// Copyright 2017-2018 @polkadot/api-provider authors & contributors // This software may be modified and distributed under the terms // of the ISC license. See the LICENSE file for details. import { Logger } from '@polkadot/util/types'; import { RpcCoder } from '../coder/json/types'; import { JsonRpcResponse, ProviderInterface, ProviderInterface$Callback, ProviderInterface$Emitted, ProviderInterface$EmitCb } from '../types'; import './polyfill'; import E3 from 'eventemitter3'; import assert from '@polkadot/util/assert'; import isNull from '@polkadot/util/is/null'; import isUndefined from '@polkadot/util/is/undefined'; import logger from '@polkadot/util/logger'; import coder from '../coder/json'; type SubscriptionHandler = { callback: ProviderInterface$Callback, type: string }; type WsState$Awaiting = { callback: ProviderInterface$Callback, method: string, params: Array, subscription?: SubscriptionHandler }; type WsState$Subscription = SubscriptionHandler & { method: string, params: Array }; interface WSProviderInterface extends ProviderInterface { connect (): void; } /** * The WebSocket Provider allows sending requests using WebSocket. Unlike the [[HttpProvider]], * it does support subscriptions and allows listening to events such as new blocks or balance changes. * * @example * import createApi from '@polkadot/api'; * import WsProvider from '@polkadot/api-provider/ws'; * const provider = new WsProvider('ws://'); * const api = createApi(provider); * * @see [[HttpProvider]] */ export default class WsProvider extends E3.EventEmitter implements WSProviderInterface { private autoConnect: boolean; private coder: RpcCoder; private endpoint: string; private handlers: { [index: number]: WsState$Awaiting }; private _isConnected: boolean; private l: Logger; private queued: { [index: string]: string }; private subscriptions: { [index: string]: WsState$Subscription }; private websocket: WebSocket | null; /** * @param {string} endpoint The endpoint url. Usually `ws://ip:9944` or `wss://ip:9944` * @param {boolean = true} autoConnect Whether to connect automatically or not. */ constructor (endpoint: string, autoConnect: boolean = true) { super(); assert(/^(wss|ws):\/\//.test(endpoint), `Endpoint should start with 'ws://', received '${endpoint}'`); this.autoConnect = autoConnect; this.coder = coder(); this.endpoint = endpoint; this._isConnected = false; this.handlers = {}; this.l = logger('api-ws'); this.queued = {}; this.subscriptions = {}; this.websocket = null; if (autoConnect) { this.connect(); } } /** * The [[WsProvider]] connects automatically by default. if you decided otherwise, you may * connect manually using this method. */ connect (): void { try { this.websocket = new WebSocket(this.endpoint); this.websocket.onclose = this.onSocketClose; this.websocket.onerror = this.onSocketError; this.websocket.onmessage = this.onSocketMessage; this.websocket.onopen = this.onSocketOpen; } catch (error) { this.l.error(error); } } /** * Whether the node is connected or not. * @return {boolean} true if connected */ isConnected (): boolean { return this._isConnected; } /** * Listens on events after having subscribed using the [[subscribe]] function. * @param {ProviderInterface$Emitted} type Event * @param {ProviderInterface$EmitCb} sub Callback * @return {this} [description] */ on (type: ProviderInterface$Emitted, sub: ProviderInterface$EmitCb): this { return super.on(type, sub); } async send (method: string, params: Array, subscription?: SubscriptionHandler): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject): void => { try { const json = this.coder.encodeJson(method, params); const id = this.coder.getId(); const callback = (error: Error | null, result: any) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(result); } }; this.l.debug(() => ['calling', method, params, json, !!subscription]); this.handlers[id] = { callback, method, params, subscription }; if (this.isConnected() && !isNull(this.websocket)) { this.websocket.send(json); } else { this.queued[id] = json; } } catch (error) { reject(error); } }); } /** * Allows subscribing to a specific event. * @param {string} type Subscription type * @param {string} method Subscription method * @param {Array} params Parameters * @param {ProviderInterface$Callback} callback Callback * @return {Promise} Promise resolving to the dd of the subscription you can use with [[unsubscribe]]. * * @example * const provider = new WsProvider('ws://'); * const api = createApi(provider); * * api.state.storage([[storage.balances.freeBalance,
]], (_, values) => { * console.log(values) * }).then((subscriptionId) => { * console.log('balance changes subscription id: ', subscriptionId) * }) */ async subscribe (type: string, method: string, params: Array, callback: ProviderInterface$Callback): Promise { const id = await this.send(method, params, { callback, type }); return id as number; } /** * Allows unsubscribing to subscriptions made with [[subscribe]]. */ async unsubscribe (type: string, method: string, id: number): Promise { const subscription = `${type}::${id}`; assert(!isUndefined(this.subscriptions[subscription]), `Unable to find active subscription=${subscription}`); delete this.subscriptions[subscription]; const result = await this.send(method, [id]); return result as boolean; } private onSocketClose = (): void => { this.l.debug(() => ['disconnected from', this.endpoint]); this._isConnected = false; this.emit('disconnected'); if (this.autoConnect) { setTimeout(() => { this.connect(); }, 1000); } } private onSocketError = (error: Event): void => { this.l.error(error); } private onSocketMessage = (message: MessageEvent): void => { this.l.debug(() => ['received', message.data]); const response: JsonRpcResponse = JSON.parse(message.data as string); return isUndefined(response.method) ? this.onSocketMessageResult(response) : this.onSocketMessageSubscribe(response); } private onSocketMessageResult = (response: JsonRpcResponse): void => { this.l.debug(() => ['handling: response =', response, 'id =', response.id]); const handler = this.handlers[response.id]; if (!handler) { this.l.error(`Unable to find handler for id=${response.id}`); return; } try { const { method, params, subscription } = handler; const result = this.coder.decodeResponse(response); if (subscription) { this.subscriptions[`${subscription.type}::${result}`] = { ...subscription, method, params }; } handler.callback(null, result); } catch (error) { handler.callback(error, undefined); } delete this.handlers[response.id]; } private onSocketMessageSubscribe = (response: JsonRpcResponse): void => { const subscription = `${response.method}::${response.params.subscription}`; this.l.debug(() => ['handling: response =', response, 'subscription =', subscription]); const handler = this.subscriptions[subscription]; if (!handler) { this.l.error(`Unable to find handler for subscription=${subscription}`); return; } try { const result = this.coder.decodeResponse(response); handler.callback(null, result); } catch (error) { handler.callback(error, undefined); } } private onSocketOpen = (): boolean => { assert(!isNull(this.websocket), 'WebSocket cannot be null in onOpen'); this.l.debug(() => ['connected to', this.endpoint]); this._isConnected = true; this.emit('connected'); Object.keys(this.queued).forEach((id) => { try { // @ts-ignore checked above this.websocket.send( this.queued[id] ); delete this.queued[id]; } catch (error) { this.l.error(error); } }); return true; } }