import * as React from 'react'; export interface PageBreadcrumbProps extends React.HTMLProps { /** Additional classes to apply to the PageBreadcrumb */ className?: string; /** Content rendered inside of the PageBreadcrumb */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** Limits the width of the breadcrumb */ isWidthLimited?: boolean; /** Modifier indicating if the PageBreadcrumb is sticky to the top or bottom */ sticky?: 'top' | 'bottom'; /** Flag indicating if PageBreadcrumb should have a shadow at the top */ hasShadowTop?: boolean; /** Flag indicating if PageBreadcrumb should have a shadow at the bottom */ hasShadowBottom?: boolean; /** Flag indicating if the PageBreadcrumb has a scrolling overflow */ hasOverflowScroll?: boolean; } export declare const PageBreadcrumb: { ({ className, children, isWidthLimited, sticky, hasShadowTop, hasShadowBottom, hasOverflowScroll, ...props }: PageBreadcrumbProps): JSX.Element; displayName: string; }; //#