import { _SPCollection, _SPInstance, ISPQueryable, ISPCollection, IDeleteableWithETag } from "../spqueryable.js"; import { IChangeQuery } from "../types.js"; import { IBasePermissions } from "../security/types.js"; import { IFieldInfo } from "../fields/types.js"; import { IFormInfo } from "../forms/types.js"; import { IFolderInfo } from "../folders/types.js"; import { IViewInfo } from "../views/types.js"; import { IUserCustomActionInfo } from "../user-custom-actions/types.js"; import { IResourcePath } from "../utils/to-resource-path.js"; export declare class _Lists extends _SPCollection { /** * Gets a list from the collection by guid id * * @param id The Id of the list (GUID) */ getById(id: string): IList; /** * Gets a list from the collection by title * * @param title The title of the list */ getByTitle(title: string): IList; /** * Adds a new list to the collection * * @param title The new list's title * @param description The new list's description * @param template The list template value * @param enableContentTypes If true content types will be allowed and enabled, otherwise they will be disallowed and not enabled * @param additionalSettings Will be passed as part of the list creation body */ add(title: string, desc?: string, template?: number, enableContentTypes?: boolean, additionalSettings?: Partial): Promise; /** * Ensures that the specified list exists in the collection (note: this method not supported for batching) * * @param title The new list's title * @param desc The new list's description * @param template The list template value * @param enableContentTypes If true content types will be allowed and enabled, otherwise they will be disallowed and not enabled * @param additionalSettings Will be passed as part of the list creation body or used to update an existing list */ ensure(title: string, desc?: string, template?: number, enableContentTypes?: boolean, additionalSettings?: Partial): Promise; /** * Gets a list that is the default asset location for images or other files, which the users upload to their wiki pages. */ ensureSiteAssetsLibrary(): Promise; /** * Gets a list that is the default location for wiki pages. */ ensureSitePagesLibrary(): Promise; } export interface ILists extends _Lists { } export declare const Lists: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPInvokableFactory; export declare class _List extends _SPInstance { delete: (this: ISPQueryable, eTag?: string) => Promise; /** * Gets the effective base permissions of this list * */ get effectiveBasePermissions(): ISPQueryable; /** * Gets the event receivers attached to this list * */ get eventReceivers(): ISPCollection; /** * Gets the related fields of this list * */ get relatedFields(): ISPQueryable; /** * Gets the IRM settings for this list * */ get informationRightsManagementSettings(): ISPQueryable; /** * Updates this list intance with the supplied properties * * @param properties A plain object hash of values to update for the list * @param eTag Value used in the IF-Match header, by default "*" */ update(properties: Partial, eTag?: string): Promise; /** * Returns the collection of changes from the change log that have occurred within the list, based on the specified query. * @param query A query that is performed against the change log. */ getChanges(query: IChangeQuery): Promise; /** * Returns the collection of items in the list based on the provided CamlQuery * @param query A query that is performed against the list * @param expands An expanded array of n items that contains fields to expand in the CamlQuery */ getItemsByCAMLQuery(query: ICamlQuery, ...expands: string[]): Promise; /** * See: * @param query An object that defines the change log item query */ getListItemChangesSinceToken(query: IChangeLogItemQuery): Promise; /** * Moves the list to the Recycle Bin and returns the identifier of the new Recycle Bin item. */ recycle(): Promise; /** * Renders list data based on the view xml provided * @param viewXml A string object representing a view xml */ renderListData(viewXml: string): Promise; /** * Returns the data for the specified query view * * @param parameters The parameters to be used to render list data as JSON string. * @param overrideParams The parameters that are used to override and extend the regular SPRenderListDataParameters. * @param query Allows setting of query parameters */ renderListDataAsStream(parameters: IRenderListDataParameters, overrideParameters?: any, query?: Map): Promise; /** * Gets the field values and field schema attributes for a list item. * @param itemId Item id of the item to render form data for * @param formId The id of the form * @param mode Enum representing the control mode of the form (Display, Edit, New) */ renderListFormData(itemId: number, formId: string, mode: ControlMode): Promise; /** * Reserves a list item ID for idempotent list item creation. */ reserveListItemId(): Promise; /** * Creates an item using path (in a folder), validates and sets its field values. * * @param formValues The fields to change and their new values. * @param decodedUrl Path decoded url; folder's server relative path. * @param bNewDocumentUpdate true if the list item is a document being updated after upload; otherwise false. * @param checkInComment Optional check in comment. * @param additionalProps Optional set of additional properties LeafName new document file name, */ addValidateUpdateItemUsingPath(formValues: IListItemFormUpdateValue[], decodedUrl: string, bNewDocumentUpdate?: boolean, checkInComment?: string, additionalProps?: { /** * If creating a document or folder, the name */ leafName?: string; /** * 0: File, 1: Folder, 2: Web */ objectType?: 0 | 1 | 2; }): Promise; /** * Gets the parent information for this item's list and web */ getParentInfos(): Promise; } export interface IList extends _List, IDeleteableWithETag { } export declare const List: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPInvokableFactory; /** * Represents the output of the add method */ export interface IListAddResult { list: IList; data: IListInfo; } /** * Represents the output of the update method */ export interface IListUpdateResult { list: IList; data: IListInfo; } /** * Represents the output of the ensure method */ export interface IListEnsureResult { list: IList; created: boolean; data: IListInfo; } /** * Specifies a Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML) query on a list or joined lists. */ export interface ICamlQuery { /** * Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the query returns dates in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format. */ DatesInUtc?: boolean; /** * Gets or sets a value that specifies the server relative URL of a list folder from which results will be returned. */ FolderServerRelativeUrl?: string; /** * Gets or sets a value that specifies the information required to get the next page of data for the list view. */ ListItemCollectionPosition?: IListItemCollectionPosition; /** * Gets or sets value that specifies the XML schema that defines the list view. */ ViewXml?: string; } /** * Specifies the information required to get the next page of data for a list view. */ export interface IListItemCollectionPosition { /** * Gets or sets a value that specifies information, as name-value pairs, required to get the next page of data for a list view. */ PagingInfo: string; } /** * Represents the input parameter of the GetListItemChangesSinceToken method. */ export interface IChangeLogItemQuery { /** * The change token for the request. */ ChangeToken?: string; /** * The XML element that defines custom filtering for the query. */ Contains?: string; /** * The records from the list to return and their return order. */ Query?: string; /** * The options for modifying the query. */ QueryOptions?: string; /** * RowLimit */ RowLimit?: string; /** * The names of the fields to include in the query result. */ ViewFields?: string; /** * The GUID of the view. */ ViewName?: string; } /** * Represents the output parameter of the renderListFormData method. */ export interface IListFormData { ContentType?: string; Title?: string; Author?: string; Editor?: string; Created?: Date; Modified: Date; Attachments?: any; ListSchema?: any; FormControlMode?: number; FieldControlModes?: { Title?: number; Author?: number; Editor?: number; Created?: number; Modified?: number; Attachments?: number; }; WebAttributes?: { WebUrl?: string; EffectivePresenceEnabled?: boolean; AllowScriptableWebParts?: boolean; PermissionCustomizePages?: boolean; LCID?: number; CurrentUserId?: number; }; ItemAttributes?: { Id?: number; FsObjType?: number; ExternalListItem?: boolean; Url?: string; EffectiveBasePermissionsLow?: number; EffectiveBasePermissionsHigh?: number; }; ListAttributes?: { Id?: string; BaseType?: number; Direction?: string; ListTemplateType?: number; DefaultItemOpen?: number; EnableVersioning?: boolean; }; CSRCustomLayout?: boolean; PostBackRequired?: boolean; PreviousPostBackHandled?: boolean; UploadMode?: boolean; SubmitButtonID?: string; ItemContentTypeName?: string; ItemContentTypeId?: string; JSLinks?: string; } /** * Enum representing the options of the RenderOptions property on IRenderListDataParameters interface */ export declare enum RenderListDataOptions { None = 0, ContextInfo = 1, ListData = 2, ListSchema = 4, MenuView = 8, ListContentType = 16, FileSystemItemId = 32, ClientFormSchema = 64, QuickLaunch = 128, Spotlight = 256, Visualization = 512, ViewMetadata = 1024, DisableAutoHyperlink = 2048, EnableMediaTAUrls = 4096, ParentInfo = 8192, PageContextInfo = 16384, ClientSideComponentManifest = 32768 } /** * Represents the parameters to be used to render list data as JSON string in the RenderListDataAsStream method of IList. */ export interface IRenderListDataParameters { AddRequiredFields?: boolean; AllowMultipleValueFilterForTaxonomyFields?: boolean; AudienceTarget?: boolean; DatesInUtc?: boolean; DeferredRender?: boolean; ExpandGroups?: boolean; FirstGroupOnly?: boolean; FolderServerRelativeUrl?: string; ImageFieldsToTryRewriteToCdnUrls?: string; MergeDefaultView?: boolean; OriginalDate?: boolean; OverrideViewXml?: string; Paging?: string; ReplaceGroup?: boolean; RenderOptions?: RenderListDataOptions[] | number; ViewXml?: string; } /** * Represents properties of a list item field and its value. */ export interface IListItemFormUpdateValue { /** * The error message result after validating the value for the field. */ ErrorMessage?: string; /** * The internal name of the field. */ FieldName?: string; /** * The value of the field, in string format. */ FieldValue?: string; /** * Indicates whether there was an error result after validating the value for the field. */ HasException?: boolean; } /** * Represents the output parameter of the renderListData method. */ export interface IRenderListData { Row: any[]; FirstRow: number; FolderPermissions: string; LastRow: number; FilterLink: string; ForceNoHierarchy: string; HierarchyHasIndention: string; } /** * Determines the display mode of the given control or view */ export declare enum ControlMode { Display = 1, Edit = 2, New = 3 } export interface IListInfo { AllowContentTypes: boolean; AllowDeletion: boolean; BaseTemplate: number; BaseType: any; BrowserFileHandling: any; ContentTypes: any[]; ContentTypesEnabled: boolean; CrawlNonDefaultViews: boolean; CreatablesInfo: any; Created: string; CurrentChangeToken: any; CustomActionElements: any[]; DataSource: any; DefaultContentApprovalWorkflowId: string; DefaultDisplayFormUrl: string; DefaultEditFormUrl: string; DefaultNewFormUrl: string; DefaultView: any; DefaultViewPath: any; DefaultViewUrl: string; Description: string; DescriptionResource: any; Direction: string; DocumentTemplateUrl: string; DraftVersionVisibility: any; EffectiveBasePermissions: IBasePermissions; EffectiveBasePermissionsForUI: IBasePermissions; EnableAssignToEmail: boolean; EnableAttachments: boolean; EnableFolderCreation: boolean; EnableMinorVersions: boolean; EnableModeration: boolean; EnableRequestSignOff: boolean; EnableVersioning: boolean; EntityTypeName: string; EventReceivers: any[]; ExcludeFromOfflineClient: boolean; ExemptFromBlockDownloadOfNonViewableFiles: boolean; Fields: Partial[]; FileSavePostProcessingEnabled: boolean; ForceCheckout: boolean; Forms: IFormInfo[]; HasExternalDataSource: boolean; Hidden: boolean; Id: string; ImagePath: { DecodedUrl: string; }; ImageUrl: string; InformationRightsManagementSettings: any[]; IrmEnabled: boolean; IrmExpire: boolean; IrmReject: boolean; IsApplicationList: boolean; IsCatalog: boolean; IsPrivate: boolean; IsSiteAssetsLibrary: boolean; IsSystemList: boolean; ItemCount: number; LastItemDeletedDate: string; LastItemModifiedDate: string; LastItemUserModifiedDate: string; ListExperienceOptions: number; ListItemEntityTypeFullName: string; MajorVersionLimit: number; MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit: number; MultipleDataList: boolean; NoCrawl: boolean; OnQuickLaunch: boolean; ParentWebPath: { DecodedUrl: string; }; ParentWebUrl: string; ParserDisabled: boolean; ReadSecurity: number; RootFolder: IFolderInfo; SchemaXml: string; ServerTemplateCanCreateFolders: boolean; TemplateFeatureId: string; Title: string; UserCustomActions: IUserCustomActionInfo[]; ValidationFormula: string; ValidationMessage: string; Views: IViewInfo[]; WorkflowAssociations: any[]; WriteSecurity: number; } export interface IRenderListDataAsStreamResult { CurrentFolderSpItemUrl: string; FilterLink: string; FirstRow: number; FolderPermissions: string; ForceNoHierarchy: string; HierarchyHasIndention: string; LastRow: number; NextHref?: string; Row: any[]; RowLimit: number; } export interface IListParentInfos { List: { Id: string; RootFolderServerRelativePath: IResourcePath; RootFolderServerRelativeUrl: string; RootFolderUniqueId: string; }; ParentWeb: { Id: string; ServerRelativePath: IResourcePath; ServerRelativeUrl: string; Url: string; }; } //#