import { AbstractMultiResource } from './AbstractMultiResource'; import type { ISize } from '@pixi/math'; import type { Renderer } from '../../Renderer'; import type { BaseTexture } from '../BaseTexture'; import type { GLTexture } from '../GLTexture'; /** * A resource that contains a number of sources. * @memberof PIXI */ export declare class ArrayResource extends AbstractMultiResource { /** * @param source - Number of items in array or the collection * of image URLs to use. Can also be resources, image elements, canvas, etc. * @param options - Options to apply to {@link PIXI.autoDetectResource} * @param {number} [options.width] - Width of the resource * @param {number} [options.height] - Height of the resource */ constructor(source: number | Array, options?: ISize); /** * Set a baseTexture by ID, * ArrayResource just takes resource from it, nothing more * @param baseTexture * @param index - Zero-based index of resource to set * @returns - Instance for chaining */ addBaseTextureAt(baseTexture: BaseTexture, index: number): this; /** * Add binding * @param baseTexture */ bind(baseTexture: BaseTexture): void; /** * Upload the resources to the GPU. * @param renderer * @param texture * @param glTexture * @returns - whether texture was uploaded */ upload(renderer: Renderer, texture: BaseTexture, glTexture: GLTexture): boolean; }