import { _SPCollection, _SPInstance, IDeleteable } from "../spqueryable.js"; export declare class _Fields extends _SPCollection { /** * Creates a field based on the specified schema * * @param xml A string or XmlSchemaFieldCreationInformation instance descrbing the field to create */ createFieldAsXml(xml: string | IXmlSchemaFieldCreationInformation): Promise; /** * Gets a field from the collection by id * * @param id The Id of the list */ getById(id: string): IField; /** * Gets a field from the collection by title * * @param title The case-sensitive title of the field */ getByTitle(title: string): IField; /** * Gets a field from the collection by using internal name or title * * @param name The case-sensitive internal name or title of the field */ getByInternalNameOrTitle(name: string): IField; /** * Adds a new field to the collection * * @param title The new field's title * @param properties Differ by type of field being created (see: */ add(title: string, fieldTypeKind: number, properties?: IFieldCreationProperties): Promise; /** * Adds a new field to the collection * * @param title The new field's title * @param properties Differ by type of field being created (see: */ addField(title: string, fieldTypeKind: number, properties?: IAddFieldProperties): Promise; /** * Adds a new SP.FieldText to the collection * * @param title The field title * @param properties Differ by type of field being created (see: */ addText(title: string, properties?: IFieldCreationProperties & AddTextProps): Promise; /** * Adds a new SP.FieldCalculated to the collection * * @param title The field title. * @param properties Differ by type of field being created (see: */ addCalculated(title: string, properties?: IFieldCreationProperties & AddCalculatedProps): Promise; /** * Adds a new SP.FieldDateTime to the collection * * @param title The field title * @param properties Differ by type of field being created (see: */ addDateTime(title: string, properties?: IFieldCreationProperties & AddDateTimeProps): Promise; /** * Adds a new SP.FieldNumber to the collection * * @param title The field title * @param properties Differ by type of field being created (see: */ addNumber(title: string, properties?: IFieldCreationProperties & AddNumberProps): Promise; /** * Adds a new SP.FieldCurrency to the collection * * @param title The field title * @param properties Differ by type of field being created (see: */ addCurrency(title: string, properties?: IFieldCreationProperties & AddCurrencyProps): Promise; /** * Adds a new SP.FieldMultiLineText to the collection * * @param title The field title * @param properties Differ by type of field being created (see: * */ addMultilineText(title: string, properties?: IFieldCreationProperties & AddMultilineTextProps): Promise; /** * Adds a new SP.FieldUrl to the collection * * @param title The field title */ addUrl(title: string, properties?: IFieldCreationProperties & AddUrlProps): Promise; /** Adds a user field to the colleciton * * @param title The new field's title * @param properties */ addUser(title: string, properties?: IFieldCreationProperties & AddUserProps): Promise; /** * Adds a SP.FieldLookup to the collection * * @param title The new field's title * @param properties Set of additional properties to set on the new field */ addLookup(title: string, properties?: IAddFieldProperties): Promise; /** * Adds a new SP.FieldChoice to the collection * * @param title The field title. * @param properties Differ by type of field being created (see: */ addChoice(title: string, properties?: IFieldCreationProperties & AddChoiceProps): Promise; /** * Adds a new SP.FieldMultiChoice to the collection * * @param title The field title. * @param properties Differ by type of field being created (see: */ addMultiChoice(title: string, properties?: IFieldCreationProperties & AddMultiChoiceProps): Promise; /** * Adds a new SP.FieldBoolean to the collection * * @param title The field title. * @param properties Differ by type of field being created (see: */ addBoolean(title: string, properties?: IFieldCreationProperties): Promise; /** * Creates a secondary (dependent) lookup field, based on the Id of the primary lookup field. * * @param displayName The display name of the new field. * @param primaryLookupFieldId The guid of the primary Lookup Field. * @param showField Which field to show from the lookup list. */ addDependentLookupField(displayName: string, primaryLookupFieldId: string, showField: string): Promise; /** * Adds a new SP.FieldLocation to the collection * * @param title The field title. * @param properties Differ by type of field being created (see: */ addLocation(title: string, properties?: IFieldCreationProperties): Promise; /** * Adds a new SP.FieldLocation to the collection * * @param title The field title. * @param properties Differ by type of field being created (see: */ addImageField(title: string, properties?: IFieldCreationProperties): Promise; } export interface IFields extends _Fields { } export declare const Fields: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPInvokableFactory; export declare class _Field extends _SPInstance { delete: (this: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPQueryable) => Promise; /** * Updates this field instance with the supplied properties * * @param properties A plain object hash of values to update for the list * @param fieldType The type value such as SP.FieldLookup. Optional, looked up from the field if not provided */ update(properties: any, fieldType?: string): Promise; /** * Sets the value