import { MSAA_QUALITY } from '@pixi/constants'; import type { Framebuffer } from './Framebuffer'; /** * Internal framebuffer for WebGL context. * @memberof PIXI */ export declare class GLFramebuffer { /** The WebGL framebuffer. */ framebuffer: WebGLFramebuffer; /** Stencil+depth , usually costs 32bits per pixel. */ stencil: WebGLRenderbuffer; /** Detected AA samples number. */ multisample: MSAA_QUALITY; /** In case MSAA, we use this Renderbuffer instead of colorTextures[0] when we write info. */ msaaBuffer: WebGLRenderbuffer; /** * In case we use MSAA, this is actual framebuffer that has colorTextures[0] * The contents of that framebuffer are read when we use that renderTexture in sprites */ blitFramebuffer: Framebuffer; /** Latest known version of framebuffer. */ dirtyId: number; /** Latest known version of framebuffer format. */ dirtyFormat: number; /** Latest known version of framebuffer size. */ dirtySize: number; /** Store the current mipmap of the textures the framebuffer will write too. */ mipLevel: number; constructor(framebuffer: WebGLTexture); }