import * as React from 'react'; export declare enum spinnerSize { sm = "sm", md = "md", lg = "lg", xl = "xl" } export interface SpinnerProps extends Omit, 'size'> { /** Additional classes added to the Spinner. */ className?: string; /** Size variant of progress. */ size?: 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl'; /** Text describing that current loading status or progress */ 'aria-valuetext'?: string; /** Whether to use an SVG (new) rather than a span (old) */ isSVG?: boolean; /** Diameter of spinner set as CSS variable */ diameter?: string; /** Accessible label to describe what is loading */ 'aria-label'?: string; /** Id of element which describes what is being loaded */ 'aria-labelledBy'?: string; } export declare const Spinner: React.FunctionComponent; //#