import { IFile } from "../files/types.js"; import { IItem } from "../items/types.js"; import { _SPQueryable, SPInit } from "../spqueryable.js"; import { IWeb } from "../webs/types.js"; import "../files/web.js"; import "../comments/item.js"; /** * Page promotion state */ export declare const enum PromotedState { /** * Regular client side page */ NotPromoted = 0, /** * Page that will be promoted as news article after publishing */ PromoteOnPublish = 1, /** * Page that is promoted as news article */ Promoted = 2 } /** * Type describing the available page layout types for client side "modern" pages */ export declare type ClientsidePageLayoutType = "Article" | "Home" | "SingleWebPartAppPage" | "RepostPage"; /** * Column size factor. Max value is 12 (= one column), other options are 8,6,4 or 0 */ export declare type CanvasColumnFactor = 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 12; /** * Represents the data and methods associated with client side "modern" pages */ export declare class _ClientsidePage extends _SPQueryable { protected json?: Partial; sections: CanvasSection[]; commentsDisabled: boolean; private _pageSettings; private _layoutPart; private _bannerImageDirty; private _bannerImageThumbnailUrlDirty; /** * PLEASE DON'T USE THIS CONSTRUCTOR DIRECTLY, thank you 🐇 */ constructor(base: SPInit, path?: string, json?: Partial, noInit?: boolean, sections?: CanvasSection[], commentsDisabled?: boolean); private static getDefaultLayoutPart; get pageLayout(): ClientsidePageLayoutType; set pageLayout(value: ClientsidePageLayoutType); get bannerImageUrl(): string; set bannerImageUrl(value: string); get thumbnailUrl(): string; set thumbnailUrl(value: string); get topicHeader(): string; set topicHeader(value: string); get title(): string; set title(value: string); get reservedHeight(): number; set reservedHeight(value: number); get description(): string; set description(value: string); get layoutType(): LayoutType; set layoutType(value: LayoutType); get headerTextAlignment(): TextAlignment; set headerTextAlignment(value: TextAlignment); get showTopicHeader(): boolean; set showTopicHeader(value: boolean); get showPublishDate(): boolean; set showPublishDate(value: boolean); get hasVerticalSection(): boolean; get authorByLine(): string | null; get verticalSection(): CanvasSection | null; /** * Add a section to this page */ addSection(): CanvasSection; /** * Add a section to this page */ addVerticalSection(): CanvasSection; /** * Loads this instance from the appropriate JSON data * * @param pageData JSON data to load (replaces any existing data) */ fromJSON(pageData: Partial): this; /** * Loads this page's content from the server */ load(): Promise; /** * Persists the content changes (sections, columns, and controls) [does not work with batching] * * @param publish If true the page is published, if false the changes are persisted to SharePoint but not published [Default: true] */ save(publish?: boolean): Promise; /** * Discards the checkout of this page */ discardPageCheckout(): Promise; /** * Promotes this page as a news item */ promoteToNews(): Promise; /** * Finds a control by the specified instance id * * @param id Instance id of the control to find */ findControlById = ColumnControl>(id: string): T; /** * Finds a control within this page's control tree using the supplied predicate * * @param predicate Takes a control and returns true or false, if true that control is returned by findControl */ findControl = ColumnControl>(predicate: (c: ColumnControl) => boolean): T; /** * Creates a new page with all of the content copied from this page * * @param web The web where we will create the copy * @param pageName The file name of the new page * @param title The title of the new page * @param publish If true the page will be published (Default: true) */ copy(web: IWeb, pageName: string, title: string, publish?: boolean, promotedState?: PromotedState): Promise; /** * Copies the content from this page to the supplied page instance NOTE: fully overwriting any previous content!! * * @param page Page whose content we replace with this page's content * @param publish If true the page will be published after the copy, if false it will be saved but left unpublished (Default: true) */ copyTo(page: IClientsidePage, publish?: boolean): Promise; /** * Sets the modern page banner image * * @param url Url of the image to display * @param altText Alt text to describe the image * @param bannerProps Additional properties to control display of the banner */ setBannerImage(url: string, props?: IBannerImageProps): void; /** * Sets the banner image url from an external source. You must call save to persist the changes * * @param url absolute url of the external file * @param props optional set of properties to control display of the banner image */ setBannerImageFromExternalUrl(url: string, props?: IBannerImageProps): Promise; /** * Sets the