import { IPrincipalInfo } from "../types.js"; import { _Web } from "../webs/types.js"; import { _File } from "../files/types.js"; import { _Item } from "../items/types.js"; import { _Folder } from "../folders/types.js"; export declare type ShareableQueryable = _Web | _File | _Folder | _Item; /** * Indicates the role of the sharing link */ export declare enum SharingRole { None = 0, View = 1, Edit = 2, Owner = 3 } export declare enum SPSharedObjectType { Unknown = 0, File = 1, Folder = 2, Item = 3, List = 4, Web = 5, Max = 6 } export declare enum SharingDomainRestrictionMode { None = 0, AllowList = 1, BlockList = 2 } export declare enum SharingOperationStatusCode { /** * The share operation completed without errors. */ CompletedSuccessfully = 0, /** * The share operation completed and generated requests for access. */ AccessRequestsQueued = 1, /** * The share operation failed as there were no resolved users. */ NoResolvedUsers = -1, /** * The share operation failed due to insufficient permissions. */ AccessDenied = -2, /** * The share operation failed when attempting a cross site share, which is not supported. */ CrossSiteRequestNotSupported = -3, /** * The sharing operation failed due to an unknown error. */ UnknowError = -4, /** * The text you typed is too long. Please shorten it. */ EmailBodyTooLong = -5, /** * The maximum number of unique scopes in the list has been exceeded. */ ListUniqueScopesExceeded = -6, /** * The share operation failed because a sharing capability is disabled in the site. */ CapabilityDisabled = -7, /** * The specified object for the share operation is not supported. */ ObjectNotSupported = -8, /** * A SharePoint group cannot contain another SharePoint group. */ NestedGroupsNotSupported = -9 } export declare enum SharingLinkKind { /** * Uninitialized link */ Uninitialized = 0, /** * Direct link to the object being shared */ Direct = 1, /** * Organization-shareable link to the object being shared with view permissions */ OrganizationView = 2, /** * Organization-shareable link to the object being shared with edit permissions */ OrganizationEdit = 3, /** * View only anonymous link */ AnonymousView = 4, /** * Read/Write anonymous link */ AnonymousEdit = 5, /** * Flexible sharing Link where properties can change without affecting link URL */ Flexible = 6 } export interface ISharedFuncs { /** * Gets a link suitable for sharing for this item * * @param kind The type of link to share * @param expiration The optional expiration date */ getShareLink(kind: SharingLinkKind, expiration?: Date): Promise; /** * Checks Permissions on the list of Users and returns back role the users have on the Item. * * @param recipients The array of Entities for which Permissions need to be checked. */ checkSharingPermissions(recipients: ISharingRecipient[]): Promise; /** * Get Sharing Information. * * @param request The SharingInformationRequest Object. * @param expands Expand more fields. * */ getSharingInformation(request?: ISharingInformationRequest, expands?: string[]): Promise; /** * Gets the sharing settings of an item. * * @param useSimplifiedRoles Determines whether to use simplified roles. */ getObjectSharingSettings(useSimplifiedRoles?: boolean): Promise; /** * Unshare this item */ unshare(): Promise; /** * Deletes a sharing link by kind * * @param kind Deletes a sharing link by the kind of link */ deleteSharingLinkByKind(kind: SharingLinkKind): Promise; /** * Removes the specified link to the item. * * @param kind The kind of link to be deleted. * @param shareId */ unshareLink(kind: SharingLinkKind, shareId?: string): Promise; } export interface IShareObjectOptions { url?: string; loginNames?: string | string[]; role: SharingRole; emailData?: ISharingEmailData; group?: RoleType; propagateAcl?: boolean; includeAnonymousLinkInEmail?: boolean; useSimplifiedRoles?: boolean; } /** * Represents email data. */ export interface ISharingEmailData { /** * The e-mail subject. */ subject?: string; /** * The e-mail body. */ body: string; } export interface IShareLinkSettings { /** * The optional unique identifier of an existing sharing link to be retrieved and updated if necessary. */ shareId?: string; /** * The kind of the sharing link to be created. */ linkKind: SharingLinkKind; /** * A date/time string for which the format conforms to the ISO 8601:2004(E) complete representation for calendar date and time of day and * which represents the time and date of expiry for the anonymous link. Both the minutes and hour value must be specified for the * difference between the local and UTC time. Midnight is represented as 00:00:00. */ expiration?: string; /** * The role to be used for the sharing link. This is required for Flexible links, and ignored for legacy link kinds. */ role?: SharingRole; /** * Indicates if the sharing link, should support anonymous access. This is required for Flexible links, and ignored for legacy link kinds. */ allowAnonymousAccess?: boolean; } export interface IShareLinkRequest { /** * A string of JSON