import { ISPQueryable, _SPQueryable } from "../spqueryable.js"; export declare class _SiteDesigns extends _SPQueryable { constructor(base: string | ISPQueryable, methodName?: string); run(props: any): Promise; /** * Creates a new site design available to users when they create a new site from the SharePoint home page. * * @param creationInfo A sitedesign creation information object */ createSiteDesign(creationInfo: ISiteDesignCreationInfo): Promise; /** * Applies a site design to an existing site collection. * * @param siteDesignId The ID of the site design to apply. * @param webUrl The URL of the site collection where you want to apply the site design. */ applySiteDesign(siteDesignId: string, webUrl: string): Promise; /** * Gets the list of available site designs */ getSiteDesigns(): Promise; /** * Gets information about a specific site design. * @param id The ID of the site design to get information about. */ getSiteDesignMetadata(id: string): Promise; /** * Updates a site design with new values. In the REST call, all parameters are optional except the site script Id. * If you had previously set the IsDefault parameter to TRUE and wish it to remain true, you must pass in this parameter again (otherwise it will be reset to FALSE). * @param updateInfo A sitedesign update information object */ updateSiteDesign(updateInfo: ISiteDesignUpdateInfo): Promise; /** * Deletes a site design. * @param id The ID of the site design to delete. */ deleteSiteDesign(id: string): Promise; /** * Gets a list of principals that have access to a site design. * @param id The ID of the site design to get rights information from. */ getSiteDesignRights(id: string): Promise; /** * Grants access to a site design for one or more principals. * @param id The ID of the site design to grant rights on. * @param principalNames An array of one or more principals to grant view rights. * Principals can be users or mail-enabled security groups in the form of "alias" or "" * @param grantedRights Always set to 1. This represents the View right. */ grantSiteDesignRights(id: string, principalNames: string[], grantedRights?: number): Promise; /** * Revokes access from a site design for one or more principals. * @param id The ID of the site design to revoke rights from. * @param principalNames An array of one or more principals to revoke view rights from. * If all principals have rights revoked on the site design, the site design becomes viewable to everyone. */ revokeSiteDesignRights(id: string, principalNames: string[]): Promise; /** * Adds a site design task on the specified web url to be invoked asynchronously. * @param webUrl The absolute url of the web on where to create the task * @param siteDesignId The ID of the site design to create a task for */ addSiteDesignTask(webUrl: string, siteDesignId: string): Promise; /** * Adds a site design task on the current web to be invoked asynchronously. * @param siteDesignId The ID of the site design to create a task for */ addSiteDesignTaskToCurrentWeb(siteDesignId: string): Promise; /** * Retrieves the site design task, if the task has finished running null will be returned * @param id The ID of the site design task */ getSiteDesignTask(id: string): Promise; /** * Retrieves a list of site design that have run on a specific web * @param webUrl The url of the web where the site design was applied * @param siteDesignId (Optional) the site design ID, if not provided will return all site design runs */ getSiteDesignRun(webUrl: string, siteDesignId?: string): Promise; /** * Retrieves the status of a site design that has been run or is still running * @param webUrl The url of the web where the site design was applied * @param runId the run ID */ getSiteDesignRunStatus(webUrl: string, runId: string): Promise; } export interface ISiteDesigns extends _SiteDesigns { } export declare const SiteDesigns: (baseUrl: string | ISPQueryable, methodName?: string) => ISiteDesigns; /** * Result from creating or retrieving a site design * */ export interface ISiteDesignInfo { /** * The ID of the site design to apply. */ Id: string; /** * The display name of the site design. */ Title: string; /** * Identifies which base template to add the design to. Use the value 64 for the Team site template, and the value 68 for the Communication site template. */ WebTemplate: string; /** * An array of one or more site scripts. Each is identified by an ID. The scripts will run in the order listed. */ SiteScriptIds: string[]; /** * The display description of site design. */ Description: string; /** * The URL of a preview image. If none is specified, SharePoint uses a generic image. */ PreviewImageUrl: string; /** * The alt text description of the image for accessibility. */ PreviewImageAltText: string; /** * True if the site design is applied as the default site design; otherwise, false. * For more information see Customize