authors for this page from the supplied list of user integer ids * * @param authorId The integer id of the user to set as the author */ setAuthorById(authorId: number): Promise; /** * Sets the authors for this page from the supplied list of user integer ids * * @param authorLoginName The login name of the user (ex: i:0#.f|membership| */ setAuthorByLoginName(authorLoginName: string): Promise; /** * Gets the list item associated with this clientside page * * @param selects Specific set of fields to include when getting the item */ getItem(...selects: string[]): Promise; /** * Recycle this page */ recycle(): Promise; /** * Delete this page */ delete(): Promise; /** * Schedules a page for publishing * * @param publishDate Date to publish the item * @returns Version which was scheduled to be published */ schedulePublish(publishDate: Date): Promise; /** * Saves a copy of this page as a template in this library's Templates folder * * @param publish If true the template is published, false the template is not published (default: true) * @returns IClientsidePage instance representing the new template page */ saveAsTemplate(publish?: boolean): Promise; /** * Share this Page's Preview content by Email * * @param emails Set of emails to which the preview is shared * @param message The message to include * @returns void */ share(emails: string[], message: string): Promise; protected getCanvasContent1(): string; protected getLayoutWebpartsContent(): string; protected setControls(controls: IClientsideControlBaseData[]): void; protected getControls(): IClientsideControlBaseData[]; private getEmphasisObj; private promoteNewsImpl; /** * Merges the control into the tree of sections and columns for this page * * @param control The control to merge */ private mergePartToTree; /** * Merges the supplied column into the tree * * @param column Column to merge * @param position The position data for the column */ private mergeColumnToTree; /** * Handle the logic to get or create a section based on the supplied order and layoutIndex * * @param order Section order * @param layoutIndex Layout Index (1 === normal, 2 === vertical section) * @param emphasis The section emphasis */ private getOrCreateSection; /** * Based on issue #1690 we need to take special case actions to ensure some things * can be saved properly without breaking existing pages. * * @param control The control we are ensuring is "ready" to be saved */ private specialSaveHandling; } export interface IClientsidePage extends _ClientsidePage { } /** * Loads a client side page from the supplied IFile instance * * @param file Source IFile instance */ export declare const ClientsidePageFromFile: (file: IFile) => Promise; /** * Creates a new client side page * * @param web The web or list * @param pageName The name of the page (filename) * @param title The page's title * @param PageLayoutType Layout to use when creating the page */ export declare const CreateClientsidePage: (web: IWeb, pageName: string, title: string, PageLayoutType?: ClientsidePageLayoutType, promotedState?: PromotedState) => Promise; export declare class CanvasSection { protected page: IClientsidePage; columns: CanvasColumn[]; private _emphasis; /** * Used to track this object inside the collection at runtime */ private _memId; private _order; private _layoutIndex; constructor(page: IClientsidePage, order: number, layoutIndex: number, columns?: CanvasColumn[], _emphasis?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3); get order(): number; set order(value: number); get layoutIndex(): number; set layoutIndex(value: number); /** * Default column (this.columns[0]) for this section */ get defaultColumn(): CanvasColumn; /** * Adds a new column to this section */ addColumn(factor: CanvasColumnFactor, layoutIndex?: number): CanvasColumn; /** * Adds a control to the default column for this section * * @param control Control to add to the default column */ addControl(control: ColumnControl): this; get emphasis(): 0 | 1 | 2 | 3; set emphasis(value: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3); /** * Removes this section and all contained columns and controls from the collection */ remove(): void; } export declare class CanvasColumn { protected json: IClientsidePageColumnData; controls: ColumnControl[]; static Default: IClientsidePageColumnData; private _section; private _memId; constructor(json?: IClientsidePageColumnData, controls?: ColumnControl[]); get data(): IClientsidePageColumnData; get section(): CanvasSection; set section(section: CanvasSection); get order(): number; set order(value: number); get factor(): CanvasColumnFactor; set factor(value: CanvasColumnFactor); addControl(control: ColumnControl): this; getControl>(index: number): T; remove(): void; } export declare abstract class ColumnControl { protected json: T; private _column; constructor(json: T); abstract get order(): number; abstract set