve nesting of parent rules and at-rules let parent = matchingRule.parent; while (parent && (parent.type === 'rule' || parent.type === 'atrule')) { clone = parent.clone().removeAll().append([clone]); parent = parent.parent; } // push the matching rule to the extending rules extendingRules.push(clone); }); // return the extending rules return extendingRules; } function getSelectorIdMatch(selectorIds, postcss) { // escape the contents of the selector id to avoid being parsed as regex const escapedSelectorIds = postcss.list.comma(selectorIds).map(selectorId => selectorId.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')).join('|'); // selector unattached to an existing selector return new RegExp(`(^|[^\\w-]!.!#)(${escapedSelectorIds})([^\\w-]|$)`, 'm'); } postcssExtendRule.postcss = true; module.exports = postcssExtendRule;