import * as React from 'react'; import { DropdownToggleProps } from './DropdownToggle'; export interface KebabToggleProps extends DropdownToggleProps { /** HTML ID of dropdown toggle */ id?: string; /** Anything which can be rendered as dropdown toggle */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** Classess applied to root element of dropdown toggle */ className?: string; /** Flag to indicate if menu is opened */ isOpen?: boolean; /** Label Toggle button */ 'aria-label'?: string; /** Callback called when toggle is clicked */ onToggle?: (value: boolean, event: any) => void; /** Element which wraps toggle */ parentRef?: any; /** The menu element */ getMenuRef?: () => HTMLElement; /** Forces active state */ isActive?: boolean; /** Disables the dropdown toggle */ isDisabled?: boolean; /** Display the toggle with no border or background */ isPlain?: boolean; /** Type to put on the button */ type?: 'button' | 'submit' | 'reset'; /** Allows selecting toggle to select parent */ bubbleEvent?: boolean; } export declare const KebabToggle: React.FunctionComponent; //#