representing users in people picker format. Only needed if an e-mail notification should be sent. */ peoplePickerInput?: string; /** * Whether to create the link or not if it doesn't exist yet. */ createLink: boolean; /** * The e-mail data. Only needed if an e-mail notification should be sent. */ emailData?: ISharingEmailData; /** * The settings for the sharing link to be created/updated */ settings: IShareLinkSettings; } /** * Represents a response for sharing a link */ export interface IShareLinkResponse { /** * A SharingLinkInfo that represents the sharing link. Will be populated if sharing operation is returning a sharing link. */ sharingLinkInfo: ISharingLinkInfo; } export interface ISharingLinkInfo { AllowsAnonymousAccess: boolean; Created: string; CreatedBy: IPrincipalInfo; Expiration: string; IsActive: boolean; IsEditLink: boolean; IsFormsLink: boolean; IsUnhealthy: boolean; LastModified: string; LastModifiedBy: IPrincipalInfo; LinkKind: SharingLinkKind; ShareId: string; Url: string; } export interface ISharingResult { /** * The relative URL of a page which can be navigated to, to show permissions. */ PermissionsPageRelativeUrl?: string; /** * A collection of users which have new pending access requests as a result of sharing. */ UsersWithAccessRequests?: any[]; /** * An enumeration which summarizes the result of the sharing operation. */ StatusCode?: SharingOperationStatusCode; /** * An error message about the failure if sharing was unsuccessful. */ ErrorMessage?: string; /** * A list of UserSharingResults from attempting to share a securable with unique permissions. */ UniquelyPermissionedUsers?: IUserSharingResult[]; /** * Groups which were granted permissions. */ GroupsSharedWith?: any[]; /** * The SharePoint group users were added to, if any were added to a group. */ GroupUsersAddedTo?: any; /** * A list of users being added to a SharePoint permissions goup */ UsersAddedToGroup?: IUserSharingResult[]; /** * A list of SPInvitationCreationResult for external users being invited to have access. */ InvitedUsers?: IInvitationCreationResult[]; /** * The name of the securable being shared. */ Name?: string; /** * The url of the securable being shared. */ Url?: string; /** * IconUrl */ IconUrl?: string; } export interface IInvitationCreationResult { Succeeded?: boolean; Email?: string; InvitationLink?: string; } export interface IUserSharingResult { IsUserKnown?: boolean; Status?: boolean; Message?: string; User?: string; DisplayName?: string; Email?: string; CurrentRole?: SharingRole; AllowedRoles?: SharingRole[]; InvitationLink?: string; } export interface ISharingRecipient { email?: string; alias?: string; } export interface ISharingEntityPermission { /** * The Input Entity provided to the Call. */ inputEntity: string; /** * The Resolved Entity after resolving using PeoplePicker API. */ resolvedEntity: string; /** * Does the Entity have Access to the Securable Object */ hasAccess: boolean; /** * Role of the Entity on ListItem */ role: SharingRole; } export interface ISharingInformationRequest { /** * Max Principal's to return. */ maxPrincipalsToReturn: number; /** * Supported Features (For future use by Office Client). */ clientSupportedFeatures: string; } export interface IObjectSharingSettings { /** * The URL pointing to the containing SPWeb object */ WebUrl: string; /** * The unique ID of the parent list (if applicable) */ ListId?: string; /** * The list item ID (if applicable) */ ItemId?: string; /** * The object title */ ItemName: string; /** * The server relative object URL */ ItemUrl: string; /** * Contains information about the sharing state of a shareable object */ ObjectSharingInformation: any; /** * Boolean indicating whether the sharing context operates under the access request mode */ AccessRequestMode: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether the sharing context operates under the permissions only mode * (i.e. adding to a group or hiding the groups dropdown in the SharePoint UI) */ PermissionsOnlyMode: boolean; /** * URL of the site from which the shared object inherits permissions */ InheritingWebLink: string; /** * Boolean flag denoting if guest users are enabled for the site collection */ ShareByEmailEnabled: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether the current user is a guest user */ IsGuestUser: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether the site has the standard "Editor" role */ HasEditRole: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether the site has the standard "Reader" role */ HasReadRole: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether the object to share is a picture library */ IsPictureLibrary: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether the folder object can be shared */ CanShareFolder: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether email invitations can be sent */ CanSendEmail: boolean; /** * Default share link type */ DefaultShareLinkType: SharingLinkKind; /** * Boolean indicating whether