import * as React from 'react'; import { ToolbarItemProps } from './ToolbarItem'; import { ToolbarContext } from './ToolbarUtils'; import { PickOptional } from '../../helpers/typeUtils'; export interface ToolbarChipGroup { /** A unique key to identify this chip group category */ key: string; /** The category name to display for the chip group */ name: string; } export interface ToolbarChip { /** A unique key to identify this chip */ key: string; /** The ReactNode to display in the chip */ node: React.ReactNode; } export interface ToolbarFilterProps extends ToolbarItemProps { /** An array of strings to be displayed as chips in the expandable content */ chips?: (string | ToolbarChip)[]; /** Callback passed by consumer used to close the entire chip group */ deleteChipGroup?: (category: string | ToolbarChipGroup) => void; /** Callback passed by consumer used to delete a chip from the chips[] */ deleteChip?: (category: string | ToolbarChipGroup, chip: ToolbarChip | string) => void; /** Customizable "Show Less" text string for the chip group */ chipGroupExpandedText?: string; /** Customizeable template string for the chip group. Use variable "${remaining}" for the overflow chip count. */ chipGroupCollapsedText?: string; /** Content to be rendered inside the data toolbar item associated with the chip group */ children: React.ReactNode; /** Unique category name to be used as a label for the chip group */ categoryName: string | ToolbarChipGroup; /** Flag to show the toolbar item */ showToolbarItem?: boolean; } interface ToolbarFilterState { isMounted: boolean; } export declare class ToolbarFilter extends React.Component { static displayName: string; static contextType: React.Context; context: React.ContextType; static defaultProps: PickOptional; constructor(props: ToolbarFilterProps); componentDidMount(): void; componentDidUpdate(): void; render(): JSX.Element; } export {}; //#