import { _SPCollection, _SPInstance, ISPInstance, IDeleteableWithETag, ISPQueryable } from "../spqueryable.js"; import { IItem } from "../items/types.js"; import { IResourcePath } from "../utils/to-resource-path.js"; export declare class _Folders extends _SPCollection { /** * Gets a folder by it's name * * @param name Folder's name */ getByUrl(name: string): IFolder; /** * Adds a new folder by path and should be prefered over add * * @param serverRelativeUrl The server relative url of the new folder to create * @param overwrite True to overwrite an existing folder, default false */ addUsingPath(serverRelativeUrl: string, overwrite?: boolean): Promise; } export interface IFolders extends _Folders { } export declare const Folders: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPInvokableFactory; export declare class _Folder extends _SPInstance { delete: (this: ISPQueryable, eTag?: string) => Promise; /** * Gets this folder's sub folders * */ get folders(): IFolders; /** * Gets this folder's list item field values * */ get listItemAllFields(): ISPInstance; /** * Gets the parent folder, if available * */ get parentFolder(): IFolder; /** * Gets this folder's properties * */ get properties(): ISPInstance; /** * Updates folder's properties * @param props Folder's properties to update */ update(props: Partial): Promise; /** * Moves the folder to the Recycle Bin and returns the identifier of the new Recycle Bin item. */ recycle(): Promise; /** * Gets the associated list item for this folder, loading the default properties */ getItem(...selects: string[]): Promise; /** * Moves a folder by path to destination path * Also works with different site collections. * * @param destUrl Absolute or relative URL of the destination path * @param keepBoth Keep both if folder with the same name in the same location already exists? */ moveByPath(destUrl: string, KeepBoth?: boolean): Promise; /** * Copies a folder by path to destination path * Also works with different site collections. * * @param destUrl Absolute or relative URL of the destination path * @param keepBoth Keep both if folder with the same name in the same location already exists? */ copyByPath(destUrl: string, KeepBoth?: boolean): Promise; /** * Deletes the folder object with options. * * @param parameters Specifies the options to use when deleting a folder. */ deleteWithParams(parameters: Partial): Promise; /** * Create the subfolder inside the current folder, as specified by the leafPath * * @param leafPath leafName of the new folder */ addSubFolderUsingPath(leafPath: string): Promise; /** * Gets the parent information for this folder's list and web */ getParentInfos(): Promise; /** * Gets the shareable item associated with this folder */ protected getShareable(): Promise; } export interface IFolder extends _Folder, IDeleteableWithETag { } export declare const Folder: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPInvokableFactory; /** * Creates an IFolder instance given a base object and a server relative path * * @param base Valid SPQueryable from which the observers will be used and the web url extracted * @param serverRelativePath The server relative url to the folder (ex: '/sites/dev/documents/folder3') * @returns IFolder instance referencing the folder described by the supplied parameters */ export declare function folderFromServerRelativePath(base: ISPQueryable, serverRelativePath: string): IFolder; /** * Describes result of adding a folder */ export interface IFolderAddResult { /** * A folder's instance */ folder: IFolder; /** * Additional data from the server */ data: any; } /** * Describes result of updating a folder */ export interface IFolderUpdateResult { /** * A folder's instance */ folder: IFolder; /** * Additional data from the server */ data: any; } export interface IFolderInfo { readonly "": string; Exists: boolean; IsWOPIEnabled: boolean; ItemCount: number; Name: string; ProgID: string | null; ServerRelativeUrl: string; ServerRelativePath: IResourcePath; TimeCreated: string; TimeLastModified: string; UniqueId: string; WelcomePage: string; } export interface IFolderDeleteParams { /** * If true, delete or recycle a folder iff all files have * LockType values SPLockType.Shared or SPLockType.None. * When false, delete or recycle the folder if all files * have the LockType value SPLockType.None. See the enum. */ BypassSharedLock: boolean; /** * Gets or sets a string value that allows SPFolder delete * and recycle methods to target a folder with a matching value */ ETagMatch: string; /** * Gets or sets a Boolean that controls the way in which folders * are deleted. If set to true, only empty folders will be deleted. * If set to false, folders that are not empty may be deleted. */ DeleteIfEmpty: boolean; } export interface IFolderParentInfos { Folder: { ServerRelativeUrl: string; }; ParentList: { Id: string; RootFolderServerRelativePath: IResourcePath; RootFolderServerRelativeUrl: string; RootFolderUniqueId: string; }; ParentWeb: { Id: string; ServerRelativePath: IResourcePath; ServerRelativeUrl: string; Url: string; }; } //#