import { _SPCollection, _SPInstance, _SPQueryable, IDeleteable, ISPQueryable } from "../spqueryable.js"; /** * Represents a collection of navigation nodes * */ export declare class _NavigationNodes extends _SPCollection { /** * Gets a navigation node by id * * @param id The id of the node */ getById(id: number): INavigationNode; /** * Adds a new node to the collection * * @param title Display name of the node * @param url The url of the node * @param visible If true the node is visible, otherwise it is hidden (default: true) */ add(title: string, url: string, visible?: boolean): Promise; /** * Moves a node to be after another node in the navigation * * @param nodeId Id of the node to move * @param previousNodeId Id of the node after which we move the node specified by nodeId */ moveAfter(nodeId: number, previousNodeId: number): Promise; } export interface INavigationNodes extends _NavigationNodes { } export declare const NavigationNodes: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPInvokableFactory; /** * Represents an instance of a navigation node * */ export declare class _NavigationNode extends _SPInstance { delete: (this: ISPQueryable) => Promise; /** * Represents the child nodes of this node */ get children(): INavigationNodes; /** * Updates this node * * @param properties Properties used to update this node */ update(properties: Partial): Promise; } export interface INavigationNode extends _NavigationNode, IDeleteable { } export declare const NavigationNode: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPInvokableFactory; export interface INavNodeUpdateResult { data: any; node: INavigationNode; } /** * Exposes the navigation components * */ export declare class _Navigation extends _SPQueryable { /** * Gets the quicklaunch navigation nodes for the current context * */ get quicklaunch(): INavigationNodes; /** * Gets the top bar navigation nodes for the current context * */ get topNavigationBar(): INavigationNodes; } export interface INavigation { readonly quicklaunch: INavigationNodes; readonly topNavigationBar: INavigationNodes; } export declare const Navigation: INavigation; /** * Represents the top level navigation service */ export declare class _NavigationService extends _SPQueryable { constructor(base?: string | ISPQueryable, path?: string); /** * The MenuState service operation returns a Menu-State (dump) of a SiteMapProvider on a site. * * @param menuNodeKey MenuNode.Key of the start node within the SiteMapProvider If no key is provided the SiteMapProvider.RootNode will be the root of the menu state. * @param depth Depth of the dump. If no value is provided a dump with the depth of 10 is returned * @param mapProviderName The name identifying the SiteMapProvider to be used * @param customProperties comma seperated list of custom properties to be returned. */ getMenuState(menuNodeKey?: string, depth?: number, mapProviderName?: string, customProperties?: string): Promise; /** * Tries to get a SiteMapNode.Key for a given URL within a site collection. * * @param currentUrl A url representing the SiteMapNode * @param mapProviderName The name identifying the SiteMapProvider to be used */ getMenuNodeKey(currentUrl: string, mapProviderName?: string): Promise; } export interface INavigationService extends _NavigationService { } export declare const NavigationService: (base?: string | ISPQueryable, path?: string) => INavigationService; export interface IMenuNode { CustomProperties: any[]; FriendlyUrlSegment: string; IsDeleted: boolean; IsHidden: boolean; Key: string; Nodes: IMenuNode[]; NodeType: number; SimpleUrl: string; Title: string; } export interface IMenuNodeCollection { FriendlyUrlPrefix: string; Nodes: IMenuNode[]; SimpleUrl: string; SPSitePrefix: string; SPWebPrefix: string; StartingNodeKey: string; StartingNodeTitle: string; Version: Date; } export interface ISerializableNavigationNode { Id: number; Title: string; Url: string; IsDocLib: boolean; IsExternal: boolean; ParentId: number; ListTemplateType: number; AudienceIds: string[]; Children: ISerializableNavigationNode[]; } /** * Result from adding a navigation node * */ export interface INavigationNodeAddResult { data: INavNodeInfo; node: INavigationNode; } /** * Represents the information describing a navigation node */ export interface INavNodeInfo { AudienceIds: string[] | null; Id: number; IsDocLib: boolean; IsExternal: boolean; IsVisible: boolean; ListTemplateType: number; Title: string; Url: string; } //#