node { checkout scm ansiColor('xterm') { try { setBuildStatus("Build Pending", "PENDING"); sh "npm install" stage('Test') { sh "npm test" } stage('Lint') { sh "npm run lint" } // This is going to keep failing until we fix stuff... // stage('Audit') { // sh "npm audit" // } // // We want to tag, push, and deploy when we push to master // if ( env.BRANCH_NAME == "master" ) { // stage('Push') { // // Login to AWS ECR // sh '$(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region us-east-2)' // // Push container to remote with :latest tag // sh "docker tag ${container} ${registryUrl}/${containerName}:latest" // sh "docker push ${registryUrl}/${containerName}:latest" // // Tag remote image with :branch-buildNumber // sh "docker tag ${registryUrl}/${containerName}:latest ${registryUrl}/${container}" // sh "docker push ${registryUrl}/${container}" // // Tag remote image with commit sha // def gitCommitSHA = sh (script: "git rev-parse --short HEAD | tail -n1 | tr -d '\n'", returnStdout: true) // sh "docker tag ${registryUrl}/${containerName}:latest ${registryUrl}/${containerName}:${gitCommitSHA}" // sh "docker push ${registryUrl}/${containerName}:${gitCommitSHA}" // } // stage('QA Deploy') { // // TODO // } // } setBuildStatus("Build Succeeded", "SUCCESS"); } catch (e) { setBuildStatus("Build failed", "FAILED"); throw e } } } void setBuildStatus(String message, String state) { step([ $class: "GitHubCommitStatusSetter", reposSource: [$class: "ManuallyEnteredRepositorySource", url: ""], contextSource: [$class: "ManuallyEnteredCommitContextSource", context: "ci/jenkins/build-status"], errorHandlers: [[$class: "ChangingBuildStatusErrorHandler", result: "UNSTABLE"]], statusResultSource: [ $class: "ConditionalStatusResultSource", results: [[$class: "AnyBuildResult", message: message, state: state]] ] ]); }