a default site design */ IsDefault: boolean; /** * The version number of the site design */ Version: string; } /** * Data for creating a site design * */ export interface ISiteDesignCreationInfo { /** * The display name of the site design. */ Title: string; /** * Identifies which base template to add the design to. Use the value 64 for the Team site template, and the value 68 for the Communication site template. */ WebTemplate: string; /** * An array of one or more site scripts. Each is identified by an ID. The scripts will run in the order listed. */ SiteScriptIds?: string[]; /** * (Optional) The display description of site design. */ Description?: string; /** * (Optional) The URL of a preview image. If none is specified, SharePoint uses a generic image. */ PreviewImageUrl?: string; /** * (Optional) The alt text description of the image for accessibility. */ PreviewImageAltText?: string; /** * (Optional) True if the site design is applied as the default site design; otherwise, false. * For more information see Customize a default site design */ IsDefault?: boolean; /** * Optional thumbnailed preview image data for the SiteDesign. */ ThumbnailUrl?: string; /** * Design package associated with this SiteDesign. */ DesignPackageId?: string; /** * Optional Template Features of the SiteDesign. It will be an user-readable list of what the site design does. * */ TemplateFeatures?: string[]; /** * The supported web templates for this SiteDesign. */ SupportedWebTemplates?: string[]; /** * If true, indicates that the site design only works on a group-connected site. */ RequiresGroupConnected?: boolean; /** * If true, indicates that the site design only works on a teams-connected site. */ RequiresTeamsConnected?: boolean; /** * If true, indicates that the site design only works on a yammer-connected site. */ RequiresYammerConnected?: boolean; /** * If true, indicates that the site design only works on an EDU class-connected site. */ RequiresClassConnected?: boolean; /** * If true, indicates that the site design only works if the customer has a Syntex license */ RequiresSyntexLicense?: boolean; /** * The site design is only for the tenant admin scenario. */ IsTenantAdminOnly?: boolean; /** * The design type indicating whether it is a site or list design. */ DesignType?: TemplateDesignType; /** * Indicates the default color associated with list design. */ ListColor?: ListDesignColor; /** * Indicates the default icon associated with list design. */ ListIcon?: ListDesignIcon; /** * Indicates the set of platforms the list design should be available on. (A List design can target multiple platforms.) */ TargetPlatforms?: string[]; } /** * Data for updating a site design * */ export interface ISiteDesignUpdateInfo extends Partial { Id: string; } export declare const enum TemplateDesignType { Site = 0, List = 1 } export declare const enum ListDesignColor { DarkRed = 0, Red = 1, Orange = 2, Green = 3, DarkGreen = 4, Teal = 5, Blue = 6, NavyBlue = 7, BluePurple = 8, DarkBlue = 9, Lavendar = 10, Pink = 11 } export declare const enum ListDesignIcon { Bug = 0, Calendar = 1, BullseyeTarget = 2, ClipboardList = 3, Airplane = 4, Rocket = 5, Color = 6, Insights = 7, CubeShape = 8, TestBeakerSolid = 9, Robot = 10, Savings = 11 } /** * Result from retrieving the rights for a site design * */ export interface ISiteDesignPrincipals { /** * Display name */ DisplayName: string; /** * The principal name */ PrincipalName: string; /** * The principal name */ Rights: number; } export interface ISiteDesignTask { /** * The ID of the site design task */ ID: string; /** * Logonname of the user who created the task */ LogonName: string; /** * The ID of the site design the task is running on */ SiteDesignID: string; /** * The ID of the site collection */ SiteID: string; /** * The ID of the web */ WebID: string; } export interface ISiteScriptActionStatus { /** * Action index */ ActionIndex: number; /** * Action key */ ActionKey: string; /** * Action title */ ActionTitle: string; /** * Last modified */ LastModified: number; /** * Ordinal index */ OrdinalIndex: string; /** * Outcome code */ OutcomeCode: number; /** * Outcome text */ OutcomeText: string; /** * Site script id */ SiteScriptID: string; /** * Site script index */ SiteScriptIndex: number; /** * Site script title */ SiteScriptTitle: string; } export interface ISiteDesignRun { /** * The ID of the site design run */ ID: string; /** * The ID of the site design that was applied */ SiteDesignID: string; /** * The title of the site design that was applied */ SiteDesignTitle: string; /** * The version of the site design that was applied */ SiteDesignVersion: number; /** * The site id where the site design was applied */ SiteID: string; /** * The start time when the site design was applied */ StartTime: number; /** * The web id where the site design was applied */ WebID: string; } //#