import * as React from 'react'; export interface DualListSelectorListItemProps extends React.HTMLProps { /** Content rendered inside the dual list selector. */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** Additional classes applied to the dual list selector. */ className?: string; /** Flag indicating the list item is currently selected. */ isSelected?: boolean; /** Callback fired when an option is selected. */ onOptionSelect?: (e: React.MouseEvent | React.ChangeEvent | React.KeyboardEvent, id?: string) => void; /** ID of the option. */ id?: string; /** @hide Internal field used to keep track of order of unfiltered options. */ orderIndex?: number; /** @hide Forwarded ref */ innerRef?: React.RefObject; /** Flag indicating this item is draggable for reordring */ isDraggable?: boolean; /** Accessible label for the draggable button on draggable list items */ draggableButtonAriaLabel?: string; /** Flag indicating if the dual list selector is in a disabled state */ isDisabled?: boolean; } export declare const DualListSelectorListItemBase: React.FunctionComponent; export declare const DualListSelectorListItem: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent & React.RefAttributes>; //#