import { IFile } from "./types.js"; declare module "../webs/types" { interface _Web { getFileByServerRelativePath(fileRelativeUrl: string): IFile; getFileById(uniqueId: string): IFile; getFileByUrl(fileUrl: string): IFile; } interface IWeb { /** * Gets a file by server relative url if your file name contains # and % characters * * @param fileRelativeUrl The server relative path to the file (including /sites/ if applicable) */ getFileByServerRelativePath(fileRelativeUrl: string): IFile; /** * Gets a file by id * * @param uniqueId The UniqueId of the file */ getFileById(uniqueId: string): IFile; /** * Gets a file from a sharing link or absolute url * * @param fileUrl Absolute url of the file to get */ getFileByUrl(fileUrl: string): IFile; } } //#