/** * @name base58Validate * @summary Validates a base58 value. * @description * Validates that the supplied value is valid base58, throwing exceptions if not */ export declare const base58Validate: (value?: unknown, ipfsCompat?: boolean) => value is string; /** * @name base58Decode * @summary Decodes a base58 value. * @description * From the provided input, decode the base58 and return the result as an `Uint8Array`. */ export declare const base58Decode: (value: string, ipfsCompat?: boolean) => Uint8Array; /** * @name base58Encode * @summary Creates a base58 value. * @description * From the provided input, create the base58 and return the result as a string. */ export declare const base58Encode: (value: import("@polkadot/util/types").U8aLike, ipfsCompat?: boolean) => string; /** * @name isBase58 * @description Checks if the input is in base58, returning true/false */ export declare const isBase58: (value?: unknown, ipfsCompat?: boolean) => value is string;