import * as React from 'react'; import { PickOptional } from '../../helpers/typeUtils'; export interface ExpandableSectionProps extends React.HTMLProps { /** Content rendered inside the Expandable Component */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** Additional classes added to the Expandable Component */ className?: string; /** Flag to indicate if the content is expanded */ isExpanded?: boolean; /** Text that appears in the attached toggle */ toggleText?: string; /** Text that appears in the attached toggle when expanded (will override toggleText if both are specified; used for uncontrolled expandable with dynamic toggle text) */ toggleTextExpanded?: string; /** Text that appears in the attached toggle when collapsed (will override toggleText if both are specified; used for uncontrolled expandable with dynamic toggle text) */ toggleTextCollapsed?: string; /** React node that appears in the attached toggle in place of toggle text */ toggleContent?: React.ReactNode; /** Callback function to toggle the expandable content. Detached expandable sections should use the onToggle property of ExpandableSectionToggle. */ onToggle?: (isExpanded: boolean) => void; /** Forces active state */ isActive?: boolean; /** Indicates the expandable section has a detached toggle */ isDetached?: boolean; /** ID of the content of the expandable section */ contentId?: string; /** Display size variant. Set to large for disclosure styling. */ displaySize?: 'default' | 'large'; /** Flag to indicate the width of the component is limited. Set to true for disclosure styling. */ isWidthLimited?: boolean; /** Flag to indicate if the content is indented */ isIndented?: boolean; } interface ExpandableSectionState { isExpanded: boolean; } export declare class ExpandableSection extends React.Component { static displayName: string; constructor(props: ExpandableSectionProps); static defaultProps: PickOptional; private calculateToggleText; render(): JSX.Element; } export {}; //#