import type { BN } from '../bn/bn.js'; import type { SiDef, ToBn } from '../types.js'; interface Defaults { decimals: number; unit: string; } interface SetDefaults { decimals?: number[] | number; unit?: string[] | string; } interface Options { /** * @description The number of decimals */ decimals?: number; /** * @description Format the number with this specific unit */ forceUnit?: string; /** * @description Returns value using all available decimals */ withAll?: boolean; /** * @description Format with SI, i.e. m/M/etc. (default = true) */ withSi?: boolean; /** * @description Format with full SI, i.e. mili/Mega/etc. */ withSiFull?: boolean; /** * @description Add the unit (useful in Balance formats) */ withUnit?: boolean | string; /** * @description Returns all trailing zeros, otherwise removes (default = true) */ withZero?: boolean; /** * @description The locale to use */ locale?: string; } interface BalanceFormatter { (input?: number | string | BN | bigint | ExtToBn, options?: Options): string; calcSi(text: string, decimals?: number): SiDef; findSi(type: string): SiDef; getDefaults(): Defaults; getOptions(decimals?: number): SiDef[]; setDefaults(defaults: SetDefaults): void; } export declare const formatBalance: BalanceFormatter; export {};