import * as React from 'react'; import { DualListSelectorTreeItemData } from './DualListSelectorTree'; export interface DualListSelectorTreeItemProps extends React.HTMLProps { /** Content rendered inside the dual list selector. */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** Additional classes applied to the dual list selector. */ className?: string; /** Flag indicating this option is expanded by default. */ defaultExpanded?: boolean; /** Flag indicating this option has a badge */ hasBadge?: boolean; /** Callback fired when an option is checked */ onOptionCheck?: (event: React.MouseEvent | React.ChangeEvent | React.KeyboardEvent, isChecked: boolean, itemData: DualListSelectorTreeItemData) => void; /** ID of the option */ id: string; /** Text of the option */ text: string; /** Flag indicating if this open is checked. */ isChecked?: boolean; /** Additional properties to pass to the option checkbox */ checkProps?: any; /** Additional properties to pass to the option badge */ badgeProps?: any; /** Raw data of the option */ itemData?: DualListSelectorTreeItemData; /** Flag indicating whether the component is disabled. */ isDisabled?: boolean; /** Flag indicating the DualListSelector tree should utilize memoization to help render large data sets. */ useMemo?: boolean; } export declare const DualListSelectorTreeItem: React.NamedExoticComponent; //#