import { _SPCollection, _SPInstance, IDeleteable } from "../spqueryable.js"; export declare class _Views extends _SPCollection { /** * Adds a new view to the collection * * @param title The new views's title * @param personalView True if this is a personal view, otherwise false, default = false * @param additionalSettings Will be passed as part of the view creation body */ add(Title: string, PersonalView?: boolean, additionalSettings?: Record): Promise; /** * Gets a view by guid id * * @param id The GUID id of the view */ getById(id: string): IView; /** * Gets a view by title (case-sensitive) * * @param title The case-sensitive title of the view */ getByTitle(title: string): IView; } export interface IViews extends _Views { } export declare const Views: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPInvokableFactory; export declare class _View extends _SPInstance { delete: (this: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPQueryable) => Promise; get fields(): IViewFields; /** * Updates this view intance with the supplied properties * * @param properties A plain object hash of values to update for the view */ update(props: Partial): Promise; /** * Returns the list view as HTML. * */ renderAsHtml(): Promise; /** * Sets the view schema * * @param viewXml The view XML to set */ setViewXml(viewXml: string): Promise; } export interface IView extends _View, IDeleteable { } export declare const View: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPInvokableFactory; export declare class _ViewFields extends _SPCollection<{ Items: string[]; SchemaXml: string; }> { /** * Gets a value that specifies the XML schema that represents the collection. */ getSchemaXml(): Promise; /** * Adds the field with the specified field internal name or display name to the collection. * * @param fieldTitleOrInternalName The case-sensitive internal name or display name of the field to add. */ add(fieldTitleOrInternalName: string): Promise; /** * Moves the field with the specified field internal name to the specified position in the collection. * * @param field The case-sensitive internal name of the field to move. * @param index The zero-based index of the new position for the field. */ move(field: string, index: number): Promise; /** * Removes all the fields from the collection. */ removeAll(): Promise; /** * Removes the field with the specified field internal name from the collection. * * @param fieldInternalName The case-sensitive internal name of the field to remove from the view. */ remove(fieldInternalName: string): Promise; } export interface IViewFields extends _ViewFields { } export declare const ViewFields: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPInvokableFactory; export interface IViewAddResult { view: IView; data: IViewInfo; } export interface IViewUpdateResult { view: IView; data: IViewInfo; } export declare enum ViewScope { DefaultValue = 0, Recursive = 1, RecursiveAll = 2, FilesOnly = 3 } export interface IViewInfo { EditorModified: boolean; Formats: string | null; Hidden: boolean; HtmlSchemaXml: string; Id: string; ImageUrl: string; IncludeRootFolder: boolean; JSLink: string; ListViewXml: string; Method: string | null; MobileDefaultView: boolean; MobileView: boolean; ModerationType: string | null; NewDocumentTemplates: string; OrderedView: boolean; Paged: boolean; PersonalView: boolean; ReadOnlyView: boolean; RequiresClientIntegration: boolean; RowLimit: number; Scope: ViewScope; ServerRelativePath: { DecodedUrl: string; }; ServerRelativeUrl: string; StyleId: string | null; TabularView: boolean; Threaded: boolean; Title: string; Toolbar: string; ToolbarTemplateName: string | null; ViewData: string | null; ViewJoins: string | null; ViewProjectedFields: { SchemaXml: string; } | null; ViewQuery: string; ViewType: string; VisualizationInfo: any | null; } //#