/* * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import {getScrollParent} from './'; interface ScrollIntoViewportOpts { /** The optional containing element of the target to be centered in the viewport. */ containingElement?: Element } /** * Scrolls `scrollView` so that `element` is visible. * Similar to `element.scrollIntoView({block: 'nearest'})` (not supported in Edge), * but doesn't affect parents above `scrollView`. */ export function scrollIntoView(scrollView: HTMLElement, element: HTMLElement) { let offsetX = relativeOffset(scrollView, element, 'left'); let offsetY = relativeOffset(scrollView, element, 'top'); let width = element.offsetWidth; let height = element.offsetHeight; let x = scrollView.scrollLeft; let y = scrollView.scrollTop; // Account for top/left border offsetting the scroll top/Left let {borderTopWidth, borderLeftWidth} = getComputedStyle(scrollView); let borderAdjustedX = scrollView.scrollLeft + parseInt(borderLeftWidth, 10); let borderAdjustedY = scrollView.scrollTop + parseInt(borderTopWidth, 10); // Ignore end/bottom border via clientHeight/Width instead of offsetHeight/Width let maxX = borderAdjustedX + scrollView.clientWidth; let maxY = borderAdjustedY + scrollView.clientHeight; if (offsetX <= x) { x = offsetX - parseInt(borderLeftWidth, 10); } else if (offsetX + width > maxX) { x += offsetX + width - maxX; } if (offsetY <= borderAdjustedY) { y = offsetY - parseInt(borderTopWidth, 10); } else if (offsetY + height > maxY) { y += offsetY + height - maxY; } scrollView.scrollLeft = x; scrollView.scrollTop = y; } /** * Computes the offset left or top from child to ancestor by accumulating * offsetLeft or offsetTop through intervening offsetParents. */ function relativeOffset(ancestor: HTMLElement, child: HTMLElement, axis: 'left'|'top') { const prop = axis === 'left' ? 'offsetLeft' : 'offsetTop'; let sum = 0; while (child.offsetParent) { sum += child[prop]; if (child.offsetParent === ancestor) { // Stop once we have found the ancestor we are interested in. break; } else if (child.offsetParent.contains(ancestor)) { // If the ancestor is not `position:relative`, then we stop at // _its_ offset parent, and we subtract off _its_ offset, so that // we end up with the proper offset from child to ancestor. sum -= ancestor[prop]; break; } child = child.offsetParent as HTMLElement; } return sum; } /** * Scrolls the `targetElement` so it is visible in the viewport. Accepts an optional `opts.containingElement` * that will be centered in the viewport prior to scrolling the targetElement into view. If scrolling is prevented on * the body (e.g. targetElement is in a popover), this will only scroll the scroll parents of the targetElement up to but not including the body itself. */ export function scrollIntoViewport(targetElement: Element, opts?: ScrollIntoViewportOpts) { if (document.contains(targetElement)) { let root = document.scrollingElement || document.documentElement; let isScrollPrevented = window.getComputedStyle(root).overflow === 'hidden'; // If scrolling is not currently prevented then we aren’t in a overlay nor is a overlay open, just use element.scrollIntoView to bring the element into view if (!isScrollPrevented) { let {left: originalLeft, top: originalTop} = targetElement.getBoundingClientRect(); // use scrollIntoView({block: 'nearest'}) instead of .focus to check if the element is fully in view or not since .focus() // won't cause a scroll if the element is already focused and doesn't behave consistently when an element is partially out of view horizontally vs vertically targetElement?.scrollIntoView?.({block: 'nearest'}); let {left: newLeft, top: newTop} = targetElement.getBoundingClientRect(); // Account for sub pixel differences from rounding if ((Math.abs(originalLeft - newLeft) > 1) || (Math.abs(originalTop - newTop) > 1)) { opts?.containingElement?.scrollIntoView?.({block: 'center', inline: 'center'}); targetElement.scrollIntoView?.({block: 'nearest'}); } } else { let scrollParent = getScrollParent(targetElement); // If scrolling is prevented, we don't want to scroll the body since it might move the overlay partially offscreen and the user can't scroll it back into view. while (targetElement && scrollParent && targetElement !== root && scrollParent !== root) { scrollIntoView(scrollParent as HTMLElement, targetElement as HTMLElement); targetElement = scrollParent; scrollParent = getScrollParent(targetElement); } } } }