import { BigNumber, utils } from 'ethers' import BalanceTree from './balance-tree' const { isAddress, getAddress } = utils // This is the blob that gets distributed and pinned to IPFS. // It is completely sufficient for recreating the entire merkle tree. // Anyone can verify that all air drops are included in the tree, // and the tree has no additional distributions. interface MerkleDistributorInfo { merkleRoot: string tokenTotal: string claims: { [account: string]: { index: number amount: string proof: string[] flags?: { [flag: string]: boolean } } } } type OldFormat = { [account: string]: number | string } type NewFormat = { address: string; earnings: string; reasons: string } export function parseBalanceMap(balances: OldFormat | NewFormat[]): MerkleDistributorInfo { // if balances are in an old format, process them const balancesInNewFormat: NewFormat[] = Array.isArray(balances) ? balances : Object.keys(balances).map( (account): NewFormat => ({ address: account, earnings: balances[account].toString(16), reasons: '', }) ) const dataByAddress = balancesInNewFormat.reduce<{ [address: string]: { amount: BigNumber; flags?: { [flag: string]: boolean } } }>((memo, { address: account, earnings, reasons }) => { if (!isAddress(account)) { throw new Error(`Found invalid address: ${account}`) } const parsed = getAddress(account) if (memo[parsed]) throw new Error(`Duplicate address: ${parsed}`) const parsedNum = BigNumber.from(earnings) if (parsedNum.lte(0)) throw new Error(`Invalid amount for account: ${account}`) const flags = { isSOCKS: reasons.includes('socks'), isLP: reasons.includes('lp'), isUser: reasons.includes('user'), } memo[parsed] = { amount: parsedNum, ...(reasons === '' ? {} : { flags }) } return memo }, {}) const sortedAddresses = Object.keys(dataByAddress).sort() // construct a tree const tree = new BalanceTree( => ({ account: address, amount: dataByAddress[address].amount })) ) // generate claims const claims = sortedAddresses.reduce<{ [address: string]: { amount: string; index: number; proof: string[]; flags?: { [flag: string]: boolean } } }>((memo, address, index) => { const { amount, flags } = dataByAddress[address] memo[address] = { index, amount: amount.toHexString(), proof: tree.getProof(index, address, amount), ...(flags ? { flags } : {}), } return memo }, {}) const tokenTotal: BigNumber = sortedAddresses.reduce( (memo, key) => memo.add(dataByAddress[key].amount), BigNumber.from(0) ) return { merkleRoot: tree.getHexRoot(), tokenTotal: tokenTotal.toHexString(), claims, } }