const { readFileSync } = require("fs"); const { join } = require("path"); const projectRoot = process.cwd(); const packageLoc = join(projectRoot, "package.json"); const packageFile = readFileSync(packageLoc, "utf8"); const packageJSON = JSON.parse(packageFile); if (packageJSON.dependencies != null) { const spfxVersion = packageJSON.dependencies["@microsoft/sp-core-library"]; if (spfxVersion != null) { const spfxVersionFloat = parseFloat(spfxVersion); if (spfxVersionFloat > 1.11 && spfxVersionFloat < 1.15) { console.log(""); console.log("\x1b[43m%s\x1b[0m", " PnPjs WARNING "); console.log("\x1b[33m%s\x1b[0m", " The version of SPFx you are using requires an update to work with PnPjs. Please make sure to follow the getting started instructions to make the appropriate changes. ➡"); console.log(""); } } } else { console.log("Package has no dependencies"); }