the object to share supports ACL propagation */ SupportsAclPropagation: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether the current user can only share within the tenancy */ CanCurrentUserShareInternally: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether the current user can share outside the tenancy, by inviting external users */ CanCurrentUserShareExternally: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether the current user can retrieve an anonymous View link, if one has already been created * If one has not been created, the user cannot create one */ CanCurrentUserRetrieveReadonlyLink: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether the current user can create or disable an anonymous Edit link */ CanCurrentUserManageReadonlyLink: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether the current user can retrieve an anonymous Edit link, if one has already been created * If one has not been created, the user cannot create one */ CanCurrentUserRetrieveReadWriteLink: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether the current user can create or disable an anonymous Edit link */ CanCurrentUserManageReadWriteLink: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether the current user can retrieve an organization View link, if one has already been created * If one has not been created, the user cannot create one */ CanCurrentUserRetrieveOrganizationReadonlyLink: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether the current user can create or disable an organization Edit link */ CanCurrentUserManageOrganizationReadonlyLink: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether the current user can retrieve an organization Edit link, if one has already been created * If one has not been created, the user cannot create one */ CanCurrentUserRetrieveOrganizationReadWriteLink: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether the current user can create or disable an organization Edit link */ CanCurrentUserManageOrganizationReadWriteLink: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether the current user can make use of Share-By-Link */ CanSendLink: boolean; /** * Boolean indicating whether the client logic should warn the user * that they are about to share with external email addresses. */ ShowExternalSharingWarning: boolean; /** * A list of SharingPermissionInformation objects that can be used to share */ SharingPermissions: any[]; /** * A dictionary object that lists the display name and the id of * the SharePoint simplified roles (edit, view) */ SimplifiedRoles: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * A dictionary object that lists the display name and the id of the SharePoint groups */ GroupsList: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * A dictionary object that lists the display name and the id of the SharePoint regular roles */ Roles: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * An object containing the SharePoint UI specific sharing settings. */ SharePointSettings: any; /** * Boolean indicating whether the current user is a site collection administrator */ IsUserSiteAdmin: boolean; /** * A value that indicates number of days an anonymous link can be valid before it expires */ RequiredAnonymousLinkExpirationInDays: number; } export interface ISharingInformation { /** * External Sharing. */ canAddExternalPrincipal?: boolean; /** * Internal Sharing. */ canAddInternalPrincipal?: boolean; /** * Can Send Email. */ canSendEmail?: boolean; /** * Can Use Simplified Roles present in Roles Enum. */ canUseSimplifiedRoles?: boolean; /** * Has Unique Permissions. */ hasUniquePermissions?: boolean; /** * Current Users Role on the Item. */ currentRole?: SharingRole; /** * Does the User+Item require Approval from Admin for Sharing. */ requiresAccessApproval?: boolean; /** * (Owners only)Whether there are pending access requests for the securable object. */ hasPendingAccessRequests?: boolean; /** * (Owners only)The link to the access requests page for the securable object, or an empty string if the link is not available. */ pendingAccessRequestsLink?: string; /** * sharedObjectType */ sharedObjectType?: SPSharedObjectType; /** * Url for the Securable Object (Encoded). */ directUrl?: string; /** * Parent Web Url for the Securable Object (Encoded). */ webUrl?: string; /** * Default SharingLinkKind. */ defaultLinkKind?: SharingLinkKind; /** * Tenant's SharingDomainRestrictionMode. */ domainRestrictionMode?: SharingDomainRestrictionMode; /** * Tenant's RestrictedDomains. */ RestrictedDomains?: string; /** * Tenant's Anonymous Link Expiration Restriction in Days. */ anonymousLinkExpirationRestrictionDays?: number; /** * The PermissionCollection that are on the Securable Object (Princpals & Links) */ permissionsInformation?: any; /** * PickerSettings used by the PeoplePicker Control. */ pickerSettings?: any; } export declare enum RoleType { None = 0, Guest = 1, Reader = 2, Contributor = 3, WebDesigner = 4, Administrator = 5 } //#