import type { Placement, Boundary, RootBoundary } from "../enums"; import type { Rect, Modifier, Padding } from "../types"; declare type TetherOffset = ((arg0: { popper: Rect; reference: Rect; placement: Placement; }) => number | { mainAxis: number; altAxis: number; }) | number | { mainAxis: number; altAxis: number; }; export declare type Options = { mainAxis: boolean; altAxis: boolean; boundary: Boundary; rootBoundary: RootBoundary; altBoundary: boolean; /** * Allows the popper to overflow from its boundaries to keep it near its * reference element */ tether: boolean; tetherOffset: TetherOffset; padding: Padding; }; export declare type PreventOverflowModifier = Modifier<"preventOverflow", Options>; declare const _default: PreventOverflowModifier; export default _default;