import * as React from 'react'; import { InternalDropdownItemProps } from './InternalDropdownItem'; import { OUIAProps } from '../../helpers'; export interface DropdownItemProps extends InternalDropdownItemProps, OUIAProps { /** Anything which can be rendered as dropdown item */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** Classes applied to root element of dropdown item */ className?: string; /** Class to be applied to list item */ listItemClassName?: string; /** * A ReactElement to render, or a string to use as the component tag. * Example: component={Alert} * Example: component="button" * If React.isValidElement(component) the className prop will be injected unless styleChildren="false" */ component?: React.ReactNode; /** ID for the component element */ componentID?: string; /** Whether to set className on component when React.isValidElement(component) */ styleChildren?: boolean; /** Render dropdown item as disabled option */ isDisabled?: boolean; /** Render dropdown item as aria-disabled option */ isAriaDisabled?: boolean; /** Render dropdown item as non-interactive item */ isPlainText?: boolean; /** Forces display of the hover state of the element */ isHovered?: boolean; /** Default hyperlink location */ href?: string; /** Tooltip to display when hovered over the item */ tooltip?: React.ReactNode; /** Additional tooltip props forwarded to the Tooltip component */ tooltipProps?: any; /** Additional node to include alongside item within the
  • */ additionalChild?: React.ReactNode; /** Custom item rendering that receives the DropdownContext */ customChild?: React.ReactNode; /** tabIndex to use, null to unset it */ tabIndex?: number | null; /** An image to display within the DropdownItem, appearing before any component children */ icon?: React.ReactNode; /** Initial focus on the item when the menu is opened (Note: Only applicable to one of the items) */ autoFocus?: boolean; /** A short description of the dropdown item, displayed under the dropdown item content */ description?: React.ReactNode; } export declare const DropdownItem: React.FunctionComponent; //#