import * as React from 'react'; import { WizardNavItemProps } from './WizardNavItem'; import { PickOptional } from '../../helpers/typeUtils'; export interface WizardStep { /** Optional identifier */ id?: string | number; /** The name of the step */ name: React.ReactNode; /** The component to render in the main body */ component?: any; /** Setting to true hides the side nav and footer */ isFinishedStep?: boolean; /** Enables or disables the step in the navigation. Enabled by default. */ canJumpTo?: boolean; /** Sub steps */ steps?: WizardStep[]; /** Props to pass to the WizardNavItem */ stepNavItemProps?: React.HTMLProps | WizardNavItemProps; /** (Unused if footer is controlled) Can change the Next button text. If nextButtonText is also set for the Wizard, this step specific one overrides it. */ nextButtonText?: React.ReactNode; /** (Unused if footer is controlled) The condition needed to enable the Next button */ enableNext?: boolean; /** (Unused if footer is controlled) True to hide the Cancel button */ hideCancelButton?: boolean; /** (Unused if footer is controlled) True to hide the Back button */ hideBackButton?: boolean; } export declare type WizardStepFunctionType = (newStep: { id?: string | number; name: React.ReactNode; }, prevStep: { prevId?: string | number; prevName: React.ReactNode; }) => void; export interface WizardProps extends React.HTMLProps { /** Custom width of the wizard */ width?: number | string; /** Custom height of the wizard */ height?: number | string; /** The wizard title to display if header is desired */ title?: string; /** An optional id for the title */ titleId?: string; /** An optional id for the description */ descriptionId?: string; /** The wizard description */ description?: React.ReactNode; /** Component type of the description */ descriptionComponent?: 'div' | 'p'; /** Flag indicating whether the close button should be in the header */ hideClose?: boolean; /** Callback function to close the wizard */ onClose?: () => void; /** Callback function when a step in the nav is clicked */ onGoToStep?: WizardStepFunctionType; /** Additional classes spread to the Wizard */ className?: string; /** The wizard steps configuration object */ steps: WizardStep[]; /** The current step the wizard is on (1 or higher) */ startAtStep?: number; /** Aria-label for the Nav */ navAriaLabel?: string; /** Sets aria-labelledby on nav element */ navAriaLabelledBy?: string; /** Aria-label for the main element */ mainAriaLabel?: string; /** Sets aria-labelledby on the main element */ mainAriaLabelledBy?: string; /** Can remove the default padding around the main body content by setting this to true */ hasNoBodyPadding?: boolean; /** (Use to control the footer) Passing in a footer component lets you control the buttons yourself */ footer?: React.ReactNode; /** (Unused if footer is controlled) Callback function to save at the end of the wizard, if not specified uses onClose */ onSave?: () => void; /** (Unused if footer is controlled) Callback function after Next button is clicked */ onNext?: WizardStepFunctionType; /** (Unused if footer is controlled) Callback function after Back button is clicked */ onBack?: WizardStepFunctionType; /** (Unused if footer is controlled) The Next button text */ nextButtonText?: React.ReactNode; /** (Unused if footer is controlled) The Back button text */ backButtonText?: React.ReactNode; /** (Unused if footer is controlled) The Cancel button text */ cancelButtonText?: React.ReactNode; /** (Unused if footer is controlled) aria-label for the close button */ closeButtonAriaLabel?: string; /** The parent container to append the modal to. Defaults to document.body */ appendTo?: HTMLElement | (() => HTMLElement); /** Flag indicating Wizard modal is open. Wizard will be placed into a modal if this prop is provided */ isOpen?: boolean; /** Flag indicating nav items with sub steps are expandable */ isNavExpandable?: boolean; } interface WizardState { currentStep: number; isNavOpen: boolean; } export declare class Wizard extends React.Component { static displayName: string; private static currentId; static defaultProps: PickOptional; private titleId; private descriptionId; constructor(props: WizardProps); private handleKeyClicks; private onNext; private onBack; private goToStep; private goToStepById; private goToStepByName; private getFlattenedSteps; private getFlattenedStepsIndex; private initSteps; getElement: (appendTo: HTMLElement | (() => HTMLElement)) => HTMLElement; componentDidMount(): void; componentWillUnmount(): void; render(): JSX.Element; } export {}; //#