order(value: number); get id(): string; get data(): T; get column(): CanvasColumn | null; set column(value: CanvasColumn); remove(): void; protected setData(data: T): void; protected abstract onColumnChange(col: CanvasColumn): void; } export declare class ClientsideText extends ColumnControl { static Default: IClientsideTextData; constructor(text: string, json?: IClientsideTextData); get text(): string; set text(value: string); get order(): number; set order(value: number); protected onColumnChange(col: CanvasColumn): void; } export declare class ClientsideWebpart extends ColumnControl { static Default: IClientsideWebPartData; constructor(json?: IClientsideWebPartData); static fromComponentDef(definition: IClientsidePageComponent): ClientsideWebpart; get title(): string; set title(value: string); get description(): string; set description(value: string); get order(): number; set order(value: number); get height(): number; set height(value: number); get width(): number; set width(value: number); get dataVersion(): string; set dataVersion(value: string); setProperties(properties: T): this; getProperties(): T; setServerProcessedContent(properties: T): this; getServerProcessedContent(): T; protected onColumnChange(col: CanvasColumn): void; protected import(component: IClientsidePageComponent): void; } export interface IPageData { readonly "odata.metadata": string; readonly "odata.type": "SP.Publishing.SitePage"; readonly "": string; readonly "odata.editLink": string; AbsoluteUrl: string; AuthorByline: string[] | null; BannerImageUrl: string; BannerThumbnailUrl: string; ContentTypeId: null | string; Description: string; DoesUserHaveEditPermission: boolean; FileName: string; readonly FirstPublished: string; readonly Id: number; IsPageCheckedOutToCurrentUser: boolean; IsWebWelcomePage: boolean; readonly Modified: string; PageLayoutType: ClientsidePageLayoutType; Path: { DecodedUrl: string; }; PromotedState: number; Title: string; TopicHeader: null | string; readonly UniqueId: string; Url: string; readonly Version: string; readonly VersionInfo: { readonly LastVersionCreated: string; readonly LastVersionCreatedBy: string; }; AlternativeUrlMap: string; CanvasContent1: string; LayoutWebpartsContent: string; } /** * Client side webpart object (retrieved via the _api/web/GetClientSideWebParts REST call) */ export interface IClientsidePageComponent { /** * Component type for client side webpart object */ ComponentType: number; /** * Id for client side webpart object */ Id: string; /** * Manifest for client side webpart object */ Manifest: string; /** * Manifest type for client side webpart object */ ManifestType: number; /** * Name for client side webpart object */ Name: string; /** * Status for client side webpart object */ Status: number; } export interface IClientsideControlBaseData { controlType: number; } export interface ICanvasControlBaseData extends IClientsideControlBaseData { id: string; emphasis: IClientControlEmphasis; displayMode: number; } export interface IClientsidePageSettingsSlice extends IClientsideControlBaseData { htmlAttributes?: string[]; pageSettingsSlice: { "isDefaultDescription": boolean; "isDefaultThumbnail": boolean; }; } export interface IClientsidePageColumnData extends IClientsideControlBaseData { controlType: 0; displayMode: number; emphasis: IClientControlEmphasis; position: IPosition; } interface IPosition { zoneIndex: number; sectionIndex: number; controlIndex?: number; sectionFactor?: CanvasColumnFactor; layoutIndex: number; } export interface IClientsideTextData extends ICanvasControlBaseData { controlType: 4; position: IPosition; anchorComponentId: string; editorType: "CKEditor"; addedFromPersistedData: boolean; innerHTML: string; } export interface IClientsideWebPartData extends ICanvasControlBaseData { controlType: 3; position: IPosition; webPartId: string; reservedHeight: number; reservedWidth: number; addedFromPersistedData: boolean; webPartData: { id: string; instanceId: string; title: string; description: string; serverProcessedContent?: { htmlStrings?: Record; searchablePlainTexts?: Record; imageSources?: Record; links?: Record; }; dataVersion: string; properties: PropertiesType; }; } export interface IClientControlEmphasis { zoneEmphasis?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3; } export declare type LayoutType = "FullWidthImage" | "NoImage" | "ColorBlock" | "CutInShape"; export declare type TextAlignment = "Left" | "Center"; export interface IBannerImageProps { altText?: string; imageSourceType?: number; translateX?: number; translateY?: number; } export interface IRepostPage { Description?: string; IsBannerImageUrlExternal?: boolean; OriginalSourceListId?: string; ShouldSaveAsDraft?: boolean; OriginalSourceSiteId?: string; BannerImageUrl?: string; Title?: string; OriginalSourceItemId?: string; OriginalSourceUrl?: string; OriginalSourceWebId?: string; } export {}; //#