/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * */ import { Device } from '../types'; /** * Takes in a parsed simulator list and a desired name, and returns an object with the matching simulator. The desired * name can optionally include the iOS version in between parenthesis after the device name. Ex: "iPhone 6 (9.2)" in * which case it'll attempt to find a simulator with the exact version specified. * * If the simulatorString argument is null, we'll go into default mode and return the currently booted simulator, * the last booted simulator or * if none is booted, it will be the first in the list. * * @param simulators a parsed list from `xcrun simctl list --json devices` command * @param findOptions null or an object containing: * ``` * { * simulator: name of desired simulator * udid: udid of desired simulator * } * ``` * If null, it will use the currently booted simulator, or if none are booted, the first in the list. */ declare function findMatchingSimulator(simulators: { devices: { [index: string]: Array; }; }, findOptions?: null | { simulator?: string; udid?: string; }): { udid: string; name: string; booted: boolean; version: string; } | null; export default findMatchingSimulator; //# sourceMappingURL=findMatchingSimulator.d.ts.map