import { _SPQueryable, ISPQueryable, SPInit } from "../spqueryable.js"; import { IPrincipalInfo, PrincipalType, PrincipalSource } from "../types.js"; export declare class _Utilities extends _SPQueryable implements IUtilities { constructor(base: string | ISPQueryable, methodName?: string); excute(props: any): Promise; sendEmail(properties: IEmailProperties): Promise; getCurrentUserEmailAddresses(): Promise; resolvePrincipal(input: string, scopes: PrincipalType, sources: PrincipalSource, inputIsEmailOnly: boolean, addToUserInfoList: boolean, matchUserInfoList?: boolean): Promise; searchPrincipals(input: string, scopes: PrincipalType, sources: PrincipalSource, groupName: string, maxCount: number): Promise; createEmailBodyForInvitation(pageAddress: string): Promise; expandGroupsToPrincipals(inputs: string[], maxCount?: number): Promise; } /** * Describes the SharePoint utility methods */ export interface IUtilities { /** * This methods will send an e-mail based on the incoming properties of the IEmailProperties parameter. * @param props IEmailProperties object */ sendEmail(props: IEmailProperties): Promise; /** * This method returns the current user's email addresses known to SharePoint. */ getCurrentUserEmailAddresses(): Promise; /** * Gets information about a principal that matches the specified Search criteria. * @param email E-mail address * @param scopes Specifies the type to be used when searching for a principal * @param sources Specifies the source to be used when searching for a principal. * @param inputIsEmailOnly Specifies whether only the e-mail address will be used when searching for a principal. * @param addToUserInfoList Specifies whether the user should be added to the hidden user info list. * @param matchUserInfoList [Optional] By default false */ resolvePrincipal(email: string, scopes: PrincipalType, sources: PrincipalSource, inputIsEmailOnly: boolean, addToUserInfoList: boolean, matchUserInfoList?: boolean): Promise; /** * Gets information about the principals that match the specified search criteria. * @param input Specifies the value to be used when searching for a principal. * @param scopes Specifies the type to be used when searching for a principal. * @param sources Specifies the source to be used when searching for a principal. * @param groupName Specifies the collection of users to be used when searching for a principal. * @param maxCount Specifies the maximum number of principals to be returned in the list. */ searchPrincipals(input: string, scopes: PrincipalType, sources: PrincipalSource, groupName: string, maxCount: number): Promise; /** * Gets the external (outside the firewall) URL to a document or resource in a site. * @param pageAddress Specifies the URI for the document or resource. It must be a URL. */ createEmailBodyForInvitation(pageAddress: string): Promise; /** * Resolves the principals contained within the supplied groups. * @param inputs A collection of groups to be expanded. * @param maxCount Specifies the maximum number of principals to be returned. */ expandGroupsToPrincipals(inputs: string[], maxCount?: number): Promise; } export declare const Utilities: (base: SPInit, path?: string) => IUtilities; export interface IEmailProperties { /** * The list of receivers represented by a string array. */ To: string[]; /** * The list of receivers as CC (carbon copy) represented by a string array. * This is optional. */ CC?: string[]; /** * The list of receivers as BCC (blind carbon copy) represented by a string array. * This is optional. */ BCC?: string[]; /** * The subject of the email. */ Subject: string; /** * The body of the email. */ Body: string; /** * The additional headers appened to the request in key/value pairs. */ AdditionalHeaders?: Record; /** * The from address of the email. * This is optional. */ From?: string; } export interface IWikiPageCreationInfo { /** * The server-relative-url of the wiki page to be created. */ ServerRelativeUrl: string; /** * The wiki content to be set in the wiki page. */ WikiHtmlContent: string; } //#