import { _SPCollection, _SPInstance } from "../spqueryable.js"; /** * Describes a recycle bin item * */ export declare class _RecycleBinItem extends _SPInstance { /** * Delete's the Recycle Bin item * */ delete(): Promise; /** * Moves Recycle Bin item to the Second-stage Recycle Bin * */ moveToSecondStage(): Promise; /** * Restore the the Recycle Bin item * */ restore(): Promise; } export interface IRecycleBinItem extends _RecycleBinItem { } export declare const RecycleBinItem: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPInvokableFactory; /** * Describes a collection of recycle bin items * */ export declare class _RecycleBin extends _SPCollection { /** * Gets a Recycle Bin Item by id * * @param id The string id of the recycle bin item */ getById(id: string): IRecycleBinItem; /** * Delete's all items in the Recycle Bin * */ deleteAll(): Promise; /** * Delete's all items in the Second-stage Recycle Bin * */ deleteAllSecondStageItems(): Promise; /** * Moves all items in the Recycle Bin to the Second-stage Recycle Bin * */ moveAllToSecondStage(): Promise; /** * Restore all items in the Recycle Bin * */ restoreAll(): Promise; } export interface IRecycleBin extends _RecycleBin { } export declare const RecycleBin: import("../spqueryable.js").ISPInvokableFactory; export interface IRecycleBinItemObject { AuthorEmail: string; AuthorName: string; DeletedByEmail: string; DeletedByName: string; DeletedDate: string; DeletedDateLocalFormatted: string; DirName: string; DirNamePath: { DecodedUrl: string; }; Id: string; ItemState: number; ItemType: number; LeafName: string; LeafNamePath: { DecodedUrl: string; }; Size: number; Title: string; } //#