of the ShowInDisplayForm property for this field. */ setShowInDisplayForm(show: boolean): Promise; /** * Sets the value of the ShowInEditForm property for this field. */ setShowInEditForm(show: boolean): Promise; /** * Sets the value of the ShowInNewForm property for this field. */ setShowInNewForm(show: boolean): Promise; } export interface IField extends _Field, IDeleteable { } export declare const Field: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPInvokableFactory; /** * This interface defines the result of adding a field */ export interface IFieldAddResult { data: Partial; field: IField; } /** * This interface defines the result of updating a field */ export interface IFieldUpdateResult { data: Partial; field: IField; } export declare type AddTextProps = { MaxLength?: number; }; export declare type AddCalculatedProps = { DateFormat?: DateTimeFieldFormatType; FieldTypeKind?: number; Formula?: string; OutputType?: FieldTypes; }; export declare type AddDateTimeProps = { DateTimeCalendarType?: CalendarType; DisplayFormat?: DateTimeFieldFormatType; FriendlyDisplayFormat?: DateTimeFieldFriendlyFormatType; }; export declare type AddNumberProps = { MinimumValue?: number; MaximumValue?: number; }; export declare type AddCurrencyProps = AddNumberProps & { CurrencyLocaleId?: number; }; export declare type AddMultilineTextProps = { AllowHyperlink?: boolean; AppendOnly?: boolean; NumberOfLines?: number; RestrictedMode?: boolean; RichText?: boolean; }; export declare type AddUrlProps = { DisplayFormat?: UrlFieldFormatType; }; export declare type AddUserProps = { SelectionMode?: FieldUserSelectionMode; }; export declare type AddChoiceProps = { Choices: string[]; EditFormat?: ChoiceFieldFormatType; FillInChoice?: boolean; }; export declare type AddMultiChoiceProps = { Choices: string[]; FillInChoice?: boolean; }; /** * Specifies the type of the field. */ export declare const enum FieldTypes { Invalid = 0, Integer = 1, Text = 2, Note = 3, DateTime = 4, Counter = 5, Choice = 6, Lookup = 7, Boolean = 8, Number = 9, Currency = 10, URL = 11, Computed = 12, Threading = 13, Guid = 14, MultiChoice = 15, GridChoice = 16, Calculated = 17, File = 18, Attachments = 19, User = 20, Recurrence = 21, CrossProjectLink = 22, ModStat = 23, Error = 24, ContentTypeId = 25, PageSeparator = 26, ThreadIndex = 27, WorkflowStatus = 28, AllDayEvent = 29, WorkflowEventType = 30, Location = 33, Image = 34 } export declare enum DateTimeFieldFormatType { DateOnly = 0, DateTime = 1 } export declare enum DateTimeFieldFriendlyFormatType { Unspecified = 0, Disabled = 1, Relative = 2 } /** * Specifies the control settings while adding a field. */ export declare const enum AddFieldOptions { /** * Specify that a new field added to the list must also be added to the default content type in the site collection */ DefaultValue = 0, /** * Specify that a new field added to the list must also be added to the default content type in the site collection. */ AddToDefaultContentType = 1, /** * Specify that a new field must not be added to any other content type */ AddToNoContentType = 2, /** * Specify that a new field that is added to the specified list must also be added to all content types in the site collection */ AddToAllContentTypes = 4, /** * Specify adding an internal field name hint for the purpose of avoiding possible database locking or field renaming operations */ AddFieldInternalNameHint = 8, /** * Specify that a new field that is added to the specified list must also be added to the default list view */ AddFieldToDefaultView = 16, /** * Specify to confirm that no other field has the same display name */ AddFieldCheckDisplayName = 32 } export interface IXmlSchemaFieldCreationInformation { Options?: AddFieldOptions; SchemaXml: string; } export declare const enum CalendarType { Gregorian = 1, Japan = 3, Taiwan = 4, Korea = 5, Hijri = 6, Thai = 7, Hebrew = 8, GregorianMEFrench = 9, GregorianArabic = 10, GregorianXLITEnglish = 11, GregorianXLITFrench = 12, KoreaJapanLunar = 14, ChineseLunar = 15, SakaEra = 16, UmAlQura = 23 } export declare enum UrlFieldFormatType { Hyperlink = 0, Image = 1 } export declare enum FieldUserSelectionMode { PeopleAndGroups = 1, PeopleOnly = 0 } export interface IFieldCreationProperties { DefaultFormula?: string; Description?: string; EnforceUniqueValues?: boolean; FieldTypeKind?: number; Group?: string; Hidden?: boolean; Indexed?: boolean; Required?: boolean; Title?: string; ValidationFormula?: string; ValidationMessage?: string; } export interface IAddFieldProperties { Title?: string; Type?: number; Required?: boolean; IsCompactName?: boolean; LookupListId?: string; LookupWebId?: string; Choices?: string[]; LookupFieldName?: string; } export declare enum ChoiceFieldFormatType { Dropdown = 0, RadioButtons = 1 } export interface IFieldInfo { Choices?: string[]; DefaultFormula: string | null; DefaultValue: string | null; Description: string; Direction: string; EnforceUniqueValues: boolean; EntityPropertyName: string; FieldTypeKind: FieldTypes; Filterable: boolean; FromBaseType: boolean; Group: string; Hidden: boolean; Id: string; Indexed: boolean; IndexStatus: number; InternalName: string; JSLink: string; PinnedToFiltersPane: boolean; ReadOnlyField: boolean; Required: boolean; SchemaXml: string; Scope: string; Sealed: boolean; ShowInFiltersPane: number; Sortable: boolean; StaticName: string; Title: string; TypeAsString: string; TypeDisplayName: string; TypeShortDescription: string; ValidationFormula: string | null; ValidationMessage: string | null; } //#