import { ITypedHash } from "./collections.js"; /** * Gets a callback function which will maintain context across async calls. * Allows for the calling pattern getCtxCallback(thisobj, method, methodarg1, methodarg2, ...) * * @param context The object that will be the 'this' value in the callback * @param method The method to which we will apply the context and parameters * @param params Optional, additional arguments to supply to the wrapped method when it is invoked */ export declare function getCtxCallback(context: any, method: Function, ...params: any[]): Function; export declare type DateAddInterval = "year" | "quarter" | "month" | "week" | "day" | "hour" | "minute" | "second"; /** * Adds a value to a date * * @param date The date to which we will add units, done in local time * @param interval The name of the interval to add, one of: ['year', 'quarter', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'] * @param units The amount to add to date of the given interval * * */ export declare function dateAdd(date: Date, interval: DateAddInterval, units: number): Date | undefined; /** * Combines an arbitrary set of paths ensuring and normalizes the slashes * * @param paths 0 to n path parts to combine */ export declare function combine(...paths: string[]): string; /** * Gets a random string of chars length * * * * @param chars The length of the random string to generate */ export declare function getRandomString(chars: number): string; /** * Gets a random GUID value * * */ export declare function getGUID(): string; /** * Determines if a given value is a function * * @param cf The thing to test for functionness */ export declare function isFunc(f: any): boolean; /** * Determines if an object is both defined and not null * @param obj Object to test */ export declare function objectDefinedNotNull(obj: any): boolean; /** * @returns whether the provided parameter is a JavaScript Array or not. */ export declare function isArray(array: any): boolean; /** * Provides functionality to extend the given object by doing a shallow copy * * @param target The object to which properties will be copied * @param source The source object from which properties will be copied * @param noOverwrite If true existing properties on the target are not overwritten from the source * @param filter If provided allows additional filtering on what properties are copied (propName: string) => boolean * */ export declare function assign = any, S extends ITypedHash = any>(target: T, source: S, noOverwrite?: boolean, filter?: (propName: string) => boolean): T & S; /** * Determines if a given url is absolute * * @param url The url to check to see if it is absolute */ export declare function isUrlAbsolute(url: string): boolean; /** * Determines if a string is null or empty or undefined * * @param s The string to test */ export declare function stringIsNullOrEmpty(s: string): boolean; /** * Ensures guid values are represented consistently as "ea123463-137d-4ae3-89b8-cf3fc578ca05" * * @param guid The candidate guid */ export declare function sanitizeGuid(guid: string): string; /** * Shorthand for JSON.stringify * * @param o Any type of object */ export declare function jsS(o: any): string; /** * Shorthand for Object.hasOwnProperty * * @param o Object to check for * @param p Name of the property */ export declare function hOP(o: any, p: string): boolean; /** * Generates a ~unique hash code * * From: */ export declare function getHashCode(s: string): number; //#