import { TYPES } from '@pixi/constants'; /** * Holds the information for a single attribute structure required to render geometry. * * This does not contain the actual data, but instead has a buffer id that maps to a {@link PIXI.Buffer} * This can include anything from positions, uvs, normals, colors etc. * @memberof PIXI */ export declare class Attribute { buffer: number; size: number; normalized: boolean; type: TYPES; stride: number; start: number; instance: boolean; divisor: number; /** * @param buffer - the id of the buffer that this attribute will look for * @param size - the size of the attribute. If you have 2 floats per vertex (eg position x and y) this would be 2. * @param normalized - should the data be normalized. * @param {PIXI.TYPES} [type=PIXI.TYPES.FLOAT] - what type of number is the attribute. Check {@link PIXI.TYPES} to see the ones available * @param [stride=0] - How far apart, in bytes, the start of each value is. (used for interleaving data) * @param [start=0] - How far into the array to start reading values (used for interleaving data) * @param [instance=false] - Whether the geometry is instanced. * @param [divisor=1] - Divisor to use when doing instanced rendering */ constructor(buffer: number, size?: number, normalized?: boolean, type?: TYPES, stride?: number, start?: number, instance?: boolean, divisor?: number); /** Destroys the Attribute. */ destroy(): void; /** * Helper function that creates an Attribute based on the information provided * @param buffer - the id of the buffer that this attribute will look for * @param [size=0] - the size of the attribute. If you have 2 floats per vertex (eg position x and y) this would be 2 * @param [normalized=false] - should the data be normalized. * @param [type=PIXI.TYPES.FLOAT] - what type of number is the attribute. Check {@link PIXI.TYPES} to see the ones available * @param [stride=0] - How far apart, in bytes, the start of each value is. (used for interleaving data) * @returns - A new {@link PIXI.Attribute} based on the information provided */ static from(buffer: number, size?: number, normalized?: boolean, type?: TYPES, stride?: number): Attribute; }