/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format */ import * as Types from './internal/types'; /** * Configures the library with the given configuration. Note that calling this will stop all * previously added listeners from being called again. It is best to call this right when your * application is started to avoid issues. * * @param configuration The new configuration to set. */ export declare function configure(configuration: Partial): void; /** * Returns a `Promise` that resolves to a `NetInfoState` object. * * @param [requestedInterface] interface from which to obtain the information * * @returns A Promise which contains the current connection state. */ export declare function fetch(requestedInterface?: string): Promise; /** * Force-refreshes the internal state of the NetInfo library. * * @returns A Promise which contains the updated connection state. */ export declare function refresh(): Promise; /** * Subscribe to connection information. The callback is called with a parameter of type * [`NetInfoState`](README.md#netinfostate) whenever the connection state changes. Your listener * will be called with the latest information soon after you subscribe and then with any * subsequent changes afterwards. You should not assume that the listener is called in the same * way across devices or platforms. * * @param listener The listener which is called when the network state changes. * * @returns A function which can be called to unsubscribe. */ export declare function addEventListener(listener: Types.NetInfoChangeHandler): Types.NetInfoSubscription; /** * A React Hook which updates when the connection state changes. * * @returns The connection state. */ export declare function useNetInfo(configuration?: Partial): Types.NetInfoState; export * from './internal/types'; declare const _default: { configure: typeof configure; fetch: typeof fetch; refresh: typeof refresh; addEventListener: typeof addEventListener; useNetInfo: typeof useNetInfo; }; export default _default;