import { Ticker } from '@pixi/ticker'; /** * @interface * @public */ export declare interface IObjectPoolOptions { capacityRatio?: number; decayRatio?: number; reserve?: number; } /** * `ObjectPool` provides the framework necessary for pooling minus the object instantiation * method. You can use `ObjectPoolFactory` for objects that can be created using a default * constructor. * * @template T * @class * @public */ export declare abstract class ObjectPool { protected _freeList: Array; protected _freeCount: number; protected _reserveCount: number; protected _borrowRate: number; protected _returnRate: number; protected _flowRate: number; protected _borrowRateAverage: number; protected _marginAverage: number; private _capacityRatio; private _decayRatio; private _borrowRateAverageProvider; private _marginAverageProvider; /** * @param {IObjectPoolOptions} options */ constructor(options?: IObjectPoolOptions); /** * Instantiates a new object of type `T`. * * @abstract * @returns {T} */ abstract create(): T; /** * The number of objects that can be stored in the pool without allocating more space. * * @member {number} */ protected get capacity(): number; protected set capacity(cp: number); /** * Obtains an instance from this pool. * * @returns {T} */ allocate(): T; /** * Obtains an array of instances from this pool. This is faster than allocating multiple objects * separately from this pool. * * @param {number | T[]} lengthOrArray - no. of objects to allocate OR the array itself into which * objects are inserted. The amount to allocate is inferred from the array's length. * @returns {T[]} array of allocated objects */ allocateArray(lengthOrArray: number | T[]): T[]; /** * Returns the object to the pool. * * @param {T} object */ release(object: T): void; /** * Releases all of the objects in the passed array. These need not be allocated using `allocateArray`, however. * * @param {T[]} array */ releaseArray(array: T[]): void; /** * Preallocates objects so that the pool size is at least `count`. * * @param {number} count */ reserve(count: number): void; /** * Dereferences objects for the GC to collect and brings the pool size down to `count`. * * @param {number} count */ limit(count: number): void; /** * Install the GC on the shared ticker. * * @param {Ticker}[ticker=Ticker.shared] */ startGC(ticker?: Ticker): void; /** * Stops running the GC on the pool. * * @param {Ticker}[ticker=Ticker.shared] */ stopGC(ticker?: Ticker): void; private _gcTick; } /** * Factory for creating pools of objects with default constructors. It will store the pool of * a given type and reuse it on further builds. * * @class * @public * @example * ```js * import { ObjectPool, ObjectPoolFactory } from '@pixi-essentials/object-pool'; * * class AABB {} * * const opool: ObjectPool = as ObjectPool; * * const temp = opool.borrowObject(); * // do something * opool.returnObject(temp); * ``` */ export declare class ObjectPoolFactory { /** * Builds an object-pool for objects constructed from the given class with a default constructor. If an * object pool for that class was already created, an existing instance is returned. * * @param classConstructor */ static build(Type: { new (): T; }): ObjectPool; /** * Builds an object-pool for objects built using a factory function. The factory function's context will be the * object-pool. * * These types of pools are not cached and should only be used on internal data structures. * * @param factoryFunction */ static buildFunctional(factoryFunction: () => T): ObjectPool; } export { }