import * as React from 'react'; export declare enum ProgressSize { sm = "sm", md = "md", lg = "lg" } export interface ProgressProps extends Omit, 'size' | 'label' | 'title'> { /** Classname for progress component. */ className?: string; /** Size variant of progress. */ size?: 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg'; /** Where the measure percent will be located. */ measureLocation?: 'outside' | 'inside' | 'top' | 'none'; /** Status variant of progress. */ variant?: 'danger' | 'success' | 'warning'; /** Title above progress. The isTitleTruncated property will only affect string titles. Node title truncation must be handled manually. */ title?: React.ReactNode; /** Text description of current progress value to display instead of percentage. */ label?: React.ReactNode; /** Actual value of progress. */ value?: number; /** DOM id for progress component. */ id?: string; /** Minimal value of progress. */ min?: number; /** Maximum value of progress. */ max?: number; /** Accessible text description of current progress value, for when value is not a percentage. Use with label. */ valueText?: string; /** Indicate whether to truncate the string title */ isTitleTruncated?: boolean; /** Position of the tooltip which is displayed if title is truncated */ tooltipPosition?: 'auto' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right'; /** Adds accessible text to the ProgressBar. Required when title not used and there is not any label associated with the progress bar */ 'aria-label'?: string; /** Associates the ProgressBar with it's label for accessibility purposes. Required when title not used */ 'aria-labelledby'?: string; } export declare class Progress extends React.Component { static displayName: string; static defaultProps: ProgressProps; id: string; render(): JSX.Element; } //#