import * as React from 'react'; import { OUIAProps } from '../../helpers'; export interface ToolbarProps extends React.HTMLProps, OUIAProps { /** Optional callback for clearing all filters in the toolbar */ clearAllFilters?: () => void; /** Text to display in the clear all filters button */ clearFiltersButtonText?: string; /** Custom content appended to the filter generated chip group. To maintain spacing and styling, each node should be wrapped in a ToolbarItem or ToolbarGroup. This property will remove the default "Clear all filters" button. */ customChipGroupContent?: React.ReactNode; /** The breakpoint at which the listed filters in chip groups are collapsed down to a summary */ collapseListedFiltersBreakpoint?: 'all' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | '2xl'; /** Flag indicating if a data toolbar toggle group's expandable content is expanded */ isExpanded?: boolean; /** A callback for setting the isExpanded flag */ toggleIsExpanded?: () => void; /** Classes applied to root element of the data toolbar */ className?: string; /** Content to be rendered as rows in the data toolbar */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** Id of the data toolbar */ id?: string; /** Flag indicating the toolbar height should expand to the full height of the container */ isFullHeight?: boolean; /** Flag indicating the toolbar is static */ isStatic?: boolean; /** Flag indicating the toolbar should use the Page insets */ usePageInsets?: boolean; /** Flag indicating the toolbar should stick to the top of its container */ isSticky?: boolean; /** Insets at various breakpoints. */ inset?: { default?: 'insetNone' | 'insetSm' | 'insetMd' | 'insetLg' | 'insetXl' | 'inset2xl'; sm?: 'insetNone' | 'insetSm' | 'insetMd' | 'insetLg' | 'insetXl' | 'inset2xl'; md?: 'insetNone' | 'insetSm' | 'insetMd' | 'insetLg' | 'insetXl' | 'inset2xl'; lg?: 'insetNone' | 'insetSm' | 'insetMd' | 'insetLg' | 'insetXl' | 'inset2xl'; xl?: 'insetNone' | 'insetSm' | 'insetMd' | 'insetLg' | 'insetXl' | 'inset2xl'; '2xl'?: 'insetNone' | 'insetSm' | 'insetMd' | 'insetLg' | 'insetXl' | 'inset2xl'; }; /** Text to display in the total number of applied filters ToolbarFilter */ numberOfFiltersText?: (numberOfFilters: number) => string; } export interface ToolbarState { /** Flag used if the user has opted NOT to manage the 'isExpanded' state of the toggle group. * Indicates whether or not the toggle group is expanded. */ isManagedToggleExpanded: boolean; /** Object managing information about how many chips are in each chip group */ filterInfo: FilterInfo; /** Used to keep track of window width so we can collapse expanded content when window is resizing */ windowWidth: number; ouiaStateId: string; } interface FilterInfo { [key: string]: number; } export declare class Toolbar extends React.Component { static displayName: string; chipGroupContentRef: React.RefObject; staticFilterInfo: {}; state: { isManagedToggleExpanded: boolean; filterInfo: {}; windowWidth: number; ouiaStateId: string; }; isToggleManaged: () => boolean; toggleIsExpanded: () => void; closeExpandableContent: (e: any) => void; componentDidMount(): void; componentWillUnmount(): void; updateNumberFilters: (categoryName: string, numberOfFilters: number) => void; getNumberOfFilters: () => number; renderToolbar: (randomId: string) => JSX.Element; render(): JSX.Element; } export {}; //#