import { _SPCollection, _SPInstance, IDeleteable } from "../spqueryable.js"; import { IBasePermissions } from "../security/index.js"; export declare class _UserCustomActions extends _SPCollection { /** * Returns the user custom action with the specified id * * @param id The GUID id of the user custom action to retrieve */ getById(id: string): IUserCustomAction; /** * Creates a user custom action * * @param properties The information object of property names and values which define the new user custom action */ add(properties: Partial): Promise; /** * Deletes all user custom actions in the collection */ clear(): Promise; } export interface IUserCustomActions extends _UserCustomActions { } export declare const UserCustomActions: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPInvokableFactory; export declare class _UserCustomAction extends _SPInstance { delete: (this: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPQueryable) => Promise; /** * Updates this user custom action with the supplied properties * * @param properties An information object of property names and values to update for this user custom action */ update(props: Partial): Promise; } export interface IUserCustomAction extends _UserCustomAction, IDeleteable { } export declare const UserCustomAction: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPInvokableFactory; /** * Result from adding a user custom action */ export interface IUserCustomActionAddResult { data: any; action: IUserCustomAction; } /** * Result from udating a user custom action */ export interface IUserCustomActionUpdateResult { data: any; action: IUserCustomAction; } export declare enum UserCustomActionRegistrationType { None = 0, List = 1, ContentType = 2, ProgId = 3, FileType = 4 } export declare enum UserCustomActionScope { Unknown = 0, Site = 2, Web = 3, List = 4 } export interface IUserCustomActionInfo { CommandUIExtension: string; Description: string; Group: string; Id: string; ImageUrl: string; Location: string; Name: string; RegistrationId: string; RegistrationType: UserCustomActionRegistrationType; Rights: IBasePermissions; Scope: UserCustomActionScope; ScriptBlock: string; ScriptSrc: string; Sequence: number; Title: string; Url: string; VersionOfUserCustomAction: string; } //#